Page 37 - AHATA
P. 37

                     Monday 16 March 2020

            European arrivals jam some U.S. airports amid virus screenings

            By  TERRY  SPENCER  and  TE-                                                                                        President  Donald  Trump
            RESA CRAWFORD                                                                                                       defended  the  administra-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tion's  actions  in  a  tweet
            CHICAGO (AP) — Harsh crit-                                                                                          Sunday.
            icism  rained  on  the  Trump                                                                                       "We are doing very precise
            administration Sunday from                                                                                          Medical  Screenings  at  our
            state  and  local  officials                                                                                        airports.  Pardon  the  inter-
            over long lines of returning                                                                                        ruptions  and  delays,  we
            international   passengers                                                                                          are  moving  as  quickly  as
            at  some  U.S.  airports  that                                                                                      possible,  but  it  is  very  im-
            could  have  turned  them                                                                                           portant that we be vigilant
            into coronavirus carriers as                                                                                        and careful.
            they tried to get home.                                                                                             We must get it right. Safety
            Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and                                                                                     first!" he wrote.
            Chicago  Mayor  Lori  Light-                                                                                        Acting Customs and Border
            foot, both Democrats, lam-                                                                                          Patrol  Commissioner  Mark
            basted  the  administration                                                                                         Morgan  said  in  a  written
            for  allowing  about  3,000                                                                                         statement Sunday that the
            Americans  returning  from                                                                                          agency is making improve-
            Europe to be stuck for hours                                                                                        ments to its procedures, but
            inside the customs area at                                                                                          that  it  must  "balance  our
            O'Hare  International  Air-                                                                                         efficiencies  with  ensuring
            port on Saturday, violating                                                                                         the health and safety of all
            federal  recommendations                                                                                            American  citizens  through
            from  the  Centers  for  Dis-                                                                                       enhanced medical screen-
            ease  Control  and  Preven-  Passengers arrive on a flight from Germany at Logan International Airport in Boston, Friday, March,   ing."
            tion  that  people  practice   13, 2020.                                                                            Katy  Rogers  spent  four
            "social distancing."                                                                               Associated Press  hours  Saturday  at  O'Hare
            The  passengers,  many  of                                                                                          in  a  tightly  packed  space
            them  rushing  home  be-     reported short lines at cus-  ceedingly  long  lines,  con-  ceptable  &  I'm  working  with students, a basketball
            cause  of  fears  they  would  toms Saturday and Sunday.  gregating  in  concourses  hard  to  get  it  fixed."  He  team, musicians and older
            be  stuck  in  Europe,  were  For  most  people,  the  new  and  putting  themselves  said he had contacted the  people in wheelchairs.
            screened  by  federal  cus-  coronavirus  causes  only  and  their  loved  ones  at  head  of  Homeland  Secu-      "Everybody  was  nervous
            toms  and  homeland  se-     mild  or  moderate  symp-    greater  risk  of  exposure,"  rity, acting Secretary Chad  about it," she said Sunday.
            curity  agents  for  coronavi-  toms,  such  as  fever  and  Lightfoot  said.  Passengers  Wolf.                         Continued on next page
            rus  symptoms  before  they  cough. For some, especial-   Sunday  will  likely  be  kept
            were allowed to leave the  ly older adults and people  on their planes to manage
            airport.                     with  existing  health  prob-  the  flow  into  the  customs
            Long lines also formed Sat-  lems, it can cause more se-  area, she said.
            urday in Boston, Dallas and  vere illness, including pneu-  But  Pritzker  predicted  Sun-
            others of the 13 airports that  monia. The vast majority of  day would "be even worse"
            are accepting return flights  people recover.             on  NBC's  "Meet  the  Press."
            from Europe.                 Lightfoot  singled  out  Vice  He said that the administra-
            "People  were  forced  into  President  Mike  Pence  and  tion should have bolstered
            conditions that are against  his  coronavirus  task  force  staffing at the receiving air-
            CDC guidance and are to-     for  not  talking  with  local  ports in anticipation of long
            tally  unacceptable,"  Light-  officials before implement-  lines.  But  instead,  he  said,
            foot said.                   ing the screening program.  passengers    "were   stuck
            Conditions   were    better  State  and  local  officials  in  a  small  area,  hundreds
            Sunday,  but  lines  could  could  have  offered  "con-   and  hundreds  of  people,
            again grow as the day pro-   crete  suggestions"  for  how  and  that's  exactly  what
            gresses  and  more  flights  the  program  could  have  you don't want in this pan-
            arrive.  Not  every  U.S.  air-  been  implemented  with  demic."
            port  accepting  European  the  least  disruption,  she  Texas  Gov.  Greg  Abbot,
            arrivals  experienced  over-  said, but the administration  a  Republican  and  strong
            crowding.  Airports  serving  acted unilaterally.         supporter of the president,
            Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles  "Thousands    of   travelers  tweeted  Sunday  that  the
            and  Newark,  New  Jersey,  were  forced  to  wait  in  ex-  lines  in  Dallas  were  "unac-
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