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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 16 March 2020

            A woman covers her face with a Brazilian flag during rally sup-
            porting Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro on Copacabana beach,
            Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, March 15, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press

            Bolsonaro backers

            defy health warnings                                      Volunteers, left, provide soap and water for participants to wash their hands against the new coro-

            to stage rallies                                          navirus at a women's 5km fun run in the capital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Sunday, March 15, 2020.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  Live transmission.             Several African nations roll
            Thousands  of  Brazilians  ig-  "With  everything  against  it
            nored  warnings  to  avoid  —  the  press,  the  virus,  the
            mass     gatherings    and  recommendations  —  the       out measures to fight virus
            staged  demonstrations  in  people took to the streets.
            favor  of  President  Jair  Bol-  This  is  spontaneous,"  the
            sonaro and against his an-   president said.              By MOGOMOTSI MAGOME          the  impact  on  the  health  have cases of coronavirus,
            tagonists  in  Congress  and  Many  of  the  protesters  in   JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —  of  South  Africans  and  our  saying only Kenyan citizens
            the Supreme Court on Sun-    Rio de Janeiro wore medi-    Several  African  countries  economy," said Ramapho-      and  those  with  residence
            day.                         cal  masks  while  carrying   have  announced  sweep-     sa,  announcing  a  ban  on  permits  would  be  permit-
            Bolsonaro    himself   had  placards  supporting  the     ing restrictions to try to con-  the arrival of travelers from  ted  to  enter,  but  would
            urged supporters to skip the  president.                  tain  the  steady  spread  of  countries  with  the  disease  have to self-quarantine for
            demonstrations, which had  "The  corruption  kills  a  lot   the coronavirus, which has  including China, Iran, South  two  weeks.  He  also  said
            been  announced  weeks  more  than  the  virus,"  said    reached  at  least  25  of  Af-  Korea, Italy, Spain, the Unit-  all schools in Kenya would
            ago, due to the spread of  Alisson  de  Oliveira,  42,    rica's 54 countries.         ed States and Britain.       close for three weeks.
            the  new  coronavirus.  But  though  he  acknowledged     South  Africa,  Kenya,  Sen-  Ramaphosa said all schools  Senegal  and  Mauritania
            he apparently changed his  he  was  worried  by  the  ill-  egal  and  Mauritania  are  will  be  closed  for  30  days  have   also   announced
            mind Sunday morning, join-   ness.  The  demonstrations   among  the  countries  that  from  Wednesday  and  he  the  immediate  closure  of
            ing a rally in the capital of  occurred  at  a  time  when   have imposed travel restric-  banned  all  public  gather-  schools  for  three  weeks.
            Brasilia  where  he  shot  self-  Bolsonaro  is  battling  with   tions and closed schools.  ings of more than 100 peo-  Senegal  is  also  banning
            ies  and  shook  hands  with  parts of Congress over the   South   African   President  ple.  South  Africa  will  close  all  public  gatherings  for  a
            demonstrators.               federal budget.              Cyril Ramaphosa declared  35  of  its  53  land  borders  month  and  banned  cruise
            Bolsonaro's   office   an-   So far, Brazil has confirmed   a national state of disaster.  and will intensify screening  ships from docking in Sene-
            nounced on Thursday that  more than 170 cases of the      "This is a grave emergency  at its international airports.  gal, and suspended Muslim
            tests  showed  him  free  of  new coronavirus.            and  given  the  scale  and  The decline in international  and Christian pilgrimages.
            the  new  virus  despite  the  Authorities  in  Rio  and  Sao   speed  of  its  spread,  no  trade  and  tourism  has  al-  Morroco  has  suspended
            fact  his  chief  spokesman  Paulo  on  Friday  banned    country  is  immune,"  said  ready  negatively  affected  flight   connections   and
            and other aides have test-   mass    gatherings    and    Ramaphosa,      addressing  South  Africa's  economy,  closed  borders  with  all
            ed positive following a visit  Rio's  governor  said  police   the  nation  Sunday  night.  which  he  said  is  about  to  European  countries  and
            to Washington, where they  would  even  restrict  ac-     He said the country has 61  experience  demands  in  many other countries in Af-
            met  U.S.  President  Donald  cess  to  beaches,  though   cases, including local trans-  expenditure  for  increased  rica  and  the  Middle  East.
            Trump.                       they  merely  looked  on     mission  of  COVID-19,  and  health measures.             Also  on  Sunday,  Ethiopia
            "This  is  priceless,  what  the  as  Friday's  demonstration   he  expected  the  number  Kenya's President Uhuru Ke-  reported  that  it  has  three
            people are doing in spite of  occurred  and  thousands    to increase dramatically     nyatta  announced  restric-  cases  of  COVID-19  and
            my recommendation," Bol-     sunned themselves on Co-     "We must take urgent and  tions  preventing  travelers  the Republic of Congo an-
            sonaro said in a Facebook  pacabana beach.q               drastic measures to reduce  coming from countries that  nounced its first case.q
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