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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 14 November 2020

                            Cyprus, Israel, Greece agree to boost defense cooperation

            (AP) — The defense min-      forged  close  ties  amid  re-                                                         broiled in a dispute with Tur-
            isters of Greece, Israel and  gional tension in the Eastern                                                         key which has sent gas pros-
            Cyprus  agreed  Thursday  Mediterranean over offshore                                                               pecting  vessels  into  waters
            to  step  up  military  coop-  gas  exploitation  rights,  and                                                      claimed by Greece and drill-
            eration they said will keep  are  partners  in  a  project  to                                                      ing ships into an area where
            their  armed  forces  bet-   bring gas from fields in Israeli                                                       Cyprus   claims   exclusive
            ter  prepared,  help  create  and potentially other nations'                                                        rights.  The  tension  brought
            more jobs and bolster se-    waters  through  an  undersea                                                          NATO  allies  Greece  and
            curity in a fraught region.  pipeline  to  Europe's  main-                                                          Turkey close to open conflict
                                         land.                                                                                  in  the  summer  and  autumn
            Israeli Defense Minister Ben-  Greece's  Nikolaos  Panagi-                                                          but has since subsided.
            ny  Gantz  said  it  was  agreed  otopoulos said Greek, Israeli
            during  talks  in  Nicosia  to  and Cypriot armed forces are                                                        Turkey  insists  that  it’s  fully
            “promote  large-scale  indus-  working  to  operate  together                                                       within its rights to carry out
            try cooperation that will bol-  more  effectively  through                                                          such  prospecting  in  those
            ster our defense abilities and  joint  training  programs,  in-  Charalambos  Petrides  said  presence in the eastern Medi-  waters.  It  also  claims  to  de-
            create  thousands  of  jobs  for  telligence sharing and cyber-  the three countries are look-  terranean the Greek minister  fend the rights of breakaway
            all three economies.”        security.                    ing  to  expand  their  partner-  said  “is  of  particular  impor-  Turkish  Cypriots  to  energy
                                                                      ship  to  include  other  coun-  tance” for regional stability.  reserves  around  war-divided
            The  three  countries  have  Panagiotopoulos and Cyprus’  tries such as the U.S. whose  Greece  and  Cyprus  are  em-  Cyprus.

                        2 Oklahoma lawmakers confirm positive tests for coronavirus

            (AP)  —  Two  members                                                                  three months even for people  senators  and  three  House
            of  the  Oklahoma  House                                                               who had a mild case of CO-   members  previously  con-
            of  Representatives  con-                                                              VID-19, but there's still a lot  firmed  positive  tests.  Okla-
            firmed  Friday  they  have                                                             about  the  coronavirus  that  homa Republican Gov. Kevin
            tested  positive  for  the                                                             scientists don't know.       Stitt in July became the first
            coronavirus,  just  days  af-                                                          House  Democratic  leader  governor  nationwide  known
            ter a swearing-in ceremo-                                                              Rep. Emily Virgin said all of  to have tested positive.
            ny at the Capitol in which                                                             the  House  Democrats  wore
            many lawmakers and their                                                               masks  during  Wednesday's  The  Senate  on  Friday  an-
            families  weren't  wearing                                                             events and she's disappointed  nounced it was canceling its
            masks or practicing social                                                             that  some  of  her  Republi-  ceremonial  swearing-in  that
            distancing.                                                                            can  colleagues  won't  follow  was scheduled for Monday at
                                                                                                   guidelines  recommended  by  the Oklahoma History Cen-
            Republican  state  Reps.  Kev-                                                         health officials.            ter and limiting attendance at
            in  Wallace  of  Wellston  and                                                         “As legislators, I feel like it’s  the official swearing-in inside
            Tammy Townley of Ardmore                                                               our  duty  to  set  a  good  ex-  the Senate chamber.
            both confirmed in statements  lace said in a statement. “I am  summer  and  said  she  had  ample.  Instead,  some  of  my
            to The Associated Press that  still asymptomatic and quar-  “zero  reason"  to  believe  she  colleagues continue this nar-  Outbreaks at other state leg-
            they have tested positive.   antining."                   was a transmission risk.     rative  that  wearing  masks  is  islatures have caused cancel-
                                                                                                   some  kind  of  political  state-  lations or delays of legislative
            Wallace said he tested positive  Townley  tested  positive  af-  “I was very surprised to have  ment,  when  that  is  a  very  work, including in Mississip-
            before  Wednesday's  swear-  ter  participating  in  the  cer-  a  positive  result,  given  my  dangerous narrative for them  pi, where dozens of lawmak-
            ing-in ceremony and took his  emony,  during  which  many  prior  positive  test  for  anti-  to continue," she said.  ers tested positive, California
            oath  privately,  without  any  members  and  their  families  bodies," she said. “I immedi-                        and Michigan.
            other members present.       didn’t  wear  masks  and  vio-  ately  notified  House  leader-  Wallace and Townley are the  At least 173 legislators in 40
                                         lated social distancing guide-  ship  and am  participating  in  sixth  and  seventh  state  law-  states  have  contracted  coro-
            “The  Oklahoma  State  De-   lines.  Townley  said  she  had  contact tracing efforts."  makers  to  confirm  publicly  navirus,  including  four  who
            partment of Health has been  previously tested positive for  There’s  evidence  that  rein-  they have tested positive for  have died, according to a tally
            working on trace back," Wal-  COVID-19  antibodies  this  fection is unlikely for at least  the  coronavirus.  Two  state  by The Associated Press.

                              Suspected French church attacker carried killer's photo

            (AP)  —  The  suspected  that  described  France  as  a  been unable to interview the
            Tunisian  assailant  in  an  “country of unbelievers" and  suspected  church  attacker,
            Islamic extremist knife at-  photos relating to the Islamic  previously identified as Ibra-
            tack that killed three peo-  State group, the national an-  him  Issaoui,  because  he  re-
            ple in a French church had  ti-terror  prosecutors'  office  mains  in  serious  condition
            a photograph in one of his  said.                         in  a  Paris-region  hospital,
            cellphones  of  the  perpe-                               the prosecutors' office said a
            trator  of  another  attack  The  prosecutors'  office  said  statement.  He  suffered  life-
            that  shocked  France:  the  one  of  the  photos  showed  threatening  wounds  during
            killing  of  a  schoolteacher  Abdoullakh  Anzorov,  the  his arrest. He has also tested
            who  was  beheaded  after  Chechen  refugee  identified  positive  for  the  coronavirus,
            he  showed  caricatures  of  as the killer of teacher Samuel  the statement said.
            the prophet of Islam to his  Paty. Paty was beheaded Oct.
            class, anti-terror prosecu-  16  outside  his  Paris-region  The prosecutors' office said it
            tors said Friday.            school  after  showing  carica-  opened a formal investigation
                                         tures of the Prophet Muham-  Friday  on  terrorism  charges
            Also found in the phones of  mad during a class debate on  that  will  enable  investiga-
            the 21-year-old arrested after  free expression.          tors to keep probing whether  Tunisia  or  Italy.  He  traveled  fore the attack in the Medi-
            the Oct. 29 church attack in                              the  suspected  attacker  had  through Italy before reaching  terranean city's Notre Dame
            Nice  was  an  audio  message  But investigators have as yet  any  accomplices  in  France,  Nice less than 48 hours be-  Basilica.
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