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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 14 November 2020

                          Breakthrough for women: Miami Marlins hire Kim Ng as GM

            (AP)  —  Kim  Ng  started  her  Major  League                                                   Marlins shortstop Miguel Rojas offered Ng a vir-
            Baseball  career  as  an  intern,  and  three  de-                                              tual fist bump on Twitter.
            cades later she's still on the rise while shatter-                                              "I am proud of the Marlins for this hiring," Rojas
            ing ceilings.                                                                                   said in a statement. "It is a special day."
                                                                                                            Ng joins a long-suffering franchise that achieved
            Ng  became  the  majors'  highest-ranking  woman                                                surprising progress in Year 3 of Jeter's rebuilding
            in baseball operations when she was hired Friday                                                effort, reaching the playoffs for the first time since
            as general manager of the Miami Marlins. She is                                                 2003 and sweeping the Chicago Cubs in the wild-
            believed to be the first female GM in a major pro-                                              card round. The Marlins were swept by the Atlanta
            fessional sport in North America, the Marlins said.                                             Braves in the National League Division Series.
            "I think this is the most noteworthy day for base-                                              Ng started her baseball career as a White Sox intern
            ball since Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier                                              and  rose  to  become  assistant  director  of  baseball
            in 1947," said Richard Lapchick, an expert on race                                              operations. She worked for the American League
            and gender in sports at the University of Central                                               for one year and then joined the Yankees, becom-
            Florida.                                                                                        ing the youngest assistant general manager in MLB
            Ng  (pronounced  Ang)  won  three  World  Series                                                at 29, and only the second woman to attain that po-
            rings while spending 21 years in the front offices of                                           sition with a major league club. She was the Dodg-
            the Chicago White Sox (1990-96), New York Yan-                                                  ers' vice president and assistant general manager.
            kees (1998-2001) and Los Angeles Dodgers (2002-                                                 "It  is  wonderful  seeing  people  accomplish  their
            11). She spent the past nine years with MLB as a                                                stated goals, and this has been a dream of hers for
            senior vice president.                                                                          as long as I've known her," Yankees general man-
            "After decades of determination, it is the honor of                                             ager Brian Cashman said in a statement. "She will
            my career to lead the Miami Marlins," Ng said in a                                              provide the Marlins with vast experience and insti-
            statement. "When I got into this business, it seemed                                            tutional knowledge, along with a calm demeanor
            unlikely a woman would lead a major league team,                                                and an amazing ability to connect with others."
            but I am dogged in the pursuit of my goals. My goal                                             In Ng's most recent job with Major League Base-
            is now to bring championship baseball to Miami."                                                ball, she directed international baseball operations,
            Marlins CEO Derek Jeter played for the Yankees                                                  working with the front offices of the major league
            when Ng worked for them.                                                                        clubs and many other baseball leagues and entities
            "We  look  forward  to  Kim  bringing  a  wealth  of  succeeds Michael Hill, who was not retained after  around the world. She led a team that set policy
            knowledge and championship-level experience to  the 2020 season.                                for and enforced international signing rules, estab-
            the Miami Marlins," Jeter said in a statement. "Her  A virtual news conference for Ng is planned for  lished MLB's first system for registering interna-
            leadership of our baseball operations team will play  Monday.                                   tional  players  for  signing,  managed  protocols  for
            a  major  role  on  our  path  toward  sustained  suc-  "All of us at Major League Baseball are thrilled for  signing international players, and negotiated agree-
            cess. Additionally, her extensive work in expanding  Kim and the opportunity she has earned with the  ments with international winter leagues.
            youth baseball and softball initiatives will enhance  Marlins,"  baseball  Commissioner  Rob  Manfred  Ng  graduated  from  the  University  of  Chicago,
            our  efforts  to  grow  the  game  among  our  local  said in a statement. "Kim's appointment makes his-  where she played softball and earned a degree in
            youth as we continue to make a positive impact on  tory in all of professional sports and sets a signifi-  public  policy.  Jean  Afterman,  who  has  been  the
            the South Florida community."                   cant example for the millions of women and girls  Yankees' assistant GM since succeeding Ng nearly
            Jeter  became  baseball's  first  Black  CEO  after  his  who  love  baseball  and  softball.  The  hard  work,  20 years ago, said her predecessor possesses talents
            group bought the Marlins in 2017. He then hired  leadership, and record of achievement throughout  that are gender-blind.
            Caroline O'Connor, who as senior vice president is  her long career in the national pastime led to this  "It is a tremendous achievement to be the first fe-
            one of the highest ranking women in professional  outcome."                                     male  GM  in  Major  League  Baseball,  and  I  hope
            sports.                                         The  Miami  Dolphins'  Brian  Flores,  one  of  four  young girls (and boys) take notice of this and fur-
            Ng, 51, is also a groundbreaking Asian American.  head  coaches  of  color  in  the  NFL,  was  among  ther  understand  that  there  are  no  limits  to  their
            She joins at the top ranks of her profession the San  those to applaud Ng's hiring.             dreams," Afterman said in a written statement. "I
            Francisco Giants' president of baseball operations,  "It's phenomenal," Flores said. "Anyone who thinks  congratulate the Marlins — that after a remarkable
            Farhan Zaidi. She becomes the fifth person to hold  a woman can't manage or coach or lead, I think, is  season,  during  extraordinary  times  —  they  have
            the Marlins' top position in baseball operations and  silly. Kudos to the Marlins."             broken a barrier that needed shattering."

                               Steelers expect Roethlisberger to play against Bengals

            (AP)  —  The  unbeaten  will be OK to play provided  not  participating  in  practice
            Pittsburgh Steelers expect  they continue to test negative  this week. Recently acquired
            to  have  quarterback  Ben  for COVID-19.                 Avery  Williamson  has  filled
            Roethlisberger  available                                 in  for  Williams  during  the
            when  they  host  the  Cin-  Head  coach  Mike  Tomlin  week,  though  Tomlin  left
            cinnati  Bengals  on  Sun-   said  Friday  he  anticipates  little doubt as to who will get
            day.                         Roethlisberger  to  be  cleared  the majority of the snaps.
                                         in time for what Tomlin de-
            Roethlisberger is one of four  scribed as an extended walk-  "I'm  extremely  comfortable
            Steelers  who  have  spent  the  through practice on Saturday.  in  (Williams')  body  of  work
            week  in  self-quarantine  as  "(We) just want him to have  and level of preparedness that
            part of the NFL's COVID-19  an  in-helmet  perspective  in  he can work much the same
            protocols.   Roethlisberger,  terms  of  situational  things,  as Ben," Tomlin said.
            linebacker  Vince  Williams,  to  put  the  finishing  touches
            running back Jaylen Samuels  on our work, to allow him to  The Steelers could also have
            and offensive lineman Jerald  work  with  the  eligibles  that  defensive tackle Tyson Alualu
            Hawkins all participated vir-  he will work with in game, to  back after he missed most of
            tually this week due to con-  have  any  necessary  informal  the last two games with a left
            tact  tracing  after  tight  end  conversations that allow us to  knee injury. Alualu practiced
            Vance McDonald tested posi-  have a level of comfort as we  on Friday and is on track to
            tive for the coronavirus.    push into play," Tomlin said.  help  out  a  run  defense  that  could  miss  a  fourth  straight  in  Dotson  will  be  available.
                                                                      has struggled in his absence.  game.  And  it's  not  clear  Both were away from the fa-
            While McDonald is definite-  Tomlin  believes  Williams  Cornerback  Mike  Hilton's  whether rookie running back  cility on Friday due to an ill-
            ly  out,  Roethlisberger  and  will also be able to slide back  shoulder, however, continues  Anthony  McFarland  Jr.  and  ness that Tomlin said was not
            the others practicing virtually  into  his  starting  role  despite  to be an issue. It appears he  rookie  offensive  tackle  Kev-  COVID-19.
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