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A28    u.s. news
                Diasabra 14 November 2020

                             Trump, stewing over election loss, silent as virus surges

            (AP) — President Donald                                                                                             corner” on the virus, and he
            Trump  has  publicly  dis-                                                                                          wrongly predicted that Dem-
            engaged  from  the  battle                                                                                          ocrats'  focus  on  the  disease
            against the coronavirus at                                                                                          would  go  away  right  after
            a  moment  when  the  dis-                                                                                          the  election.  The  president
            ease  is  tearing  across  the                                                                                      pushed  a  sunny  public  tone
            United States at an alarm-                                                                                          even  after  he  tested  positive
            ing pace.                                                                                                           for  the  virus  in  early  Octo-
                                                                                                                                ber and was hospitalized for
            Trump,  fresh  off  his  reelec-                                                                                    three days. His wife, Melania,
            tion  loss  to  President-elect                                                                                     and teenage son, Barron, also
            Joe  Biden,  remains  angry                                                                                         contracted  the  virus.  Biden,
            that an announcement about                                                                                          for  his  part,  largely  framed
            progress in developing a vac-                                                                                       the election as a referendum
            cine for the disease came af-                                                                                       on  Trump’s  handling  of  the
            ter  Election  Day.  And  aides                                                                                     pandemic. He has made ad-
            say the president has shown                                                                                         dressing  the  virus  his  top
            little interest in the growing                                                                                      priority as he moves forward
            crisis even as new confirmed                                                                                        with his transition. He spoke
            cases  are  skyrocketing  and                                                                                       by  phone  Thursday  with
            hospital  intensive  care  units                                                                                    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
            in  parts  of  the  country  are                                                                                    and  Senate  Minority  Leader
            nearing capacity.                                                                                                   Chuck  Schumer  about  the
                                                                                                                                intensifying  pandemic  and
            Public  health  experts  worry                                                                                      prospects  for  passage  of  a
            that  Trump’s  refusal  to  take  be linked to his rallies in the  licly comment and spoke on  coronavirus  restrictions,  an-  COVID-19  relief  bill  in  the
            aggressive action on the pan-  closing days of the campaign,  condition of anonymity. Pfiz-  nounced  earlier  this  week  lame  duck  session  of  Con-
            demic or to coordinate with  according to one official.   er  said  it  did  not  purposely  that  masks  will  now  be  re-  gress.
            the  Biden  team  during  the  The  White  House  corona-  withhold trial results.     quired  at  indoor  events  of  Incoming White House chief
            final two months of his presi-  virus task force held its first                        more than 25 people, and she  of staff Ron Klain said Biden
            dency  will  only  worsen  the  post-election  meeting  Mon-  Although  the  president  has  banned outside events of 100  will  appoint  a  “COVID  co-
            effects of the virus and hinder  day.  Officials  discussed  the  consistently played down the  or more people unless all at-  ordinator” who will lead the
            the nation’s ability to swiftly  rising case numbers and the  pandemic,  which  has  killed  tendees wear masks.    administration’s   pandemic
            distribute a vaccine next year.  promise  of  a  vaccine  in  de-  more  than  240,000  Ameri-  Trump hasn’t answered ques-  response. Klain, speaking on
            The    president’s   silence  velopment  by  Pfizer,  and  cans and infected more than  tions  since  before  Election  MSNBC  Thursday  night,
            comes  as  numerous  White  they  recognized  the  service  10 million people in the U.S.,  Day.  That  hasn’t  slowed  his  said the individual will have
            House and campaign officials  of  Navy  Rear  Adm.  John  public  health  experts  ex-  Twitter habit, but he’s used it  “direct  access”  to  the  presi-
            have  tested  positive  for  the  Polowczyk, a member of the  pressed worry about Trump’s  almost  exclusively  in  recent  dent and will brief him daily
            virus in recent days.        task force who retired Mon-  silence on the troubling spike  days to rage over the election  on the pandemic. A team of
                                         day.                         in cases, as well as his refusal  results  and  spread  unsub-  people underneath the coor-
            White  House  chief  of  staff  But  Trump,  who  does  not  to begin coordination on vi-  stantiated allegations of voter  dinator will supervise vaccine
            Mark  Meadows  tested  posi-  take  part  in  the  task  force  rus issues with Biden's transi-  fraud.             distribution,  address  supply
            tive last week after attending  meetings,  remains  preoccu-  tion team.                                            chain  disruptions  and  im-
            an election night party at the  pied with last week’s election                         By  late  Thursday  after-   prove access to testing.
            White  House.  Others  at  the  results. He has yet to weigh  “It’s a big problem,” said Dr.  noon, Trump had tweeted or
            party  also  have  tested  posi-  in on the recent spike in virus  Abraar Karan, a global health  retweeted  more  than  three  Lawrence  Gostin,  a  public
            tive, including White House  cases that has state and local  specialist  at  Brigham  and  dozen times that day. Just one  health expert at Georgetown
            political  director  Brian  Jack,  officials scrambling and hos-  Women’s Hospital and Har-  was related to the virus — a  University’s law school, said
            former  White  House  aide  pitals  concerned  about  their  vard  Medical  School.  “The  retweet of a posting by Sen.  Biden  will  only  be  able  to
            Healy  Baumgardner  and  ability to treat those stricken.  transition is not going to hap-  David Perdue about Georgia  “scratch the surface” of tack-
            Trump  campaign  advisers                                 pen  until  January,  and  we  receiving 2,000 vials of a new  ling a pandemic that could be
            David Bossie and Corey Le-   With more than 100,000 new  are in a complete crisis right  antibody treatment.        a  “raging  forest  fire”  by  the
            wandowski.    Lewandowski  confirmed U.S. cases report-   now. We already know where  White  House  officials  de-  time  he  takes  office  on  Jan.
            said  Thursday  that  he  be-  ed daily for more than a week,  this is headed. ... It’s not good  clined to comment Thursday  20.
            lieves he contracted the virus  Trump  has  been  more  fo-  enough to say we’re going to  on when Trump last engaged
            in  Philadelphia  while  assist-  cused on tracking the rollout  wait until the next president  with members of the corona-  He  added  that  even  the
            ing  the  president’s  election  of a vaccine, which won’t be  to address this.”       virus  task  force  but  insisted  good  news  on  Pfizer’s  de-
            challenge there.             widely  available  for  months.  Meanwhile,  state  and  local  he  remains  focused  on  the  velopment  of  a  vaccine  that
                                         He has fumed that Pfizer in-  officials  around  the  country  pandemic.               showed 90% efficacy in early
            Trump’s aggressive travel de-  tentionally  withheld  an  an-  are  scrambling  in  the  midst  “The  president  is  regularly  trial results could be dimin-
            spite  the  virus  has  taken  its  nouncement  about  progress  of mounting caseloads.  briefed  about  the  corona-  ished  if  Trump  doesn’t  be-
            toll on his protectors as well.  on its vaccine trial until after                      virus,”  said  White  House  gin coordination efforts with
            The U.S. Secret Service is ex-  Election Day, according to a  In  New  York,  Gov.  Andrew  spokesperson  Sarah  Mat-  Biden’s team on how to roll
            periencing a significant num-  White  House  official  who  Cuomo  has  issued  an  or-  thews.  “The  relevant  infor-  out  the  vaccine.  Some  pub-
            ber of cases, many believed to  was  not  authorized  to  pub-  der  starting  Friday  for  bars,  mation  is  brought  to  him  lic health experts believe the
                                                                      restaurants  and  gyms  to  be  on  the  big  decisions,  and  task of persuading Americans
                                                                      closed by 10 p.m., and has set  then  he  moves  forward  in  to take the vaccine and wide-
                                                                      a cap of 10 people for private  the  way  that’s  best  for  our  ly distributing it could be as
                                                                      gatherings.  In  Illinois,  pub-  country.”On  Friday,  Trump  complicated  as  the  vaccine's
                                                                      lic health officials asked em-  was  getting  an  update  on  development.
                                                                      ployers to allow their person-  Operation  Warp  Speed,  the
                                                                      nel to work from home when  multi-agency  effort  to  get  a  “I fear the next three months
                                                                      possible and  urged  residents  vaccine to market as speedily  ahead  could  be  the  worst
                                                                      to  stay  at  home  as  much  as  and safely as possible.  we’ve  faced  during  the  pan-
                                                                      possible  and  skip  nonessen-  In  the  closing  days  of  the  demic,” Gostin said. “Ameri-
                                                                      tial travel.                 campaign,  Trump  sought  to  ca is like a ship at storm, and
                                                                      In  Iowa,  Republican  Gov.  reassure  Americans  that  the  the captain has decided to go
                                                                      Kim  Reynolds,  who  resisted  country  was  “rounding  the  play golf.”
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