Page 44 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 44
The Rosedale Lions Club, Inc.. enthusiastically thanks Lion Merlene Smith - Stillo (Committee Chairperson and CEO/ President pf
the Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation) for partnering with us to host our Annual Community Health Fair on Saturday, July 23,
2022 at the Roy Wilkins Park in Queens. (see photos)
Thanks also to PCC Gloria V. Askew, DG Ingrid Andrews - Campbell and C.S. Ty’East Alleyne - Bobb for your participation, support,
guidance and leadership. We appreciate your encouragement and assistance that contributed to the success of this event that
provided beneficial health information and service to our community.
We would also like to acknowledge the following Lions for their participation as vendors and also in various capacities to make
this community service project such a success. On behalf of our clients, are grateful for your service.
We acknowledge ~
Lion Donarie Fenton-St. Albans Lion Patricia Mahecha-East Elmhurst Colombia
Lion Beverley Campbell-Central Brooklyn Lion Patricia Muir-East New York
Lion Eileen Freeman-Midwood Lion Mirle Gillard-Midwood
Lion Merle Warren-Springfield Gardens Lion Maureen Mutchison-Brooklyn Crown Heights
Lion Haydee Llanos-Starrett City Lion Jannie Hudson-Mid-Bedford Heights
Lion Iris Allen-Springfield Gardens Lion Valcia King-Clarke-Metropolis
We pledge to continue to serve in our community, one client at a time.
Reported by,
Lion Ngozeka Onwualu