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A6   U.S. NEWS
                     Monday 16 March 2020

             Fauci open to a 14-day 'national shutdown' to stem virus

            By  HOPE  YEN  and  AAMER                                                              week or more.                "We  feel  that  with  rather
            MADHANI                                                                                In  the  nation's  capital,  stringent  mitigation  and
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                               White  House  officials  said  containment, without nec-
            government's  top  infec-                                                              Trump  tested  negative  for  essarily   complete   lock-
            tious  disease  expert  said                                                           the virus over the weekend  down,  we  would  be  able
            Sunday he would like to see                                                            after  he  was  recently  in  to  prevent  ourselves  from
            aggressive  measures  such                                                             contact with three people  getting  to  where,  unfortu-
            as  a  14-day  national  shut-                                                         at  his  Florida  resort  who  nately,  Italy  is  now,"  Fauci
            down  that  would  require                                                             tested  positive,  and  sev-  said.
            Americans to hunker down                                                               eral  lawmakers  in  recent  "With  regard  to  domestic
            even  more  to  help  slow                                                             days  have  said  they  were  travel bans, we always talk
            spread of the coronavirus.                                                             self-quarantining out of an  about  it,  consider  every-
            Still, Dr. Anthony Fauci said                                                          abundance of caution.        thing. But I can tell you that
            travel restrictions within the                                                         On  Sunday,  Democratic  has not been seriously con-
            United  States,  such  as  to                                                          Rep.  Adam  Schiff,  chair-  sidered,  doing  travel  bans
            and  from  hard-hit  Wash-   Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  director  of  the  National  Institute  of  Allergy   man  of  the  House  Intelli-  in the country. ... I don't see
                                         and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a briefing on coronavirus
            ington state and California,   in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, Saturday,   gence  Committee,  said  a  that right now or in the im-
            probably will not be need-   March 14, 2020, in Washington.                            former staff member tested  mediate future."
            ed anytime soon.                                                      Associated Press  positive for COVID-19. That  At the White House, Trump
            Fauci,  the  public  face  of                                                          staffer,  Daniel  Goldman,  on Sunday was set to hold
            the  administration's  mes-  get  involved  in  distancing  The vast majority of people  the attorney who led Dem-  a  call  with  grocery  store
            saging  during  a  round  themselves  socially,"  Fauci  recover.  According  to  the  ocratic  questioning  during  executives  to  discuss  their
            of  morning  TV  interviews,  said.                       World Health Organization,  the  House  impeachment  response  to  coronavirus
            said the country should do  "Everything is on the table,"  people  with  mild  illness  re-  hearings, had left the office  outbreak.  Retailers  have
            as  much  as  "we  possibly  he said. "Right now, myself  cover in about two weeks,  10  days  ago  and  he's  be-  reported seeing a crush of
            could," even if officials are  personally, I wouldn't go to  while  those  with  more  se-  lieved to have contracted  shoppers  flocking  to  stores
            criticized for "overreacting."  a restaurant. I just wouldn't  vere illness may take three  the virus after his departure.  to  stock  up  on  food  and
            He said he raised the issue  because  I  don't  want  to  weeks  to  six  weeks  to  re-  "We will still be taking addi-  other essentials. Consumers
            of measures such as a shut-  be in a crowded place. ...  cover.                        tional precautions over the  have  expressed  frustration
            down  with  the  Trump  ad-  I don't want to be in a situ-  President  Donald  Trump  next few days," Schiff said.  that  some  items  —  such
            ministration, and said it has  ation where I'm going to be  last  week  announced  a  "The former staffer is feeling  as  hand  sanitizer  and  toi-
            been open to his ideas.      all of a sudden self-isolating  sweeping  travel  ban  for  better and no current staff  let paper — are becoming
            "I  think  Americans  should  for  14  days."  The  virus  has  much of Europe. On Satur-  have  reported  any  flu-like  more difficult to find.
            be prepared that they are  an  incubation  period  of  day, he added the United  symptoms at this time."            But more than the crisis was
            going  to  have  to  hunker  anywhere from two days to  Kingdom  and  Ireland  to  a  NIH  reported  Sunday  that  on  his  mind.  He  tweeted
            down  significantly  more  14  days  before  symptoms  list  of  countries  that  would  one  of  its  staff  working  in  that  he  was  considering
            than  we  as  a  country  are  emerge.                    face travel restrictions over  its  division  on  arthritis  and  a  full  pardon  for  Michael
            doing," said Fauci, a mem-   For  most  people,  the  new  the next 30 days. The State  musculoskeletal  and  skin  Flynn, his disgraced former
            ber of the White House task  coronavirus  causes  only  Department  on  Sunday  diseases  had  tested  posi-        national  security  adviser,
            force  on  combating  the  mild  or  moderate  symp-      said it would allow U.S. per-  tive  for  COVID-19,  its  first  and  he  directed  barbs  at
            spread  of  coronavirus.  He  toms,  such  as  fever  and  sonnel  to  leave  their  dip-  case.  NIH  said  the  person  a  familiar  target,  Senate
            heads the National Institute  cough. For some, especial-  lomatic  or  consular  posts  was not involved in patient  Democratic  leader  Chuck
            of  Allergy  and  Infectious  ly older adults and people  worldwide  if  they  or  fam-  care and was now quaran-   Schumer of New York.
            Diseases at the National In-  with  existing  health  prob-  ily  members  were  medi-  tined  at  home  and  "doing  White  House  economic
            stitutes of Health.          lems,  it  can  cause  more  cally determined to be at a  well."                       adviser  Larry  Kudlow  ex-
            Fauci  said  the  elderly  and  severe   illness,   including  higher risk of falling very ill if  Trump  has  suggested  that  pressed  confidence  that
            those with underlying med-   pneumonia. The worldwide  exposed to the virus.           restrictions  on  travel  within  supply  lines  such  as  food
            ical  conditions  should  al-  outbreak   has   sickened  Trump  also  has  pledged  the  U.S.  to  areas  hit  hard  for stores will be largely un-
            ready be hunkering down,  more  than  156,000  people  broadened  U.S.  testing  for  by  the  coronavirus  pan-    affected  by  the  virus  out-
            but  other  Americans,  too,  and  left  more  than  5,800  the  virus  as  major  employ-  demic  could  be  next.  But  break.
            should    consider   "much  dead. The death toll in the  ers such as Apple Inc. have  Fauci  on  Sunday  played  "I've read about some situ-
            more"  restrictions  on  out-  United States has reached  sent workers home to tele-   down that or having major  ations  where  this  is  a  diffi-
            side activity, from work and  more  than  50,  while  infec-  work  and  several  states  national lockdowns on the  culty, but most of our sup-
            travel to possibly eating at  tions  neared  3,000  across  and big cities, including Los  level now seen in European  ply lines are working pretty
            restaurants.                 49 states and the District of  Angeles  and  Boston,  shut-  countries such as Italy and  well in the domestic United
            "Everybody  has  got  to  Columbia.                       tered  down  schools  for  a  Spain.                      States," he said. q
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