Page 42 - AHATA
P. 42

LOCAL           Monday 16 March 2020

            Continued from front         recover  faster  on  the  long
                                         term.  They  emphasize  for
            The  hospitality  industry  is  everyone  to  continue  tak-
            already  suffering  the  con-  ing  precautionary  meas-
            sequences  of  the  crises  ures,  including  "social  dis-
            and  this  will  only  increase  tancing". And a request to
            from now on. Aruba’s main  employers to reduce/elimi-
            economic  pillar  is  tourism  nate  groupings  of  people
            meaning  that  the  effects  and  allow  people  to  work
            of the measure will hit hard  from home, if possible.
            but are necessary. The de-
            cision is to prioritize contain-  Monday,  March  9,  GOA
            ment of the COVID-19 virus  declared the COVID-19 cri-
            and "flatten the curve", es-  sis  a  national  emergency.
            pecially considering Aruba  Flights from risk areas were
            has  a  small  hospital.  The  restricted  followed  by  a
            Prime  Minister  explains  the  ban for European flights on
            necessity  to  take  these  Friday,  March  13  leading
            drastic measures in order to  up to today’s lockdown. q
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