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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 28 March 2020
            House passes $2.2T rescue package, rushes it to Trump

            Continued from Front                                                                                                to  allow  emergency  ac-
                                                                                                                                tion  entire  Congress  must
            There  were  hand  sanitizers                                                                                       be  called  back  to  vote  in
            at  the  end  of  each  aisle                                                                                       House,” Rep. Peter King, R-
            in  the  House  chamber  as                                                                                         N.Y., wrote on Twitter. “Risk
            the day’s debate sketched                                                                                           of infection and risk of legis-
            the  latest  picture  of  what                                                                                      lation  being  delayed.  Dis-
            legislating  looks  like  during                                                                                    graceful. Irresponsible.”
            a pandemic. Most lawma-                                                                                             The House’s certain appro-
            kers sat well apart from one                                                                                        val was telegraphed Wed-
            another, and microphones                                                                                            nesday  might,  when  the
            and  lecterns  were  swab-                                                                                          Senate  passed  the  legisla-
            bed  with  sanitary  wipes                                                                                          tion 96-0.
            between speeches.                                                                                                   The  latest  bill  is  unlikely  to
            “The American people de-                                                                                            be  the  end  of  the  federal
            serve  a  government-wide,                                                                                          response.
            visionary,  evidence-based                                                                                          Pelosi  said  issues  like  more
            response  to  address  these                                                                                        generous food stamp pay-
            threats  to  their  lives  and                                                                                      ments, aid to state and lo-
            their  livelihood.  And  they                                                                                       cal governments and fami-
            need  it  now,”  said  House                                                                                        ly leave may be revisited in
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  D-                                                                                         subsequent legislation.
            Calif.                                                                                                              Key elements of the legisla-
            “We  are  going  to  help    Rep.  Thomas  Massie,  R-Ky.,  leaves  Capitol  Hill  in  Washington,  Friday,  March  27,  2020,  after   tion  are  untested,  such  as
            Americans through this. We   attempting to slow action on a rescue package.                                         grants  to  small  businesses
            are  going  to  do  this  toge-                                                                    Associated Press   to keep workers on payroll
            ther,”  said  House  Minority  of Congress from ACCOUN-   makers.                      dither,”  said  Rep.  Gerald  and  complex  lending  pro-
            Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-    TABILITY”  on  the  “Biggest  Trump tweeted that Massie  Connolly,  D-Va.  “We  have  grams to larger businesses.
            Calif.                       spending  bill  in  the  history  is  “a  third  rate  Grandstan-  no  time  to  engage  in  ide-  Policymakers  worry  that
            Passage  came  after  De-    of mankind.”                 der” and said he should be  ological  or  petty  partisan  bureaucracies   like   the
            mocratic  and  Republican  A  roll  call  would  have  for-  drummed out of the GOP.  fights. Our country needs us  Small  Business  Administra-
            leaders  banded  together  ced many lawmakers scat-       “He is a disaster for Ameri-  as one.”                    tion  may  become  overw-
            and    outmaneuvered     a  tered  around  the  country  ca, and for the Great State  Still, there were outbursts.  helmed, and conservatives
            maverick  GOP  lawmaker.  to take risky flights back to  of Kentucky!” Trump wrote.    Freshman  Rep.  Haley  Ste-  fear  that  a  new,  generous
            Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky.,  the  Capitol,  and  it  would  The  debate  was  mostly  vens,     D-Mich.,   donned  unemployment         benefit
            a libertarian who opposed  have delayed approval of  conciliatory, with members  pink  latex  gloves  and  yel-     will  dissuade  jobless  peop-
            the bill and often bucks the  a  measure  that  was  cer-  of both parties praising the  led  well  beyond  her  allot-  le  from  returning  to  the
            GOP  leadership,  tried  to  tain  to  pass  anyway.  After  measure as a rescue for a  ted one minute, saying she  workforce. A new $500 bil-
            force a roll call vote.      Massie  made  his  request,  ravaged nation.              was speaking “not for per-   lion subsidized lending pro-
            “Mr. Speaker, I came here  the congressman presiding  “While  no  one  will  agree  sonal attention but (to en-     gram for larger businesses is
            to  make  sure  our  republic  over  the  debate  —  Rep.  with  every  part  of  this  res-  courage  you)  to  take  this  unproven as well.
            doesn’t  die  by  unanimous  Anthony  Brown,  D-Md.  —  cue  bill,  we  face  a  chal-  disease seriously.” Much of  The bill finances a response
            consent in an empty cham-    ruled  that  enough  lawma-  lenge  rarely  seen  in  Ame-  what she said could not be  with a price tag that equals
            ber, and I request a recor-  kers  were  present  to  allow  rica’s  history.  We  must  act  heard  above  Republican  half the size of the entire $4
            ded vote,” Massie said.      a  voice  vote,  and  the  bill  now, or the toll on lives and  shouts.                trillion-plus  annual  federal
            He  also  complained  on  passed  as  most  members  livelihoods will be far grea-     “Heading to Washington to  budget. The $2.2 trillion es-
            Twitter  that  both  parties’  shouted, “Aye!”            ter,” said Rep. Kevin Brady,  vote  on  pandemic  legisla-  timate is the White House’s
            leaders  had  plotted  toge-  Massie’s moved had infuri-  R-Texas.                     tion. Because of one Mem-    best guess of the spending
            ther  to  “insulate  members  ated Trump and many law-    “We  have  no  time  to  ber  of  Congress  refusing  it contains.qq
            Hawaii telescope protesters leave camp due to virus concerns

            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  Oppo-                                                               supporters  were  asked  to  coronavirus causes mild or
            nents  of  the  Thirty  Meter                                                          leave, protest leader Andre  moderate  symptoms,  such
            Telescope  project  on  Ha-                                                            Perez said Wednesday.        as  fever  and  cough  that
            waii's Big Island have pulled                                                          "Because  of  the  concern  clear  up  in  two  to  three
            out  of  their  camp  due  to                                                          for  human  health  and  weeks. For some, especially
            concerns  over  the  spread                                                            safety,  we've  decided  to  older  adults  and  people
            of the coronavirus.                                                                    leave," Perez said. "We feel  with  existing  health  prob-
            The move came after more                                                               that  there's  no  imminent  lems, it can cause more se-
            than  eight  months  of  non-                                                          threat  from  TMT,  that's  our  vere illness, including pneu-
            violent protests at the base                                                           assessment, and so human  monia and death.
            of  the  Mauna  Kea  Access                                                            health  and  safety  is  para-  Protesters   successfully
            Road,  The  Honolulu  Star-                                                            mount for us."               blocked  the  access  road
            Advertiser  reported    Thurs-                                                         Protesters posted videos on  for more than five months.
            day.  Construction  of  one   In  this  Sunday,  July  14,  2019,  file  photo,  the  sun  sets  behind   social  media  saying  medi-  Law  enforcement  officials
            of  the  world's  largest  tele-  telescopes at the summit of Mauna Kea.               cal  professionals  advised  arrested  39  protesters  on
            scopes  on  Hawaii's  tallest                                         Associated Press   them to reduce travel and  July  17  for  obstructing  the
            mountain,    Mauna    Kea,                                                             "stay in our bubbles and re-  road   during   nonviolent
            has  been  stalled  by  proj-  land considered sacred by  year as a warehouse, kitch-  main home" until the coro-   demonstrations  but  never
            ect opponents who say the  some Native Hawaiians.         en  and  instructional  area  navirus threat passes.      made  another  attempt  to
            telescope  will  desecrate  The large tents erected last  were removed and protest  For  most  people,  the  new  clear the road.q
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