Page 36 - Kings and Queens February 2023 Edition
P. 36

“Even the strongest blizzard starts with a single snowflake”

                            THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS

                              IS THE SPIRIT OF GIVING

                                                          On December 20 2022, the Springfield Gardens
                                                          Lions Club Inc. delivered wrapped gifts to the
                                                          children at Dove House, a shelter, sponsored by
                                                          Volunteers of America, for battered women and
                                                          their children.

                                                          The Lions and Leos purchased gifts for each of
                                                          the 24 girls and boys residing at the shelter.
                                                          Several additional toys were purchased for any
                                                          children who may enter the shelter during the

                                                          The gifts were carefully wrapped by members of
     Springfield Gardens LC Lions Randy Lewis, Stephanie Simeon,   the Springfield Gardens Leos Club. They selected
     Gloria Garraway and Ms. Jupiter
                                                          brightly colored festive wrapping paper, that
                                                          would bring smiles to the children ranging in age
                                                          from 4 months to 17 years. The gifts (toys and
                                                          gift cards) were left with the Dove House staff
                                                          and the Director, Mrs. Jupiter     promised to
                                                          distribute them on Christmas morning.

                                                          The Lions and Leos understand that every child
                                                          deserves a toy for Christmas no matter what
                                                          their situation may be.

                                                          Written by,
                                                          Lion Stephanie Simeon
                                                          Club Marketing Chairperson

      Springfield Gardens Lions Club Lions Randy Lewis, Gloria
      Garraway and Stephanie Simeon
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