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                   Saturday 28 March 2020

            The Zaandam cruise ship, carrying dozens of guests with flu-like
            symptoms, arrives to the bay of Panama City, seen from Isla de
            Taboga, Panama, Friday, March 27, 2020, amid the worldwide
            spread of the new coronavirus.
                                                     Associated Press
            4 passengers dead

            aboard cruise ship                                        National Guard personnel carry out bio screening on arriving passengers at the Luis Muñoz Marin
                                                                      Airport in an effort to detect and isolate the new coronavirus, in Carolina, Puerto Rico, Tuesday,
            anchored off Panama                                       March 17, 2020.                                                       Associated Press

            PANAMA CITY (AP) — Four  side  staterooms  and  who       Puerto Rico governor tightens,
            passengers    have    died  are over 70," the statement
            anchored  off  the  coast  of  and 586 crew on board the  extends coronavirus curfew
            aboard  a  cruise  ship  now  said. There are 1,243 guests

            Panama  and  two  people  Zaandam.
            aboard the ship have test-   The  Zaandam  departed       By DANICA COTO               COVID-19," she said.         er from Italy.
            ed  positive  for  the  novel  Buenos Aires, Argentina, on   SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  All non-essential businesses  Also on Thursday, the gov-
            coronavirus, the cruise line  March  7.  The  ship  was  try-  — The U.S. territory of Puer-  will  remain  shuttered  until  ernor  announced  Puerto
            said Friday.                 ing  to  get  to  Fort  Lauder-  to  Rico  announced  Thurs-  mid-April,  and  people  will  Rico's  third  health  secre-
            Holland  America  Line  said  dale,  Florida,  after  being   day that it would extend a  only  be  allowed  to  leave  tary in less than two weeks:
            in  a  post  on  its  Facebook  denied permission to dock   two-week  curfew  to  April  their homes or hotels to go  Lorenzo  González,  a  psy-
            page  that  more  than  130  at its original destination of   12 and warned of new re-  to  the  bank  or  buy  food  chiatrist who served as the
            people  aboard  the  Zaan-   Chile a week ago.            strictions to help curb coro-  or  medicine.  The  curfew  island's  health  secretary
            dam  had  reported  flu-like  The   Rotterdam   rendez-   navirus  cases  that  are  the  extension  is  expected  to  during the 2009 H1N1 pan-
            symptoms.                    voused with the Zaandam      strictest of any U.S. jurisdic-  further deepen the island's  demic.  The  appointment
            "Holland America Line can  Thursday evening.              tion.                        13-year  recession,  even  comes  hours  after  former
            confirm  that  four  older  "It  is  only  authorized  to  do   Gov. Wanda Vázquez said  though  the  governor  on  health  secretary  Concep-
            guests  have  passed  away  ship-to-ship maneuvers. No    non-essential  workers  will  Monday    announced     a  ción  Quiñones  resigned
            on  Zaandam,"  the  state-   one  aboard  is  allowed  to   have to be home by 7 p.m.  $787 million financial pack-  for  unknown  reasons.  She
            ment  said.  "Our  thoughts  come  ashore,"  said  Pan-   starting March 31, two hours  age as Puerto Rico struggles  had  been  appointed  af-
            and  prayers  are  with  their  ama's  Maritime  Authority   earlier than the current cur-  to  recover  from  Hurricane  ter  Rafael  Rodríguez  re-
            families and we are doing  Administrator Noriel Araúz.    few.  In  addition,  vehicles  Maria  and  a  recent  string  signed  earlier  this  month
            everything we can to sup-    The Zaandam had planned      with  license  plates  ending  of strong earthquakes that  over  complaints  over  how
            port  them  during  this  diffi-  to  pass  through  the  Pan-  in  even  numbers  can  only  together caused billions of  Puerto  Rico's  health  de-
            cult time."                  ama  Canal  en  route  to    transit  Monday,  Wednes-    dollars in damage.           partment  was  handling
            The  ship  was  receiving  Florida,  but  after  being  in-  day and Friday. Those end-  Dr.  Segundo  Rodríguez,  COVID-19 cases.
            medical     supplies   and  spected  by  Panamanian       ing in uneven numbers can  who  leads  a  government  Puerto Rico remains without
            medical  personnel  from  authorities,  the  request  to   only  transit  Tuesday,  Thurs-  task force to fight the coro-  an epidemiologist. Vázquez
            another  Holland  America  use the canal was denied,      day and Saturday.            navirus in Puerto Rico, said  abruptly  announced  dur-
            ship,  the  Rotterdam  and  said    canal   Administra-   Vázquez  said  the  new  re-  he  estimates  there  are  ing  the  press  conference
            the  company  planned  to  tor  Ricauter  Vásquez.  The   strictions  are  in  response  more  than  600  people  in-  that the previous one, Car-
            begin  transferring  healthy  Health Ministry "did not give   to  the  nearly  400  people  fected on the island of 3.2  men Deseda, whom health
            passengers to that ship.     permission,"  Vásquez  told   who  have  been  cited  for  million  people  given  that  officials  criticized  for  her
            "Priority  for  the  first  guests  reporters Friday. "The ship is   violating a curfew imposed  more  than  60  have  tested  role during the coronavirus
            to transfer will be given to  in territorial waters but has   March 15. She stressed that  positive so far. The govern-  pandemic,  was  no  longer
            those on Zaandam with in-    to remain isolated."q        non-essential workers have  ment also has reported two  with  the  health  depart-
                                                                      to stay home.                COVID-19 deaths: a tourist  ment. She did not offer fur-
                                                                      "That  the  best  antidote  to  from New York and anoth-  ther details.q
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