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A26    U.S. NEWS
                   Saturday 28 March 2020
            Not all or nothing: Anti-virus lockdowns could lift slowly

            By CHRISTINA LARSON and  added,  should  be  based  There  are  still  restrictions  demic puts enormous strain  proach,"  Birx  said  at  Thurs-
            RICARDO  ALONSO-ZALDI-       on information about infec-  in  place  —  such  as  limits  on  hospitals,  health  care  day's White House briefing.
            VAR                          tion rates that can only be  in  how  many  people  can  workers and other patients  While few details are avail-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    able, this approach seems
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For                                                                                            to  differ  from  other  coun-
            the  millions  of  Americans                                                                                        tries that have focused on
            living  under  some  form                                                                                           identifying and isolating in-
            of  lockdown  to  curb  the                                                                                         fected individuals and their
            spread  of  the  coronavirus,                                                                                       close contacts.
            not  knowing  when  the  re-                                                                                        In South Korea, which man-
            strictions will end is a major                                                                                      aged to curb an early out-
            source  of  anxiety.  Will  life                                                                                    break without fully shutting
            events — weddings, funer-                                                                                           all  businesses  and  schools,
            als,  even  just  simple  nights                                                                                    widespread  testing  allows
            out  with  friends  —  be  de-                                                                                      health  workers  to  find  in-
            layed  for  a  few  weeks,  a                                                                                       fected people and aggres-
            few  months  or  much  lon-                                                                                         sively  track  down  people
            ger?                                                                                                                they  came  into  contact
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            with — thus allowing them
            gave one answer this week,                                                                                          to  contain  the  spread  of
            saying he hoped businesses                                                                                          infection.  For  the  U.S.  to
            would reopen by Easter, on                                                                                          learn  from  this  example  or
            April  12,  citing  the  severe                                                                                     adopt  a  similar  approach,
            damage  restrictions  have                                                                                          the  first  step  is  more  wide-
            done to the economy. Most                                                                                           spread  testing,  said  Eliza-
            public health experts, how-                                                                                         beth Halloran, a biostatisti-
            ever, caution that it would                                                                                         cian at the Fred Hutchinson
            be reckless to lift restrictions   In  this  March  20,  2020  file  photo,  extremely  light  traffic  moves  along  the  110  Harbor  Freeway   Cancer Research Center in
            before COVID-19 infections   toward downtown mid afternoon, in Los Angeles.                                         Seattle. In addition to tests
            have  peaked  and  begun                                                                           Associated Press   that check whether people
            to ebb — unleashing a sec-                                                                                          are  currently  infected,  ex-
            ond  wave  of  cases  that                                                                                          perts  are  also  honing  tests
            could be just as damaging  learned by increasing test-    occupy  an  elevator  or  a  who  may  see  unrelated  to  detect  whether  some-
            to the economy.              ing.  That  will  allow  policy-  conference  room  —  and  procedures delayed.        one has had the disease in
            Scientists  are  reluctant  to  makers  to  tailor  restrictions  widespread  testing  for  the  On  Thursday  came  a  grim  the  past.  Scientists  expect
            predict  exactly  when  re-  to fit the outbreak in differ-  disease continues.        milestone  and  reminder  that  people  who  have  re-
            strictions  could  be  safely  ent areas.                 A  second  outbreak  could  that  the  United  States  has  covered  from  COVID-19
            loosened,  but  based  on  Rather  than  imagining  the  prompt     future   clamp-    not  begun  to  flatten  the  will have some immunity to
            what  they've  observed  in  lockdown as having an on/    downs.                       curve of the epidemic: The  it,  though  they  aren't  sure
            China  —  the  first  country  off switch – where the only  "People  should  be  pre-  total number of confirmed  for how long.
            struck  by  the  new  virus  —  choice  is  between  com-  pared  for  the  fact  that  infections  —  more  than  This  information  could  bet-
            some  relief  could  come  pletely  shutting  down  the  we  are  not  going  back  to  83,000, according to Johns  ter  inform  decisions.  Per-
            approximately  six  to  eight  country or throwing all rules  completely normal life for a  Hopkins  University  —  sur-  haps people with immunity
            weeks    after   lockdowns  out the window — many sci-    while,"  said  Mark  Jit,  a  dis-  passed China's toll.   could be among the first to
            are  implemented.  That  is  entists advocate for chart-  ease researcher at the Lon-  The  White  House  is  now  return  to  work  —  or  may-
            based  on  the  assumption  ing  a  course  in  between,  don School of Hygiene and  considering  a  data-driven  be  the  data  would  reveal
            that cases could peak two  where  restrictions  can  be  Tropical Medicine. "But we  approach.                      what locations or behaviors
            or  three  weeks  after  lock-  ramped up or down. Imag-  also need to allow people  In a letter Thursday to Amer-  are  the  riskiest  for  disease
            downs  begin,  and  gradu-   ine  that  the  lockdown  has  to  see  the  light  at  end  of  ica's  governors  —  who  spread, said Abuelezam.
            ally decline for the next two  a volume dial that can be  the tunnel."                 have largely been the ones  Before  relaxing  social-dis-
            or three weeks.              twisted up or down.          The metaphorical dial of re-  implementing  the  restric-  tancing  restrictions,  there
            While  we  may  yearn  for  a  "With more information, we  strictions could be set in dif-  tions  in  the  U.S.  —  Trump  will also need to be ample
            clear timeline for when life  can  target  our  responses  ferent positions, depending  said that his administration  supply  of  protective  gear
            will return to normal, scien-  to  be  the  most  impactful,"  on what expanded testing  was  planning  to  expand  for  health  care  workers,
            tists  say  that  isn't  exactly  said  Nadia  Abuelezam,  a  reveals  about  how  many  "robust surveillance testing,  said Halloran. Shortages of
            the  right  question.  Rou-  disease  researcher  at  Bos-  people in an area are cur-  which  allows  us  to  moni-  masks  and  other  supplies
            tines  won't  resume  exactly  ton  College.  That  might  rently infected — and how  tor  the  spread  of  the  virus  have put them in jeopardy
            as  they  were  for  several  mean  introducing  people  many have recovered from  throughout the country."         and threatened to slow or
            months, or longer – but that  back into the workforce in  past infections.             The  information  would  be  halt their work.
            doesn't  mean  we'll  all  be  stages, she suggested.     The goal would be to allow  used to "suggest guidelines  There  are  no  easy  an-
            stuck in total lockdowns un-  Scientists are closely watch-  people  to  partially  return  categorizing  counties  as  swers,  but  scientists  say  it's
            til then.                    ing what happens in other  to their daily routines, while  high-risk,  medium-risk,  or  misleading  to  imagine  a
            "We can't simply wait inside  countries  that  were  struck  limiting the chances of new  low-risk," the letter said.  choice  between  public
            for  two  years  for  a  COV-  earlier  by  the  coronavirus  infections.              Dr. Anthony Fauci, the gov-  health and jobs.
            ID-19 vaccine" to be devel-  to see what happens when  The       new     coronavirus  ernment's  top  infectious  "If  you  don't  do  enough
            oped, said Stephen Morse,  those places loosen restric-   causes  mild  or  moderate  disease  expert,  and  White  about  the  virus,  you're  go-
            a  disease  researcher  at  tions.                        symptoms in many people,  House adviser Dr. Deborah  ing  to  get  steamrolled
            Columbia  University.  "We  Restaurants  and  offices  but  even  if  only  a  fraction  Birx  have  recently  outlined  by  it  —  which  would  also
            have  to  find  some  way  to  have  begun  to  reopen  in  of cases are severe enough  the  approach  in  media  steamroll  the  economy,"
            return to normal life."      many Chinese cities, about  to require hospitalization —  briefings and interviews.    said  Jeffrey  Shaman,  a
            Decisions  on  how  and  two months after the coun-       between  14%  and  20%  —  "What  we  are  trying  to  do  data scientist at Columbia
            when  to  lift  restrictions,  he  try  began  to  lock  down.  the sheer scale of the epi-  is utilize a laser-focused ap-  University.q
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