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A28    u.s. news
              Diabierna 17 September 2021

                               Childhood obesity in U.S. accelerated during pandemic

                                                                                                   year before the pandemic to  demic,  the  researchers  said.
                                                                      It’s  also  a  sign  of  a  vicious  12 pounds after the pandemic  And  it  also  did  not  offer  a
                                                                      cycle. The pandemic appears  began.                       look  at  how  obesity  trends
                                                                      to be worsening the nation’s  —For  severely  obese  kids,  may  have  differed  between
                                                                      longstanding obesity epidem-  expected annual weight gain  racial and ethnic groups.
                                                                      ic, and obesity can put people  went from 8.8 pounds to 14.6
                                                                      at risk for more severe illness  pounds.                  Earlier  this  week,  the  CDC
                                                                      after coronavirus infection.                              said the number of states in
                                                                                                   The rate of obesity increased  which  at  least  35%  of  resi-
                                                                      The  CDC  on  Thursday  re-  most dramatically in kids ages  dents are obese increased last
                                                                      leased the study, which is the  6 to 11, who are more depen-  year by four.
                                                                      largest yet to look at obesity  dent  on  their  parents  and
                                                                      trends during the pandemic.  may have been more affected  Delaware,  Iowa,  Ohio  and
                                                                                                   when schools suspended in-   Texas joined the list. In 2019,
                                                                      It found:                    person  classes,  the  research-  there  were 12  states  —  Ala-
                                                                      —An estimated 22% of chil-   ers said.                    bama,  Arkansas,  Indiana,
                                                                      dren  and  teens  were  obese  The research was based on a  Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
            (AP)  —  A  new  study  ties  were  obese  when  the  pan-  last  August,  up  from  19%  a  review of the medical records  Michigan, Mississippi, Okla-
            the  COVID-19  pandemic  demic started.                   year earlier.                of  more  than  432,000  kids  homa,  South  Carolina,  Ten-
            to an “alarming” increase                                 —Before the pandemic, chil-  and  teens,  ages  of  2  to  19,  nessee, and West Virginia.
            in obesity in U.S. children  The  results  signal  a  “pro-  dren  who  were  a  healthy  who were weighed and mea-
            and teenagers.               found increase in weight gain  weight were gaining an aver-  sured at least twice before the  Those  results  was  based  on
                                         for kids” and are “substantial  age of 3.4 pounds a year. That  pandemic  and  at  least  once  surveys  where  adults  de-
            Childhood  obesity  has  been  and  alarming,”  said  one  of  rose to 5.4 pounds during the  early in the pandemic.  scribed their own height and
            increasing  for  decades,  but  the study’s authors, Dr. Aly-  pandemic.                                            weight, and are not as accu-
            the  new  work  suggests  an  son Goodman of the Centers  —For kids who were moder-    Some limitations: It only in-  rate as medical records.
            acceleration  last  year  —  es-  for Disease Control and Pre-  ately  obese,  expected  weight  cluded children who got care
            pecially in those who already  vention.                   gain rose from 6.5 pounds a  before  and  during  the  pan-

                                 Arizona Senate’s 2020 election review out next week

            (AP)  —  An  attorney  rep-  filed by the watchdog group  has received the draft report,  the full story about how this  its  report  last  month  saying
            resenting the Republican-    American  Oversight.  But  so  Langhofer said “not yet.”  process was conducted.”      several  of its team  members
            controlled Arizona Senate  far,  Cyber  Ninjas  and  other                                                          contracted  COVID-19  and
            told a judge Thursday that  contractors  that  conducted  “I  believe  the  Senate  is  in  Senate  Republicans  issued  had serious symptoms.
            the  long-delayed  review  the recount have not turned  possession  of,  or  its  agents  subpoenas   to   Maricopa
            of 2020 election results in  over any documents.          are  in  possession  of,  a  draft  County  for  all  2020  ballots,  Fann,  Cyber  Ninjas  CEO
            the  state’s  most  populous                              report,  but  not  from  Cyber  the  machines  that  counted  Doug Logan, volunteers who
            county  will  be  released  Langhofer told Kemp Thurs-    Ninjas,” he said. “There were  them  and  other  data  in  the  worked on the audit and sev-
            next week.                   day that he expects the com-  some  ancillary  reports,  but  state’s most populated county  eral Republican senators who
                                         panies to give the records to  the main one the Senate does  early this year.          have vocally backed the audit
            The  results  of  the  so-called  the Senate, which will review  not have yet.”                                     gathered  Wednesday  night
            audit of President Joe Biden’s  them and release any that are                          The materials were given to  for a “reunion,” according to
            win and their unprecedented  not subject to being withheld  Fann has repeatedly said that  contractors  with  little  to  no  numerous social media posts.
            review of Maricopa County’s  due to legislative or attorney-  Senate  Republicans  plan  to  election experience for what  GOP state Sen. Wendy Rog-
            vote counts, elections proce-  client privilege. He also said  review  the  report  and  may  Fann calls a “forensic audit.”  ers in one post called the vol-
            dures,  voting  machines  and  several  thousand  Senate  re-  make changes before it is re-  Election experts say the 2020  unteers “Patriots, everyone of
            related  computers  will  be  cords  withheld  on  privilege  leased.                  election was secure and well-  them  -  real  people  who  did
            made public on Sept. 24, at-  grounds  continue  to  be  a                             run,  and  the  contractors  are  the Lord’s work.”
            torney  Kory  Langhofer  told  matter  of  dispute  between  But  American  Oversight  at-  using  bizarre  and  unreliable
            the judge.                   the Senate and the watchdog  torney Keith Beauchamp said  procedures. Maricopa Coun-   Other Republican-controlled
                                         group,  and  Kemp  may  ulti-  that he wants the draft report  ty has refused further partici-  battleground  states  are  also
            Langhofer  was  ordered  to  mately need to review them  released immediately.         pation.                      considering  or  starting  re-
            say  when  the  final  report  and decide if they should be                                                         views  of  Biden’s  2020  elec-
            would  be  ready  by  Marico-  made public.               “Your honor, our view is we  The  audit  that  began  in  tion  wins.  On  Wednesday,
            pa  County  Superior  Court                               ought to receive that today if  April  was  originally  set  to  Pennsylvania  GOP  senators
            Judge  Michael  Kemp  at  the  Senate President Karen Fann  it’s in their possession and it’s  take about 60 days, but there  pressed ahead with conduct-
            conclusion of a hearing on a  told The Associated Press on  a  public  document,”  Beau-  have  been  repeated  delays.  ing  their  own  “forensic  in-
            public records lawsuit related  Wednesday that Cyber Nin-  champ said.                 Most  recently,  Cyber  Nin-  vestigation” of the election.
            to the review. The Senate had  jas and the contractor had not                          jas  canceled  plans  to  submit
            fought to keep its records and  yet handed over the complet-  Langhofer disagreed, arguing
            those  of  its  outside  contrac-  ed audit, which was launched  that a draft report is not pub-
            tors  secret,  but  Kemp  ruled  amid  unfounded  claims  by  lic, and the two sides agreed
            both the Senate’s records and  former  President  Donald  to take that issue up later.
            those  of  its  outside  contrac-  Trump that he lost in Arizona
            tors must be made public.    and other battleground states  “Multiple  courts  have  now
                                         because of fraud.            confirmed that these records
            The  Arizona  Court  of  Ap-                              belong  to  the  public,  not
            peals  upheld  the  ruling  on  “I  haven’t  even  seen  the  to  Cyber  Ninjas,  and  they
            the  contractors’  records  last  whole  report,”  Fann  said  must be released,” American
            month in a decision allowed  “I’ve  been  able  to  see  some  Oversight Executive Director
            to stand Tuesday by the Ari-  bits  and  pieces  and  mostly  Austin  Evers  said  in  a  state-
            zona Supreme Court.          that  was  just  in  conversa-  ment after the hearing ended.
                                         tions.”                      “With  the  Senate  apparently
            The  Senate  has  already                                 releasing  its  ‘audit’  report
            turned  over  a  raft  of  re-  When  pressed  by  the  judge  next Friday, it’s more urgent
            cords after losing the lawsuit  to  say  whether  the  Senate  than ever for the public to get
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