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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 17 September 2021

                         Macron, Merkel to meet in Paris on world’s crises, EU issues

            (AP) — French President  dential palace, the Elysee said.  elections on Sept. 26. She has
            Emmanuel  Macron  will                                    announced she won’t seek a
            meet with German Chan-       The  meeting  comes  af-     fifth term.
            cellor  Angela  Merkel  in  ter  French  authorities  an-
            Paris  later  Thursday  to  nounced overnight the death  In  Germany,  the  outgoing
            discuss  international  cri-  of  the  leader  of  the  Islamic  chancellor  stays  on  until  a
            ses  and  European  issues,  State  in  the  Greater  Sahara,  new  coalition  government
            days before elections that  killed  in  southern  Mali  in  a  is  formed,  which  can  take
            will  determine  who  suc-   French-led  operation  with  weeks or months.
            ceeds her after 16 years in  backup from U.S., EU, Ma-
            office.                      lian  and  Nigerien  military  A French top official, speak-
                                         forces.                      ing  anonymously  in  accor-
            Macron’s  office  said  topics                            dance with the Elysee’s cus-
            will  include  the  diplomatic  France has over 5,000 troops  tomary practices, said Merkel
            and  humanitarian  crisis  in  deployed  in  the  broader  Sa-  will  be  back  in  Paris  in  the
            Afghanistan,  the  situation  in  hel  region  to  fight  Islamic  coming weeks for a “goodbye
            Mali  and  European  Union  extremists. Germany has sev-  visit.”
            affairs.                     eral  hundred  soldiers  taking                                                        different  hypothesis  for  the
                                         part in United Nations stabi-  Macron  met  last  week  with  The meetings, at the request  future coalition government,
            Macron  and  Merkel  will  lization and European Union  two candidates to succeed her,  of  the  two  candidates,  al-  the official said.
            make  a  joint  statement  be-  training missions in Mali.  Armin  Laschet  of  Merkel’s  lowed  Macron  to  get  “the
            fore  their  one-to-one  meet-                            Christian Democratic Union  most  precise  information  Macron  didn’t  meet  with
            ing, that will be followed by  Merkel’s  visit  comes  ahead  and Olaf Scholz, running for  possible”  about  the  political  Greens  contender  Annalena
            a working dinner at the presi-  of  Germany’s  parliamentary  the Social Democrats.    situation  in  Germany,  and  Baerbock.

                          Russia votes in parliament election without main opposition

            (AP) — After a few weeks  “There is very little intrigue  over  the  new  parliament,  has  threatened  fines  against  rity and Cooperation in Eu-
            of  desultory  campaign-     in  these  elections  …  and  in  which will still be in place in  Apple and Google to remove  rope,  whose  election-mon-
            ing but months of relent-    fact they will not leave a spe-  2024,  when  Putin’s  current  the  apps  from  their  online  itoring  missions  are  widely
            less official moves to shut  cial trace in political history,”  term  expires  and  he  must  stores. The Foreign Ministry  regarded as authoritative, will
            down  significant  oppo-     Andrei  Kolesnikov,  an  ana-  decide on running for reelec-  last  week  summoned  U.S.  not  send  observers  for  the
            sition,  Russia  is  holding  lyst at the Carnegie Moscow  tion or choosing some other  Ambassador John Sullivan to  parliament  vote,  saying  that
            three  days  of  voting  this  Center,  told  The  Associated  strategy to stay in power.  protest  election  interference  Russia imposed excessive re-
            weekend  in  a  parliamen-   Press.                                                    by American “digital giants.”  strictions.
            tary  election  that  is  un-                             The  other  half  of  the  seats
            likely to change the coun-   Putin, however, on Thursday  are  chosen  in  individual  Blocking the website was the  In addition to the Duma elec-
            try’s political complexion.  urged Russians to vote, saying  constituencies,  where  inde-  latest move to neutralize the  tion,  nine  Russian  regions
                                         in a video message that “elec-  pendent  candidates  or  those  Navalny  operation,  which  will  be  choosing  governors,
            There’s  no  expectation  that  tion  of  (the  Duma’s)  new  from  small  parties  such  as  was Russia’s most visible and  39  regions  will  be  choosing
            United Russia, the party de-  composition  is  undoubtedly  the liberal Yabloko may have  determined opposition orga-  legislatures  and  voters  in  11
            voted  to  President  Vladimir  the  most  important  event  stronger chances. These seats  nization,  capable  of  calling  cities  will  be  choosing  city
            Putin, will lose its dominance  in the life of our society and  are  also  where  the  Navalny  sizable  protests  throughout  councils.
            of the State Duma, the elect-  country.”                  team’s Smart Voting strategy  the country.
            ed lower house of parliament.                             could make inroads.                                       The  Elections  Commission
            The main questions to be an-  With 14 parties fielding can-                            Navalny  himself  was  jailed  ordered  voting  expanded  to
            swered are whether the party  didates for half of the Duma’s  The  program  sidesteps  ide-  in January upon returning to  three  days,  concluding  on
            will  retain  its  current  two-  450 seats that are chosen by  ology in order to undermine  Russia from Germany where  Sunday,  to  reduce  crowding
            thirds majority that allows it  party  list,  the  election  has  a  United Russia, simply advis-  he  had  been  recuperating  at the polls amid the corona-
            to  amend  the  constitution;  veneer  of  being  genuinely  ing  voters  which  candidate  from nerve-agent poisoning;  virus  pandemic.  Critics  say
            whether anemic turnout will  competitive.  But  the  three  other than the ruling party’s  he  was  subsequently  sen-  the decision raises the chance
            dull the party’s prestige; and  parties  aside  from  United  is  the  strongest  in  a  single-  tenced to 2½ years in prison.  of ballot manipulation. Com-
            whether imprisoned opposi-   Russia  that  are  expected  to  mandate race.            A  court  later  outlawed  Na-  mission  head  Ella  Pamfilova
            tion  leader  Alexei  Navalny’s  clear  the  5%  support  neces-                       valny’s Foundation for Fight-  rejects the accusation, saying
            Smart Voting initiative proves  sary to get a seat rarely chal-  It’s  essentially  a  defensive  ing  Corruption  and  a  net-  there will be “total video sur-
            to be a viable strategy against  lenge the Kremlin.       strategy.                    work  of  his  regional  offices  veillance”  of  polling  places
            it.                                                                                    as  extremist  organizations,  and that ballots will be in se-
                                         The  Kremlin  wants  control  “Voting to harm United Rus-  a  verdict  that  barred  people  cure containers.
                                                                      sia is not a meaningful goal,  associated  with  the  groups
                                                                      not a goal to choose another  from  seeking  public  office  Other  ethical  concerns  also
                                                                      candidate  whom  you  ideo-  and exposed them to lengthy  hover over the election. Ac-
                                                                      logically  support,”  Kolesn-  prison terms.              cording  to  the  state-funded
                                                                      ikov said. But it showed po-                              pollster VTsIOM, more than
                                                                      tency in its inaugural use in  Russian   authorities   also  one  in  10  workers  say  they
                                                                      2018  when  opposition  can-  blocked  some  50  websites  have  been  given  directives
                                                                      didates  won  20  of  45  seats  run by his team or supporters  by their bosses to vote. In St.
                                                                      in the Moscow city council,  for  allegedly  disseminating  Petersburg, a candidate from
                                                                      and a year later when United  extremist propaganda.       the Yabloko party named Bo-
                                                                      Russia  lost  its  majorities  in                         ris  Vishnevsky,  who  is  run-
                                                                      the  councils  of  three  large  In August, Russia added the  ning  simultaneously  for  the
                                                                      cities.                      independent  vote-monitor-   Duma  and  a  regional  legis-
                                                                                                   ing group Golos to its list of  lature,  discovered  that  there
                                                                      However,  it’s  unclear  how  foreign  agents,  a  move  that  are  two  other  men  using
                                                                      widely  it  will  be  used  this  does  not  block  its  work  but  that  name  opposing  him  in
                                                                      year after authorities blocked  strongly suggests it should be  each race — one of whom is
                                                                      access  to  its  website.  The  regarded with suspicion.  a member of United Russia,
                                                                      service  remains  available                               according  to  the  newspaper
                                                                      through  apps,  but  Russia  The  Organization  for  Secu-  Novaya Gazeta.
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