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                                                                  business/technology Saturday 28 March 2020
            Restaurants, trying to stay afloat, revamp menus, operations

            By DAN SEWELL                                                                                                       chain  of  36  restaurants  in
            Associated Press                                                                                                    12 states going. More than
            CINCINNATI  (AP)  —  In  the                                                                                        4,000 employees were laid
            battle  to  keep  their  New                                                                                        off last week.
            York  City  restaurant  going                                                                                       Some  fine-dining  restau-
            despite  sharp  restrictions                                                                                        rants  unused  to  carryout
            during the coronavirus out-                                                                                         are   trying   scaled-down
            break, the owners of Il Pos-                                                                                        menu at bargain prices.
            to Accanto tried something                                                                                          In  Chicago,  patrons  can
            Beatrice  Tosti  di  Valminuta                                                                                      now  carry  out  food  for  a
            would  have  considered                                                                                             fraction of the typical dine-
            sacrilege in normal times.                                                                                          in  tab  at  Alinea,  where
            That was offering their tradi-                                                                                      nabbing  a  seat  typically
            tional  Italian  dishes  for  de-                                                                                   requires reservations weeks
            livery  "which  never,  never,                                                                                      in  advance  and  dinners
            never, ever, ever, ever hap-                                                                                        can cost as much as $395
            pened before," she said. "I                                                                                         per  head.  Alinea  now  of-
            like my food to go from the                                                                                         fers takeout meals of beef
            kitchen  to  the  table,  and                                                                                       wellington,  mashed  pota-
            that's it!"                                                                                                         toes and creme brulee for
            On Friday, she said she and                                                                                         $39.95,  and  reports  strong
            husband Julio Pena decid-                                                                                           sales so far.
            ed  to  suspend  operations                                                                                         Meanwhile, in Los Angeles,
            for  now  because  employ-                                                                                          Mayor  Eric  Garcetti  said
            ees were wary of being out                                                                                          Monday  that  with  Califor-
            in  New  York  City  as  it  has                                                                                    nians  under  a  stay-home
            become the U.S. epicenter    In this photo made on March 20, 2020, Frisch's Big Boy restaurant employee Nicole Cox bags up   edict,  restaurants  are  al-
                                         an order of toilet paper, among in-demand items including milk and bread the double-decker
            of the contagion.            burger chain is now offering during the coronavirus outbreak in Cincinnati, Ohio.      lowed  to  deliver  alcohol-
            "We respect their feelings,"                                                                       Associated Press   ic  beverages  along  with
            she  said.  "It's  not  like  we                                                                                    meals  to  boost  their  rev-
            were making money."          Frisch's Big Boy restaurants,  home delivery.             household  needs.  Lindey's  enues  and  well,  because
            Across  the  United  States,  a  Cincinnati-based  chain  Frisch's saw a quick jump in  in  Columbus,  Ohio,  throws  booze.
            restaurateurs are transform-  that  laid  off  more  than  a  revenues  at  a  time  when  in a free roll with all takeout  Sitting  in  the  nearly  empty
            ing operations to try to stay  third of its 5,000 employees  people have been frustrat-  orders.  Frontier  in  Chicago  Frisch's  "Mainliner"  restau-
            afloat.  The  National  Res-  in the first days of bans on  ed by long lines and short-  gave  out  decks  of  cards  rant where the chain origi-
            taurant  Association  warns  in-restaurant  dining,  last  ages  at  traditional  super-  to  homebound  customers  nated  in  suburban  Cincin-
            the  outbreak  could  cost  5  week pivoted into the gro-  markets.  Toilet  paper  is  in  with their carryout dinners.  nati  in  1942,  CEO  Jason
            million to 7 million jobs and  cery  business.  Besides  its  high  demand,  and  Frisch's  With  the  number  of  states  Vaughn  said  customers  at
            hundreds of billions in losses  signature  Big  Boy  double-  and others are using it as a  with  stay-at-home  orders  the  privately  held  chain's
            and is pushing for a special  decker  burgers  and  onion  lure.                       growing,   some     restau-  100 restaurants have asked
            federal  relief  package  for  rings,  customers  at  its  100  Westmont  Diner  in  West-  rateurs  decided  to  shut  for  additions,  such  as  bot-
            restaurants.                 restaurants  in  Ohio,  Indi-  mont,  New  Jersey,  has  down.  Cameron  Mitchell,  tles of orange juice, quarts
            In an industry of traditional-  ana and Kentucky can buy  added  it  to  carry-out  op-  based  in  Columbus,  said  of  soup  and  coffee  for
            ly tight profit margins, some  bread,  milk  and  and  pro-  tions  at  60  cents  a  roll,  carryout  offerings  weren't  home. Frisch's is trying to le-
            decided  it's  time  to  take  duce  at  its  drive-thrus  and  along  with  paper  towels,  bringing  in  enough  busi-  verage  its  supply  chain  to
            chances.                     carryout  counters  and  via  soap,  bleach  and  other  ness to keep his namesake  accommodate requests.q

              Internet firm restricts virus-themed website registrations

              By FRANK BAJAK              Health  Organization  vac-                                                          that prevent the automat-
              AP Technology Writer        cine kits in exchange for a                                                         ed  registration  of  names
              BOSTON  (AP)  —  An  inter-  $4.95 "shipping charge."                                                           including  those  terms.  He
              net firm is ending the auto-  There  is  currently  no  vac-                                                    said company employees
              mated registration of web-  cine  for  the  coronavirus                                                         could manually register le-
              site  names  that  include  that causes COVID-19. Ex-                                                           gitimate domains.
              words  or  phrases  related  perts  say  it  will  take  12  to                                                 Cybersecurity  firms  have
              to the COVID-19 pandem-     18 months to develop one.                                                           reported  a  big  jump    in
              ic, an attempt to combat  The DOJ said the site, coro-                                                          coronavirus-related     in-
              coronavirus-related fraud.,                                                             ternet  domains  in  recent
              Los  Angeles-based  Na-     was harvesting credit card                                                          weeks, and say many are
              mecheap  Inc.  made  the  information.                                                                          the work of cybercriminals
              pledge  after  a  federal  The site registered that do-  In  this  Nov.  28,  2018,  file  photo,  the  Department  of  Justice   sowing  malware,  scam-
              judge in Texas ordered the  main with Namecheap. Its    seal is seen in Washington, D.C. An internet firm is ending the   ming the public with false
              takedown of a website the  unknown owners were list-    automated registration of website names that include words or   cures and harvesting pay-
                                                                      phrases related to the COVID-19 pandemic, in an attempt to
              U.S. Department of Justice  ed as "John Doe" in court   combat coronavirus-related fraud.                       ment card and other per-
              accused of stealing credit  papers  and  could  not  be                                         Associated Press  sonal information. One cy-
              card information while of-  reached  for  comment.  A                                                           bersecurity  firm  reported
              fering  fake  coronavirus  Panama  phone  number  ard  Kirkendall  said  in  an  as  "coronavirus,"  "COVID"  discovering    a  malicious
              vaccine  kits.  The  website  listed on its registry was dis-  email  to  customers  Thurs-  and  "vaccine"  from  the  data-stealing   program
              allegedly  offered  what  connected.                    day  that  the  company  company's  domain  avail-      masquerading  as  a  virus
              it  claimed  were  World  Namecheap  CEO  Rich-         was  banning  terms  such  ability search tool, a move  information map. q
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