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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 16 March 2020
            Government official: Coronavirus vaccine trial starts Monday

            By ZEKE MILLER               Seattle, the official said.  grow.  Importantly,  they're
            Associated Press             Public  health  officials  say  pursuing  different  types  of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  it  will  take  a  year  to  18  vaccines  —  shots  devel-
            clinical  trial  evaluating  a  months to fully validate any  oped  from  new  technolo-
            vaccine  designed  to  pro-  potential vaccine.           gies that not only are faster
            tect against the new coro-   Testing  will  begin  with  45  to  produce  than  tradition-
            navirus will begin Monday,  young,  healthy  volunteers  al  inoculations  but  might
            according  to  a  govern-    with different doses of shots  prove  more  potent.  Some
            ment official.               co-developed  by  NIH  and  researchers  even  aim  for
            The  first  participant  in  the  Moderna  Inc.  There's  no  temporary  vaccines,  such
            trial  will  receive  the  ex-  chance participants could  as  shots  that  might  guard
            perimental    vaccine   on  get infected from the shots,  people's health a month or
            Monday,  the  official  said,  because  they  don't  con-  two at a time while longer-
            speaking  on  the  condition  tain the virus itself. The goal  lasting  protection  is  devel-
            of anonymity because the  is purely to check that the  oped.                           A gun store customer that gave his name only at John waits in
            trial  has  not  been  publicly  vaccines  show  no  worri-  For  most  people,  the  new   line, Sunday, March 15, 2020, in Burbank, Calif.
            announced  yet.  The  Na-    some  side  effects,  setting  coronavirus  causes  only                                           Associated Press
            tional  Institutes  of  Health  is  the stage for larger tests.  mild  or  moderate  symp-
            funding  the  trial,  which  is  Dozens of research groups  toms,  such  as  fever  and  more  than  156,000  people  recover.  According  to  the
            taking  place  at  the  Kaiser  around the world are racing  cough. For some, especial-  and  left  more  than  5,800  World Health Organization,
            Permanente     Washington  to create a vaccine as CO-     ly older adults and people  dead. The death toll in the  people  with  mild  illness  re-
            Health Research Institute in  VID-19  cases  continue  to  with  existing  health  prob-  United  States  is  more  than  cover in about two weeks,
                                                                      lems,  it  can  cause  more  50, while infections neared  while  those  with  more  se-
            Georgia Tech officer                                      severe   illness,   including  3,000  across  49  states  and  vere illness may take three
                                                                                                                                weeks  to  six  weeks  to
                                                                      pneumonia. The worldwide  the District of Columbia.
            who killed student                                        outbreak    has   sickened  The vast majority of people  recover.q

            won't face charges

            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  A  Geor-   vestigation  found  three
            gia  Tech  police  officer  suicide notes and Schultz's
            who  fatally  shot  a  student  parents  confirmed  he  suf-
            struggling  with  depression  fered from depression and
            won't face criminal charg-   tried to kill himself two years
            es,  a  district  attorney  an-  earlier.
            nounced Friday.              Howard said evidence indi-
            Officer Tyler Beck shot and  cates Schultz provoked the
            killed  fourth-year  student  officers so they could shoot
            Scout Schultz in Sept. 2017  him. Attorney Chris Stewart,
            after  Schultz  refused  to  who  represents  Schultz's
            drop his weapon.             parents,  said  the  "suicide
            Fulton County District Attor-  by  cop"  defense  doesn't
            ney Paul Howard said Beck  justify the shooting.
            won't face criminal charg-   Schultz's  parents  filed  a
            es in Schultz's death, news  wrongful   death    lawsuit
            outlets  reported.  Howard  against  Georgia  Tech,  the
            said  two  use-of-force  ex-  Board of Regents of the Uni-
            perts concluded the shoot-   versity  System  of  Georgia
            ing was justified.           and Beck. The lawsuit said
            Schultz,  21,  called  police  Beck used excessive force
            and said a man was walk-     and  wasn't  adequately
            ing around the dorms with  trained  to  respond  to  situ-
            a knife and possibly had a  ations involving people ex-
            gun. Schultz gave police a  periencing  mental  health
            physical description of him-  crises.  If  he'd  had  proper
            self.                        training,  Schultz  would  be
            Beck  and  three  other  of-  alive,  Stewart  previously
            ficers  were  dispatched  to  said.
            the  parking  deck  where  Beck  had  been  an  officer
            Schultz  was  waiting  with  for about 16 months at the
            a  multi-tool  knife.  A  video  time  of  the  shooting,  and
            capturing    the   incident  training  records  do  not  in-
            shows  Schultz  daring  po-  dicate that he had training
            lice to fire their weapons as  in  crisis  intervention  tech-
            he  ignored  officers'  com-  niques. Less than one-third
            mands  to  stand  still  and  of Georgia Tech's police of-
            drop his weapon.             ficers  had  undergone  the
            Beck  shot  Schultz  in  the  40-hour  course,  according
            chest.                       to records released by the
            The  Georgia  Bureau  of  In-  school at that time.q
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