Page 36 - AHATA
P. 36

Life in the time of corona

                                                                                       March 16, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                           Page 14
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Coronavirus lock-

            down on Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  —  In  con-      cationing on the island will
            nection  to  the  COVID-19  need  to  return  in  the  up-
            the  Government  of  Aru-    coming  days.  Relief  flights
            ba  (GOA)  announced  a  will be possible as long as
            complete  “Lockdown”  for  the airline is willing to oper-
            all  international  incoming  ate them.
            passengers  starting  mid-
            night  tonight  (16th  to  the  On  March  13  GOA  offi-
            17th), ending on the 31st of  cially  confirmed  the  first
            March 2020. For our Ameri-   two cases that were tested
            can visitors it is advised to  positive  for  the  COVID-19
            contact  the  airline  directly  virus.  In  total  21  tests  were
            for  more  information.  The  performed.  During  a  press  firmed that cargo will con-  of  Aruba  can  continue  to  ing them not to travel.
            Aruba  Tourism  Authority  conference  last  night  the  tinue  to  be  flown  in  and  come in, however a travel
            (A.T.A.)  estimates  5.000  to  Prime  Minister  of  Aruba,  also  medical  transporta-  advisory  shall  be  instituted
            7.000  tourists  who  are  va-  Evelyn  Wever-Croes,  con-  tion will proceed. Residents  for residents basically warn-   Continued on page 13
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