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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 17 September 2021

                                                                          Gabby Petito argued with boyfriend

                                                                                            before vanishing

              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
              Salmo: 23

              Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:

                                                              (AP)  —  Police  video  shows  she said.                       respect  the  Constitution  and
                                                              a Florida woman who disap-                                     their rights,” Garrison acknowl-
                                                              peared during a cross-coun-    Laundrie  says  on  the  video  the  edged  Thursday  on  ABC’s
                                                              try  journey  in  a  converted  couple got into a minor scuffle  “Good  Morning  America.”  “I
                                                              camper van had an emotion-     that began when he climbed into  can’t speculate as to why he’s not
                                                              al fight with her boyfriend in  the van with dirty feet, and said  talking, but he has the pieces to
                                                              a  Utah  tourist  town  before  he didn’t want to pursue a do-  the puzzle that we need to find
                                                              she vanished.                  mestic  violence  charge  against  Gabby.”
                  Sra Sabina Oduber-Limonier                                                 Petito, who officers decided was
                    Mihor conoci como “Sabina Diaz”           The video released by the Moab  the aggressor.                 Garrison said at a news confer-
                                                                                                                             ence  Thursday  that  the  inves-
                        30-12-1935 – 15-09-2021               Police  Department  shows  that
                                                              an officer pulled over the van on  “I’m  not  going  to  pursue  any-  tigation  remains  a  missing  per-
                                                              Aug. 12 after it was seen speed-  thing  because  she  is  my  fian-  sons  case,  not  a  murder  probe,
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                              ing and hit a curb near the en-  cée and I love her. It was just a  and  that  no  intensive  searches
                                                              trance to Arches National Park.  squabble. Sorry it had to get so  have begun because it’s unclear
                                                                                             public,” Laundrie says.         exactly where authorities might
                                                              Inside  was  Brian  Laundrie  and                              look.
                                                              his girlfriend, Gabrielle “Gabby”  Ultimately Moab police decided
                                                              Petito, who was reported miss-  not file any charges and instead  “We’re still trying to nail down
                                                              ing by her family a month later  separated  the  couple  for  the  geographic areas,” the chief said.
                                                              and is now the subject of a na-  night,  with  Laundrie  checking  “There’s a lot of information we
                                                              tionwide  search  joined  by  the  into a motel and Petito remain-  are going through. Our focus is
                                                              FBI.                           ing  with  the  converted  sleeper  to find Gabby.”
              Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita             Police  in  North  Port,  Florida,                             The missing woman’s father, Joe
              Laga  tur  locual  cu  mi  encontra  na  caminda  ta   where  the  couple  lived,  say  “He’s going to a hotel. I’m giv-  Petito, also appeared at the news
                                                                                             ing you the keys to the van. I’m  conference to urge anyone with
              bunita                                          Laundrie  is  a  “person  of  inter-
              Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y  est” in her case. He’s not been  giving  him  a  ride  to  the  hotel.  knowledge about his daughter to
                                                                                             Everything will be okay,” the of-
                                                                                                                             come forward.
              Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.         charged, but he’s also not coop-
                                              Cado Wever.     erating.                       ficer says.
                                                                                                                             “What  I  want  from  everybody
                                                              North  Port  Police  Chief  Todd  Petito,  22,  and  the  23-year-old  here is help. Whatever you can
              Cu hopi tristesa nos ta participa fayecimento di
              nos ser stima:                                  Garrison  publicly  vented  his  Laundrie  started  their  drive  do  to  make  sure  my  daughter
                                                              frustration over his lack of help  across  the  U.S.  in  July  from  comes home, I’m asking you to
                                                              on  Wednesday,  pleading  for  New York’s Long Island, where  help. Nothing else matters right
                                                              Laundrie’s  lawyer  to  arrange  a  both  grew  up.  They  intended  now,” Joe Petito said.
                                                              conversation.  “Two  people  left  to reach Oregon by Halloween
                                                              on  a  trip  and  one  person  re-  according  to  their  social  media  Petito and Laundrie were child-
                                                              turned!” the chief’s tweet said.  accounts,  but  Petito  vanished  hood  sweethearts  on  Long  Is-
                                                                                             after  her  last  known  contact  land  before  moving  from  Blue
                                                              The  body  camera  video  shows  with family in late August from  Point, New York, in 2019 to live
                                                              Petito visibly upset when an of-  Grand  Teton  National  Park  in  with his parents in North Port,
                                                              ficer approached them.         Wyoming, authorities said.      about  34  miles  (54  kilometers)
                                                                                                                             south of Sarasota.
                                                              “We’ve  just  been  fighting  this  Laundrie drove the Ford Transit
                                                              morning.  Some  personal  is-  van  back  to  Florida  on  Sept.  1  An eight-minute YouTube video
                                                              sues,” she tells him, adding that  alone, police said. Petito’s fam-  titled  “Van  Life:  Beginning  our
                                                              she suffers from obsessive-com-  ily filed a missing persons report  Van Life Journey” features hap-
                                                              pulsive disorder that affects her  last Saturday with police in Suf-  py and romantic scenes from the
                                                              behavior.                      folk County, New York.          couple’s trip.
                                                              “Yeah,  I  don’t  know,  it’s  just  Laundrie’s attorney, Steven Ber-  Petito  is  white,  5-foot-5  (1.6
                      Sr. Rafael Nieto Rubio                  some  days,  I  have  really  bad  tolino, said the Laundrie family  meters)  and  about  110  pounds
                       *02-12-1964 - †04-09-2021              OCD,  and  I  was  just  cleaning  is hoping for Petito’s safe return,  (50 kilograms), with blonde hair
                                                              and straightening up and I was  but he’s asked them not to speak  and  blue  eyes,  police  said.  She
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues        apologizing  to  him  saying  that  with investigators.        has several tattoos including one
                                                              I’m so mean because sometimes                                  on  a  forearm  that  reads,  “let  it
                                                              I have OCD and get frustrated,”  “Everybody  has  rights  and  we  be.”
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