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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 28 March 2020
             Canada to cover

             up to 75 percent

             of salaries for


             By ROB GILLIES
             TORONTO (AP) — Canada is increasing a payroll subsi-
             dy to small- and medium-sized businesses to now cover
             up to 75 percent of salaries as the country braced for a
             shutdown that a top health official said will last months.
             Canada's Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. How-
             ard Njoo, said they are in it for the long haul.
             "It's not going to be days and weeks, it's going to be
             months,"  Njoo  said.  "Is  there  a  possibility  of  a  second
             wave? Who knows."                                        In this photo taken on March 21, 2020 police officers check on motorists in Baisieux, on the Bel-
             Prime  Minister  Justin  Trudeau  announced  a  major  in-  gian-French boarder, northern France.
             crease over his original 10 percent wage subsidy plan.                                                                         Associated Press
             Trudeau said it became clear they needed to do much
             "We have to get through these coming months of re- Europol: Criminals exploit virus

             stricted economic activity when people need to stay
             home," Trudeau said Friday.                              crisis as fresh opportunity
             The prime minister said it means people will continue to
             be paid even though their employer has had to slow
             down or stop its operations because of COVID-19.         PARIS (AP) — Criminals are  Europol's  report  lists  four  for two to three weeks. But
             He  said  he  hopes  employers  who  are  being  pushed   preying on a fearful public  main avenues for illicit ac-  it  can  cause  more  serious
             to lay off workers will think again. And he hopes those   and  disrupting  the  provi-  tivity:  cybercrime,  fraud,  illness and death for others,
             who have already let people go will reconsider given     sion of medical care during  counterfeit  and  substan-   especially  for  older  adults
             the new wage subsidy. It is backdated to March 15.       the  coronavirus  pandemic  dard  goods,  and  orga-      and  people  with  existing
             "We're going to be here for you," Trudeau said. "Small-   by selling counterfeit prod-  nized property crime. Crim-  health problems.
             and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of our      ucts,  impersonating  health  inals  manufacture  and  sell  Europol  noted  the  trans-
             economy. You are collectively the largest employer in    workers and hacking com-     high-demand products like  fer of 6.6 million euros by a
             the country. You support millions of families."          puters as many citizens do  masks  or  medicine,  imper-  European company to an-
             Benjamin Bergen, executive director of the Council of    their  jobs  online  at  home,  sonate medical workers to  other  in  Singapore  to  buy
             Canadian  Innovators,  said  the  government  is  finally   European   law   enforce-  get into homes or business-  face  masks  and  alcohol
             hearing the concerns from the business front lines with   ment agency Europol said  es,  and  break  into  a  gold  gels,  widely  used  now  for
             the wage subsidies. He said many companies may go        Friday.                      mine  of  information  with  cleaning  hands  to  protect
             bankrupt in April.                                       In one instance, a cyberat-  so many European citizens  from the coronavirus.
             "It is really, really bad and many won't make it regard-  tack on a major hospital in  now doing their jobs online  "The goods were never re-
             less of these announcements. Even a 100% wage subsi-     the Czech Republic where  at home.                        ceived,"  the  report  said.  It
             dy would be too little to help given the long list of other   COVID-19 tests are carried  Coronavirus-related  crimi-  did not identify either com-
             costs, particularly rent," said Dan Kelly, president of the   out  forced  the  cancella-  nal activity is not limited to  pany.
             Canadian Federation of Independent Business. "We've      tion  of  planned  surgeries,  Europe. A March 3-10 oper-  Criminals  also  lurk  at  the
             had five business owners call us this week talking about   Europol  said  in  a  new  re-  ation in 90 countries, over-  doorways of private homes
             suicide."                                                port.                        seen  by  international  po-  as  hundreds  of  millions  of
             Ontario,  Canada's  most  populous  province,  mean-     Organized  crime  groups,  lice  agency  Interpol,  dug  people  across  Europe  are
             while, will send out emergency alerts to cellphones, ra-  well-known  for  identifying  out  suspects  seeking  fast  confined  under  govern-
             dios and TVs on Friday, warning recent travelers to stay   new  opportunities,  have  cash, notably with the sale  ment  orders  to  slow  the
             at home. The alert will tell travelers returning to Ontario   found  new  pathways  to  of  counterfeit  face  masks  spread  of  the  virus.  The
             that they are required by law to self-isolate for 14 days   scam people made vulner-  and medicines.               fraud schemes used to get
             as they are at high risk of spreading COVID-19 It will tell   able  by  fears  of  the  virus,  Interpol said that it disrupt-  inside private residences to
             them, ``DO NOT visit stores, family or friends.''        which,  like  criminals,  know  ed  the  work  of  37  orga-  steal vary but often involve
             The message will say that everyone should stay home      no  borders,  according  to  nized  crime  groups,  and  someone      impersonating
             to help stop the spread of the virus.                    the report.                  seized  34,000  fake  and  medical officials, conduct-
             Trudeau, meanwhile, said it would be a mistake for the   "Criminals   have   quickly  substandard  masks,  and  ing a "corona test," provid-
             Trump administration to position troops near the Cana-   seized  the  opportunities  to  more than $14 million in po-  ing hygiene products or in-
             dian border. He said he's told that to the White House,   exploit the crisis by adapt-  tentially  dangerous  phar-  formative material, Europol
             and that he's still seeking clarity on American plans. The   ing  their  modes  of  opera-  maceuticals.  The  "corona  said.
             Wall Street Journal, citing an unidentified U.S. official,   tion  or  developing  new  spray,"  "corona  packages"  In  one  European  country,
             reported  late  Thursday  that  the  Trump  administration   criminal  activities,"  Europol  and medicines are but "the  an  individual  was  notified
             had  dropped  its  consideration  of  the  plan.  Canada   Executive  Director,  Cath-  tip  of  the  iceberg  regard-  by phone of a relative hos-
             and the U.S. already closed the border to all non-es-    erine  de  Bolle  said  in  a  ing this new trend in coun-  pitalized with the virus and
             sential travel.                                          statement. She added that  terfeiting," Interpol said.    then  received  a  middle-
             Canada  has  more  than  4,043  confirmed  cases  and    organized  crime  groups'  COVID-19,      the   disease  of-the-night  visit  from  indi-
             about 39 deaths. Officials said about 6.5% are in hospi-  "capacity to exploit this cri-  caused  by  the  new  virus,  viduals  in  protective  gear
             tal and 2.5% are in critical condition. Canada has con-  sis  means  we  need  to  be  causes  mild  or  moderate  posing as doctors who ac-
             ducted more than 165,000 tests.q                         constantly vigilant and pre-  symptoms for most people,  tually swabbed the victim's
                                                                      pared."                      such  as  fever  or  coughing  mouth. q
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