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A30    world news
                Diasabra 14 November 2020

                             Outrage in Belarus, EU after opposition supporter death

            (AP)  —  Thousands  of                                                                                              revolutions”  that  overthrew
            people  rallied  in  Belarus                                                                                        leaders  in  other  post-Soviet
            on  Friday  following  the                                                                                          countries.
            death of a 31-year-old op-                                                                                          “We unequivocally assess the
            position  supporter  who                                                                                            events  taking  place  in  the
            reportedly  was  beaten  by                                                                                         country after the elections as
            security  forces,  and  the                                                                                         an attempt at an unconstitu-
            European  Union  con-                                                                                               tional  coup  on  the  patterns
            demned the violent crack-                                                                                           of,  as  they  say  now,  color
            down that Belarusian au-                                                                                            revolutions,”  he  said.  "“Any
            thorities  have  continued                                                                                          color  revolution  makes  the
            to  enforce  against  peace-                                                                                        state  weaker  and  the  people
            ful protesters.                                                                                                     poorer. A total of four people,
                                                                                                                                including  Bandarenka,  are
            The  man's  death  on  Thurs-                                                                                       reported  to  have  died  since
            day  came  after  more  than                                                                                        the protests began in August
            three  months  of  mass  anti-                                                                                      as  the  result  of  the  crack-
            government  protests  that                                                                                          down on demonstrators and
            were sparked by official elec-  —  thousands  of  them  bru-  position  supporter,  Raman  lawless, violent acts can take  opposition  supporters.  No
            tion results that gave authori-  tally beaten — since the Aug.   Bandarenka,  who  died  at  a  place,” Peter Stano, the EU’s  criminal  probes  have  been
            tarian  President  Alexander  9  presidential  election  in   Minsk  hospital  after  several  spokesman for foreign affairs  launched into the deaths.
            Lukashenko  a  sixth  term  in  Belarus, human rights advo-  hours  of  surgery  for  serious  and security policy, said in a
            office.  Opposition  leaders  cates have reported.        injuries. Some of the banners  statement. Stano accused Lu-  The  Investigative  Commit-
            and  some  poll  workers  say  Thousands  of  people  car-  the demonstrators held said,  kashenko’s  government  of  tee  on  Friday  has  halted  an
            the  results  were  manipulat-  rying  flowers  and  candles   “Stop killing us.”      “ignoring not only the funda-  inquiry into the death of Al-
            ed, and protesters have been  formed  human  chains  of                                mental  rights  and  freedoms  exander  Taraikovsky,  a  pro-
            calling for Lukashenko's res-  solidarity  in  several  Belarus   Bandarenka was detained in a  of the Belarusian people, but  tester who died on Aug. 10.
            ignation.  More  than  17,000  cities,  including  the  capital,   Minsk courtyard on Wednes-  also disregarding their lives.”  The  government  maintains
            people  have  been  detained  Minsk, to honor the late op-  day  by  unidentified  men,                             he was killed by an explosive
                                                                      “most  likely,  plainclothes  German   Foreign   Minis-   device  that  blew  up  in  his
                                                                      policemen,” who went there  try  spokesman  Christofer  hands,  but  his  partner  be-
                        Iran passes grim                              to remove red and white rib-  Burger  called  the  incident  lieved he was shot by police.
                                                                      bons — a symbol of the pro-
                                                                                                   “dismaying,”  and  said  that  Video  shot  by  an  Associ-
               milestone of 40,000 deaths                             tests in Belarus, leader of the  “the  scale  of  state  violence  ated  Press  journalist  shows
                                                                      Viasna  human  rights  center  and  repression  in  Belarus  is  Taraikovsky  with  a  bloodied
                       from coronavirus                               Ales  Bialiatsky  said.  They  shocking.”  Rupert  Colville,  shirt before collapsing on the
                                                                      handed  him  over  to  police  the spokesman for the U.N.  ground.  Several  police  are
                                                                      officers and Bandarenka was  High Commissioner for Hu-    seen  nearby  and  some  walk
              (AP) — Iran on Thurs-      virus' spread.               brutally beaten inside a van,  man  Rights,  also  expressed  over  to  where  Taraikovsky
              day  passed  the  grim                                  Bialiatski said in a statement.  concern  “as  the  Belarusian  is  lying  on  the  street  and
              milestone    of    40,000  But  the  government  has    “As a result, Raman sustained  government  continues  to  stand around him. The video
              coronavirus       deaths,  resisted shutting down the   a  severe  head  injury  and  in  wield  the  machinery  of  the  doesn't  show  why  he  fell  to
              with  the  latest  10,000  country,  desperate  to  sal-  grave condition was brought  state to commit human rights  the ground or how his shirt
              added  in  less  than  a  vage an economy cratered      to  the  police  (department).  violations.” Opposition lead-  became bloodied, but it also
              month,  as  the  country  by  unprecedented  Ameri-     An  ambulance  wasn't  called  er  Sviatlana  Tsikhanouskaya,  doesn't show that he had an
              struggles  to  contain  its  can  sanctions  that  effec-  for  two  more  hours.  The  who challenged Lukashenko  explosive device that blew up
              most  widespread  wave  tively bar Iran from selling    doctors  were  unable  to  save  in August's presidential elec-  in  his  hand,  as  the  govern-
              of infection yet.          its  oil  internationally.  The   Raman  Bandarenka's  life,”  tion and received the second-  ment has said.
                                         Trump  administration  re-   Bialiatski  said,  calling  for  a  most votes, called Bandaren-
              The Iranian health minis-  imposed sanctions in 2018    criminal investigation to hold  ka “a hero” and “an innocent  The EU already has imposed
              try announced 457 new fa-  after  withdrawing  from     those responsible for Banda-  victim  of  an  inhumane  sys-  sanctions  on  Lukashenko
              talities on Thursday, along  Tehran's nuclear deal with   renka's death accountable.  tem.”                       and  several  dozen  officials
              with  117,517  new  infec-  world powers.                                            “The man was killed because  over their role in the security
              tions,  pushing  the  total                             Belarusian  authorities  have  he  wanted  to  live  in  a  free  crackdown  launched  after
              case  count  past  726,000,  Earlier this week, authori-  confirmed  that  Bandarenka  country,”   Tsikhnaouskaya,  the contested election. Stano
              although  officials  have  ties ordered a month-long    was  brought  to  the  hospital  who  is  currently  in  exile  in  said Friday that the 27-nation
              warned  that's  a  significant  nightly business curfew in   from a police department in  Lithuania,  said  in  a  video  bloc “stands ready to impose
              undercount.                Tehran  and  30  other  ma-  Minsk  but  denied  respon-  statement  Friday.  “But  we  additional sanctions."
                                         jor cities and towns, asking   sibility  for  his  death.  Police  will  never  obey  those  who
              The  death  toll  has  soared  nonessential shops to keep   maintained he was injured in  are ready to kill us.”  In a separate video message,
              in recent weeks, shattering  their  workers  home.  Still,   a street fight. Belarus' Inves-  In  an  interview  with  state  European Commission Pres-
              records  in  the  nation  that  enforcement in the sprawl-  tigative Committee said Ban-  media on Friday, Lukashenko  ident  Ursula  von  der  Leyen
              for  months  has  suffered  ing  metropolis  remains  a   darenka  also  displayed  signs  offered condolences to Ban-  said  that  EU  member  states
              the  worst  outbreak  in  the  challenge.               of “alcohol intoxication.” An  darenka's parents and said he  have asked the bloc's execu-
              Middle East.                                            inquiry has been launched.   told the head of the Investi-  tive to prepare a plan of eco-
                                         As  deaths  continue  to     Bandarenka's   death   elic-  gative  Committee  that  the  nomic support for Belarus.
              Nearly half of Iran's coro-  surge with no end in sight,   ited outrage both in Belarus  death needs to be “fairly and  “The   European   Union
              navirus deaths are record-  authorities have come un-   and  abroad.  The  European  objectively” investigated.   stands  ready  to  mobilize  all
              ed in the capital of Tehran,  der pressure. The national   Union  condemned  the  vio-  Belarus'  leader  said  he  or-  its  economic  means  to  sup-
              according  to  health  offi-  coronavirus   task   force   lence.                    dered the prosecutor general  port  and  accompany  demo-
              cials, where medical work-  will  consider  a  two-week   “This  is  an  outrageous  and  to take the investigation “un-  cratic change," she said. “Eu-
              ers  have  warned  that  the  nationwide   lockdown     shameful result of the actions  der the most serious control,”  rope’s  economic  influence
              health  system  may  soon  proposal  this  weekend,     by the Belarusian authorities,  because “everyone started to  is  immense.  It's  up  to  us  to
              be  overwhelmed  and  de-  Deputy  Health  Minister     who  have  not  only  directly  blame the police.”        make a more strategic use of
              manded  a  strict  month-  Qassem Janbabaei told the    and violently carried out re-  Lukashenko  also  renewed  our economic clout. It's up to
              long lockdown in all pro-  semi-official  Tasnim  news   pression of their own popu-  his  stance  that  the  ongoing  us to take clear our positions
              vincial capitals to slow the  agency.                   lation,  but  also  created  an  unrest is illegitimate. He lik-  and  to  enforce  them  with
                                                                      environment  whereby  such  ened it to the so-called “color  stronger actions."
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