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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 14 November 2020

              Texas AG whistleblowers sue for wrongful                                                     Man testifies against

                                      firing, retaliation                                                  alleged ringleader of

                                                                                                              mosque bombing
                                                                      paign donation in 2018. But
                                                                      it does say the men had regu-
                                                                      lar  meetings  this  year,  usu-  ST.  PAUL,  Minn.  (AP)  masks,  gloves  and  equip-
                                                                      ally without Paxton’s security   —  One  of  two  Illinois  ment to jam cellphones or
                                                                      detail  and  without  marking   men who pleaded guilty  police  radio  signals.  Mc-
                                                                      the meetings on the attorney   to  a  2017  bombing  of  a  Whorter  testified  that  he,
                                                                      general’s  official  schedule.   Minnesota  mosque  tes-  Hari  and  Morris  drove
                                                                      Last week, Paul said in a de-  tified  that  the  group's  about 500 miles (800 kilo-
                                                                      position  that  Paxton  recom-  alleged ringleader timed  meters)  to  Minnesota  us-
                                                                      mended a woman for her job     the  attack  to  precede  ing paper maps and avoid-
                                                                      with  the  developer’s  com-   early  morning  prayers  ing toll roads to avoid being
                                                                      pany.  Paxton  acknowledged    and didn't tell the others  tracked.
                                                                      having  an  extramarital  affair   what  he  was  planning
                                                                      with the woman, then a Texas   until  they  were  nearing  Hari  told  the  men  that
                                                                      Senate aide, in 2018 but said   their target.             they  were  going  to  bomb
                                                                      he ended it, according to two                             a mosque when they were
                                                                      people who said the attorney   Michael  McWhorter,  31,  about  an  hour  from  their
                                                                      general informed them of the   testified  Thursday  that  destination.   McWhorter
                                                                      relationship.                  once he learned of Michael  said that when they stopped
                                                                      Paxton has not denied the al-  Hari's  plans,  he  did  what  for gas, Hari filled a plastic
                                                                      leged affair nor responded to   Hari said because he feared  bottle with diesel fuel and
                                                                      questions about it.            he'd  be  shot  if  he  didn't.  gasoline.
                                                                      Paxton  also  directed  his  of-  Hari, 49, of Clarence, Illi-
                                                                      fice  to  intervene  in  a  civil   nois, is the only one of the  Morris  has  admitted  that
                                                                      case  over  a  business  dispute   three  men  accused  in  the  he threw the container into
                                                                      between Paul and an Austin
            (AP)  —  Texas  Attor-       plaint filed in a Travis Coun-  charity, and ordered up a legal   attack to go to trial. He has  the mosque after smashing
                                                                                                     pleaded  not  guilty  to  five  a window. McWhorter said
            ney  General  Ken  Paxton  ty court.                      opinion that protected some    federal  charges,  including  he lit the fuse on the pipe
            abused  his  office  to  ben-                             of Paul's properties from be-  civil rights and hate crimes,  bomb and  threw  it inside.
            efit  himself,  a  woman  Paxton’s  office  and  a  lawyer  ing sold in foreclosure.     stemming from the Aug. 5,  Prosecutors  say  the  device
            with whom he was said to  for Paul did not immediately                                   2017, attack on the Dar al-  contained about 10 pounds
            have had an affair and the  respond to requests for com-  But  the  act  that  prompted   Farooq  Islamic  Center  in  of  black  gunpowder  and
            wealthy  donor  who  em-     ment  Friday.  The  attorney  Paxton's  staff  to  report  him   the Minneapolis suburb of  shook the building’s cinder
            ploys  her  before  retaliat-  general  has  broadly  denied  was  his  hiring  an  outside   Bloomington. No one was  block walls.
            ing  against  the  members  wrongdoing  and  cast  blame  lawyer  to  investigate  Paul’s   injured in the blast, but the  McWhorter said Hari chose
            of  his  staff  who  reported  on  “rogue  employees  and  claims  that  the  FBI  broke   building was damaged.    Dar  Al  Farooq  because
            him to the FBI, a lawsuit  their false allegations.”      the  law  in  searching  of  his                          he  thought  investigators
            by  four  of  the  Republi-                               home  and  offices.  Paxton's   McWhorter  and  another  would  not  suspect  some-
            can's former senior depu-    The  lawsuit  paints  a  pic-  staff  concluded  the  allega-  man, 25-year-old Joe Mor-  one from Illinois and Hari
            ties claims.                 ture of the struggle between  tions  were  outside  their  ju-  ris,  pleaded  guilty  to  their  believed  it  was  a  “terror-
                                         Texas’  top  law  enforcement  risdiction  and  unsupported   roles in the bombing. Mor-  ist  training  school.”  Some
            The lawsuit adds to the deep-  official  and  the  employees  by evidence, according to the   ris was also expected to tes-  young people from Minne-
            ening legal and political peril  convinced he's been breaking  complaint.                tify.  Hari's  attorney,  James  sota  who  traveled  to  Syria
            for the high-profile Texas of-  the  law.  It  presents  four  in-                       Becker,  told  jurors  that  to  join  the  Islamic  State
            ficial, who is facing calls for  stances in which the whistle-  The outside lawyer obtained   McWhorter  and  Morris  group  had  worshipped  at
            his  resignation  and  a  poten-  blowers allege Paxton abused  39 grand jury subpoenas that   have  changed  their  stories  Dar al-Farooq, but mosque
            tial federal investigation over  his position to help Paul and  were  beyond  “the  appropri-  and  were  testifying  to  try  leaders were never accused
            his  staff's  allegations  that  he  offers  details  that  raise  new  ate  scope”  of  the  case,  the   to  get  reduced  sentences.  of any wrongdoing.
            committed  bribery,  abuse  of  questions,  including  Pax-  complaint states. It says they   They both face mandatory
            office and other crimes.     ton  allegedly  “routinely  cy-  appeared  to  be  designed  to   minimum  sentences  of  35  It took seven months for the
            In September, top employees  cling  through  ‘burner’  cell  aid  Paul's  various  civil  suits   years in prison.  FBI to find the men. Dur-
            of  Paxton’s  office  reported  phones.”                  and  “to  harass  law  enforce-                           ing  that  time,  McWhorter
            him to federal authorities for  Last  year,  the  FBI  raided  ment agents and federal pros-  McWhorter  testified  that  said,  Hari  named  their
            alleged  crimes  they  say  he  Paul's  home  and  offices  as  ecutors.”                he was in financial trouble  group the “White Rabbits”
            committed  in  assisting  Aus-  part of an investigation that's                          in  the  summer  of  2017  and  recruited  others.  Hari
            tin real estate developer Nate  yet  to  result  in  any  public  “Paxton and Paul were using   when  Hari  offered  him  gave  them  military  ranks,
            Paul. Each of them has since  charges.                    their  so-called  ‘special  pros-  work  in  "security"  for  his  calling  himself  “captain,"
            resigned,  been  put  on  leave                           ecutor’  to  bring  the  weight   company,  Minnesota  Pub-  and split them into “secu-
            or been fired.               The  lawsuit  says  Paxton  of the OAG to bear on Paul’s    lic  Radio  News  reported.  rity”  and  “assault”  teams.
                                         leaned  on  his  deputies  to  enemies,”  the  complaint                               Hari  gave  them  assault  ri-
            On  Thursday,  three  of  the  green light the release to the  states.                   In  the  days  before  the  at-
                                                                                                     tack,  McWhorter  said  he  fles, uniforms and patches,
            lawyers who accused Paxton  developer’s  lawyers  of  state                              drove  with  Hari  to  a  gun  the Star Tribune reported.
            and  the  attorney  general's  and  federal  records  related  The lawsuit was brought by   shop  in  Indiana,  where  McWhorter   said   Hari
            former head of law enforce-  to the searches. The whistle-  James  Blake  Brickman,  Da-  Hari purchased black pow-  spoke  often  about  his  ha-
            ment  sued,  claiming  Paxton  blowers,  however,  felt  this  vid Maxwell, J. Mark Penley   der.  McWhorter  said  that  tred of Islam and Muslims.
            ousted  them  as  retaliation  would  scuttle  long-standing  and  Ryan  Vassar.  The  first   on Aug. 4, Hari told him to  When  the  FBI  started  to
            and  then  smeared  them  in  policies  that  exempt  records  three  were  fired  and  Vassar   leave his cellphone at home  close in, the men fled to the
            the press and to lawmakers.  tied to ongoing investigations  was put on leave.           and  pack  enough  clothes  countryside,  where  they
                                         from state public records law,                              for a month, and that “we  survived on vienna sausag-
            “Paxton responded to the re-  "and  likely  spark  innumer-  They are suing for reinstate-  were going to work.”    es and ditch water.
            port  immediately  and  with  able lawsuits.”             ment,  lost  wages  and  other
            ferocity,  as  though  he  was                            damages. They've also asked    McWhorter     said   Hari  “I was scared, I didn’t know
            trying  consciously  to  show  The  lawsuit  does  not  de-  local prosecutors to fine Pax-  packed the car with assault  what  to  do,”  McWhorter
            Texans  exactly  what  retalia-  tail  a  theory  of  why  Paxton  ton  $15,000  for  each  viola-  rifles,  a  sledgehammer,  said.
            tion  against  whistleblowers  would be helping Paul, who  tion  of  the  Texas  Whistle-
            looks  like,"  states  the  com-  gave  him  a  $25,000  cam-  blower Act.
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