Page 29 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 29

The Global Membership Approach

                                    PDG Jacqueline Williams, Esq



   Lion Leaders welcome to a world that is rapidly adapting to so    GMA IS THE HEART, THE SOUL AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS FOR
  much change caused by the global health crisis. Nothing is quite          OUR DISTRICT.
   the same and yet so much that is fundamental to making our    WE NEED EACH CLUB TO  HELP TO BUILD AND SUSTAIN
               world a better place is the same.
                                                                         OUR DISTRICTTEAM;
         What are some of the things that are the same?
                                                        WE NEED YOUR INPUT IN THE CREATION OF OUR DISTRICT VISION AND
  ∗  There is a greater need than ever for volunteers with large    IN YOUR COMMITMENT TO BETTERING THE INTERNAL DYNAMICS OF
     hearts, thoughtful minds and hands ready to create solutions            YOURCLUB;
     to the humanitarian and local service needs of our communi-  WE NEED TO HEAR YOU VOICE YOUR OPINION AS WE BUILD A PLAN;
                                                         REINFORCE OUR PLAN FOR SUCCESS AS A DISTRICT BY REINFORCING
  ∗  There is a greater need than ever for lions to rely upon club  YOUR CLUB’S COMMITMENT TO SERVICE, MEMBERSHIP
     member communities and non-lion partners within our com-
     munities so that we address change and divisiveness with              ANDLEADERSHIP
     respect, with effective strategies and with kindness and in-  “WE WANT HEALTHY, CONNECTED AND PRODUCTIVE CLUBS –
     clusivity; and,                                   HOW DO WE BUILD MEMBER COMMUNITIES FOR TODAY THAT
                                                       LAST INTO THE FUTURE?
  ∗  There is a greater need than ever for us to challenge our-
     selves to learn new technologies and new methods that lead   Our Plan to help all of the Clubs in this District begins with DG
     to success; and                                   Ingrid’s Plans and Goals and continues with the planning pro-
                                                       cesses of VDGs Antonio and Romeo. GMA is not as we have al-
  ∗  There is a greater need than ever for us to strengthen our    ways said a one shot program. It is here to stay for a while all
     club’s operations so that we can present our best selves and    over the world. So to that end, the GMA Team this year has
     healthy lions clubs to our communities in our ongoing efforts    different goals and subteams to carry out the goals. Our 2 prima-
     to rejuvenate our existing clubs with new members, to re-  ry goals for 22/23 are:
     motivate our lions family as we go through the ups and
     downs of life together, to reintroduce our services to our    ⇒ Build a Vision of a Healthy Lions District (SWOT)
     receptive communities; and most importantly to create lead-  ⇒ Build a Plan to help the District become and Continue with
     ership development among our capable lions in order for us    Healthy membership, exciting service projects, opportunities
     to build and to encourage our efforts well into the future.  for leadership development for whomever is interested and
                                                           opportunities to build our youth membership.

    MY FELLOW LIONS--- WE DO NOT LACK THE TOOLS OR RE-  In order to get to those GOALS, Region and Zone chairs will be
              SOURCES OR  PEOPLE TO SUCCEED!           focused on addressing your current concerns and on developing
                                                       Club specific smart goals that will assist your membership in reju-
   WHY DO WE NEED A GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP APPROACH AND     venating your club’s membership and service… The GMA team
               WHAT DO WE NEED FROM YOU?
                                                       will be working alongside the DG and the RCs and ZCs to ensure
                                                       the Plan reflects your best efforts.
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