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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                            Graham, Harris share spotlight as Barrett hearings begin

            (AP)  —  Senate  Republicans  are  tion, adding that voters should “use  for her aggressive questioning of Ka-  "we should not be racing ahead with
            vowing a quick confirmation for  my words against me” if he changed  vanaugh in 2018. Those hearings, at  this partisan process.''
            President  Donald  Trump’s  Su-     his mind. "How good is your word?”  which  Harris  played  a  starring  role,  Coons  told  MSNBC  that  he  has
            preme  Court  nominee,  as  the  Harrison asked at a debate last week.  drew more than 20 million viewers.  been  reading  Barrett's  opinions  and
            party  —  undeterred  by  corona-   Graham said Barrett “is going to be  Harris  plans  to  participate  remotely  law  articles,  "and  I’m  increasingly
            virus infections or other distrac-  confirmed because the president has  from her Senate office due to coro-  convinced that she’s even more con-
            tions  —  rushes  to  put  conserva-  the constitutional authority to do it.”  navirus concerns, her spokesman said  servative  than  (former)  Justice  (An-
            tive Judge Amy Coney Barrett on  He called Barrett a “buffer to liber-  Sunday. Harris and other key Dem-   tonin) Scalia, for whom she clerked
            the high court before the Nov. 3  alism” and said he hoped she “won’t  ocrats  said  the  hearings  should  not  on the Supreme Court, and she has
            election.                           be treated like Kavanaugh.” Graham’s  move  forward  without  plans  to  test  demonstrated  a  willingness  to  re-
                                                fiery  2018  defense  of  Kavanaugh  people attending, including senators,  verse long-settled precedent.'' Voters
            The  process  starts  Monday  with  helped cement the senator's close re-  for coronavirus.                 should  remember  that  Trump  has
            hearings before the Senate Judiciary  lationship with Trump and generated  Successful  questioning  of  Barrett  said the reason he is "pressing for her
            Committee.  The  hearings  are  likely  renewed support from conservatives.  could  boost  the  Biden-Harris  tick-  to be seated before the election was so
            to be a hybrid of in-person question-  Graham's actions also riled up liber-  et,  but  missteps  could  risk  harming  that she could participate in decisions
            ing and some participation via video  als, who are now pouring millions of  Democrats'  chances  of  winning  an  about the election, if it is closely con-
            after three GOP senators — includ-  dollars into Harrison’s campaign and  election  they  now  lead  in  national  tested, and so she could help overturn
            ing  two  on  the  committee  —  con-  working to oust the GOP senator.  polls. “I think there’s probably more  the Affordable Care Act,'' Coons said.
            tracted the virus.                  Sen. Dianne feinstein, d-calif.     pressure on Kamala to actually engage  “A vote for Judge Barrett is a vote to
            The  GOP-led  panel  has  held  more  As  top  Democrat  on  the  Judiciary  ... in a political way than ever before  repeal  the  Affordable  Care  Act,''  he
            than 20 hearings during the pandem-  panel, the veteran Feinstein will lead  just because of the fact that she’s on  said. ”That’s what I’ll be trying to lay
            ic  as  Senate  Majority  Leader  Mitch  questioning of Barrett, although she  the ticket" with Biden, White House  bare in the upcoming hearings.''
            McConnell  continues  his  drive  to  may cede the spotlight to fellow Cali-  chief of staff Mark Meadows said.  Sens. Mike lee, r-utah, and thom til-
            confirm  conservative  judges.  The  fornia Sen. Kamala Harris, a commit-  In a sign of the heightened scrutiny,  lis, r-n.c.
            hearings have all had a combination  tee member and the party's vice presi-  Vice  President  Mike  Pence  tried  to  Lee  and  Tillis  both  contracted  the
            of in-person and remote questioning.  dential nominee.                  get Harris to reveal whether she and  novel  coronavirus  and  are  in  self-
            Some  outside  groups  have  pushed  At  87,  Feinstein  is  the  oldest  sitting  Biden  support  expanding  the  Su-  quarantine as the hearings approach.
            for  Democratic  senators  to  boycott  senator, and some Democrats worry  preme Court, as many liberals advo-  Both attended a Sept. 26 Rose Gar-
            the  Barrett  hearings  to  protest  the  she may have lost some of her effec-  cate.  Harris  dodged  the  question  at  den ceremony in Barrett's honor that
            accelerated  confirmation  process  tiveness as a questioner. Feinstein still  their debate, focusing instead on Re-  seems to have been a major spreader
            and  remind  voters  of  Republicans'  faces criticism for her comments dur-  publicans’ decision to move forward  of the virus. Tillis said he expects to
            refusal to consider President Barack  ing Barrett’s 2017 confirmation hear-  to fill the current vacancy so close to  participate in at least some of the con-
            Obama's Supreme Court nominee in  ing  to  be  a  federal  judge.  Feinstein  an election.                  firmation hearings remotely but be-
            2016,  but  those  pleas  were  ignored.  had joined Republicans on the panel                               lieves he will be cleared to return to
            Still,  some  Democrats  have  refused  in  asking  Barrett  about  her  Roman  Sen. Josh hawley, r-mo.     the Capitol in person for an expected
            to meet with Barrett and the hearings  Catholic faith, but then went further  Hawley,  a  conservative  and  outspo-  Oct. 22 committee vote on her nomi-
            are likely to be contentious, although  by telling Barrett, then a Notre Dame  ken  critic  of  the  Supreme  Court’s  nation.
            not as explosive as hearings two years  law  professor,  that  “when  you  read  Roe  v.  Wade  decision  upholding  Tillis,  like  Graham,  is  in  a  tight  re-
            ago  to  consider  Brett  Kavanaugh,  your  speeches,  the  conclusion  one  abortion rights, has led GOP efforts  election  race  and  pledged  to  sup-
            who was confirmed.                  draws is that the dogma lives loudly  to  warn  Democrats  to  refrain  from  port  Trump's  nominee  even  before
            Unable  to  block  Trump’s  pick  on  within you.''                     criticizing Barrett on the basis of her  Barrett's  name  was  announced.  He
            their own, Democrats argue that Bar-  Republicans  have  seized  on  Fein-  Catholicism.                    said he does not have symptoms and
            rett’s  confirmation  would  threaten  stein's question to accuse Democrats  Hawley  specifically  cited  Feinstein's  could join hearings in person later in
            protections  of  the  Affordable  Care  of  criticizing  Barrett's  faith  a  charge  comments about Barrett’s faith dur-  the  week.  Democrats  have  warned
            Act — a focus that Democratic presi-  Democrats vigorously deny.        ing her 2017 nomination hearing for  that  appearing  in  person  could  put
            dential  nominee  Joe  Biden  has  em-  Senate  Democratic  leader  Chuck  a Chicago-based appeals court post.  other  senators  and  staffers  at  risk.
            braced  and  many  Democrats  see  as  Schumer  said  there’s  no  “religious  “I  call  on  you  and  every  member  They  are  urging  Graham  to  require
            a  winning  message.  The  court  will  litmus test” for a judge, nor any truth  of  the  Democratic  caucus  to  pub-  COVID-19 testing of all senators.
            hear a case challenging the constitu-  to  the  idea  that  Democrats  oppose  licly  reject  Sen.  Dianne  Feinstein’s
            tionality of Obama’s health care law  judicial  candidates  because  of  their  egregious  personal  attacks  on  Judge  Lee,  a  conservative  who  has  praised
            just after the election, adding to the  religion. “Not a single Democrat will  Barrett’s  Christian  faith  during  her  Barrett, has said he expects to be "back
            urgency of the issue.               make these attacks or make personal,  previous confirmation hearings, and  to work in time to join my colleagues
            Conservative groups have been push-  religious  beliefs  an  issue,''  Schumer  to pledge you will abstain from that  in advancing” her nomination.
            ing  hard  for  Barrett's  confirmation  said.                          kind of anti-Catholic, anti-Christian,
            and are expected to spend more than  Feinstein led Democrats in calling on  anti-faith  vitriol  in  the  hearings  to  Sen. Mazie hirono, d-hawaii
            $10 million to drum up support for  Barrett to provide any missing mate-  come,”  Hawley  wrote  in  a  letter  to  Hirono, one of the most liberal mem-
            her  and  pressure  senators  to  swift-  rials from a questionnaire she com-  Schumer last month. “You owe it to  bers of the Senate, said she will focus
            ly  confirm  Trump's  third  Supreme  pleted  for  her  confirmation.  Barrett  the country.''              on  the  health  care  law  and  possible
            Court nominee.                      signed  a  2006  newspaper  ad  spon-  Democrats  call  Hawley's  comments  consequences of a more conservative
            Senators  to  watch  as  the  four-day  sored  by  an  anti-abortion  group  in  off-base. No Democrat has criticized  Supreme  Court  rolling  back  repro-
            hearings kick off at the Capitol com-  which she said she opposed “abortion  Barrett's  religion  since  her  nomina-  ductive rights or overturning Roe v.
            plex:                               on demand” and defended “the right  tion was announced late last month.  Wade. In just three years on the 7th
                                                to life from fertilization to the end of                                Circuit, Barrett has twice argued for
            Senate  judiciary  chairman  lind-  natural life.”                      Sen. Chris coons, d-del.            approval of abortion restrictions that
            sey graham, r-s.c.                  The ad was not included in materi-  A longtime Biden loyalist who holds  violated  Supreme  Court  precedent,
            At the helm of a process that will in-  als Barrett provided to the Judiciary  the  Democratic  presidential  nomi-  Hirono said.
            clude days of televised hearings, Gra-  panel.  Feinstein  and  other  Demo-  nee's former Senate seat, Coons was  “Amy  Barrett  has  a  history  of  anti-
            ham will be in the national spotlight,  crats  asked  the  Justice  Department  among  the  first  Democrats  on  the  choice advocacy and a demonstrated
            a position he has said may benefit his  to explain the omission and confirm  Judiciary panel to meet with Barrett,  lack  of  respect  for  precedent,''  Hi-
            own  political  standing.  Graham  is  whether other materials were left out.  although he did so by phone because  rono said, adding that Barrett "is be-
            locked  in  a  tight  race  for  reelection  Sen. Kamala harris, d-calif.  of the pandemic.                 ing pushed on to the Supreme Court
            against Democratic challenger Jaime  Harris, Joe Biden's running mate in  Coons said he would attend the hear-  just in time for the November 10th
            Harrison  that  has  featured  record-  the  presidential  election,  will  again  ings in person, although other mem-  hearing on the Affordable Care Act,
            breaking fundraising and accusations  be  in  the  spotlight  as  Democrats  bers with health concerns will likely  where she’ll be expected to be among
            of hypocrisy.                       question  a  Trump  nominee  for  the  ask questions over video. The remote  those who strike the Affordable Care
            Graham  said  four  years  ago  that  a  Supreme  Court.  Harris,  a  former  aspect  “increases  the  likelihood  that  Act  down.  That  leaves  millions  and
            judicial  nominee  should  not  be  ap-  prosecutor and state attorney general,  we’re sort of speaking past each oth-  millions of families totally in the cold
            proved just before a presidential elec-  earned  high  marks  from  Democrats  er,” Coons said, and is a key reason  in regard to health care.''
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