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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 16 March 2020



            Continued from previous page  imity," Pulvermacher said.  are  likely  to  continue.
            "Everyone  working  there  Dr.  Robert  Murphy,  execu-   Americans    must   under-
            was confused and frustrat-   tive  director  of  Institute  for  stand that there is no need
            ed, and there were hands  Global Health at Northwest-     to  rush  back  from  Europe,
            were tied, too."             ern  University,  said  he  was  he said, but "when people
            Even  though  she  showed  "appalled" by what he saw  see  a  travel  ban,  they  im-
            no  signs  of  being  sick,  she  Saturday at nearby O'Hare.   mediately  want  to  hunker
            now  plans  to  quarantine  "If  they  weren't  exposed  and get home."
            herself on the organic pro-  to  COVID-19  before,  they  "Hopefully  we  don't  have
            duce  farm  she  runs  in  No-  probably  are  now.  From  a  more  of  that,  but  I  think
            blesville, Indiana.          public  health  perspective,  we  probably  unfortunately
            Elizabeth  Pulvermacher,  a  this is malpractice," Murphy  will," he said.
            University  of  Wisconsin  stu-  said  in  a  statement.  "The  Travelers  from  restricted
            dent,  arrived  Saturday  at  lack  of  preparation  and  countries  in  Europe,  China
            O'Hare from Madrid, where  concern  is  unfathomable.  and Iran are being advised
            she had been studying. The  This  is  not  'poor  planning.'  to  self-quarantine  for  14
            customs process made her  This is 'no planning.'"         days  after  reaching  their
            feel "unsafe," she said.     Dr. Anthony Fauci, the gov-  final destination in the U.S.   In this Saturday, March 14, 2020 photo provided by Elizabeth Pul-
                                                                                                   vermacher travelers returning from Madrid wait in a coronavirus
            "The  whole  idea  is  getting  ernment's  top  infectious  The  worldwide  outbreak   screening line at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.
            rid  of  the  spread  of  coro-  disease expert, said on "Fox  has  sickened  more  than                                       Associated Press
            navirus,  but  there  were  News Sunday" that the air-    156,000  people  and  left
            hundreds and hundreds of  port  crowds  could  spread  more than 5,800 dead, with  confirmed  each  day.  The  States climbed to 61, while
            people  in  very  close  prox-  the  disease,  but  that  they  thousands  of  new  cases  death  toll  in  the  United  infections neared 3,000.q
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