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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                             Trump claims he's free of virus, ready for campaign trail

                                                                                                                        As  to  whether  Trump  could  still  be
                                                                                                                        contagious, Ko said the White House
                                                                                                                        appeared to be following CDC guide-
                                                                                                                        lines for when it is appropriate to end
                                                                                                                        isolation after mild to moderate cases
                                                                                                                        of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                        But  Ko  cautioned  that  those  who
                                                                                                                        have had severe cases of the diseases
                                                                                                                        should isolate for 20 days. He noted
                                                                                                                        that Trump was treated with the ste-
                                                                                                                        roid  dexamethasone,  which  is  nor-
                                                                                                                        mally  reserved  for  patients  with  se-
                                                                                                                        vere COVID.
                                                                                                                        Dr. Marc Lipsitch, an infectious dis-
                                                                                                                        ease expert at the Harvard School of
                                                                                                                        Public Health, said the doctor’s letter
                                                                                                                        does not provide enough information
                                                                                                                        to be assured that Trump is no longer
                                                                                                                        infectious  to  others.  He  noted  that
                                                                                                                        Trump’s  use  of  steroids  could  pro-
                                                                                                                        long viral shedding so the CDC’s 10-
                                                                                                                        day standard may or may not apply.
                                                                                                                        “It is a judgment call,” he said.

                                                                                                                        The  White  House  memo  followed
                                                                                                                        Trump’s first public appearance since
                                                                                                                        returning  to  the  White  House  after
                                                                                                                        being treated for the coronavirus at a
                                                                                                                        military hospital. Hundreds of people
                                                                                                                        gathered  Saturday  afternoon  on  the
                                                                                                                        South Lawn for a Trump address on
                                                                                                                        his support for law enforcement from
                                                                                                                        a White House balcony.
                                                                                                                        Trump took off a mask moments af-
                                                                                                                        ter he emerged on the balcony to ad-
                                                                                                                        dress the crowd on the lawn below,
                                                                                                                        his  first  step  back  onto  the  public
                                                                                                                        stage with just more than three weeks
                                                                                                                        to go until Election Day. He flouted,
                                                                                                                        once more, the safety recommenda-
            (AP) — President Donald Trump  en  from  the  nose  and  throat.  Some  “The  comments  attributed  to  me  tions of his own government days af-
            on Sunday declared he was ready  medical  experts  had  been  skeptical  without my permission in the GOP  ter acknowledging that he was on the
            to  return  to  the  campaign  trail  that Trump could be declared free of  campaign ad were taken out of con-  brink of “bad things” from the virus
            despite  unanswered  questions  the risk of transmitting the virus so  text,” Fauci said in a statement, add-  and  claiming  that  his  bout  with  the
            about his health on the eve of a  early in the course of his illness. Just  ing that he was talking broadly about  illness  brought  him  a  better  under-
            Florida rally meant to kick off the  10  days  since  an  initial  diagnosis  of  public  health  officials’  response  to  standing of it.
            stretch run before Election Day.    infection, there was no way to know  the pandemic. “In my five decades of
                                                for certain that someone was no lon-  public service, I have never publicly  His  return  was  a  brief  one.  With
            His  impending  return  comes  after  ger contagious, they said.        endorsed  political  candidates.”Tim  bandages  visible  on  his  hands,  like-
            the White House doctor said he was                                      Murtaugh,  Trump  campaign  com-    ly  from  an  intravenous  injection,
            no longer at risk of transmitting the  His return to full-fledged rallies will  munications  director,  responded  by  Trump spoke for 18 minutes, far less
            coronavirus  but  did  not  say  explic-  be in Florida on Monday, a comeback  saying that “these are Dr. Fauci’s own  than his normal hour-plus rallies. He
            itly whether Trump had tested nega-  that comes with the president facing  words”  and  said  they  were  praising  appeared  healthy,  if  perhaps  a  little
            tive for it. The president insisted he  stubborn  deficits  in  the  polls.  The  the  administration’s  response.On  hoarse, as he delivered what was, for
            was now “immune” from the virus,  Trump  campaign  and  White  House  Sunday,  Trump  asserted  in  a  tweet  all intents and purposes, a short ver-
            a claim that was impossible to prove  has not indicated that any additional  that he had “total and complete sign  sion of his campaign speech despite
            and added to the unknowns about the  safety measures will be taken to pre-  off  from  White  House  Doctors”  to  the executive mansion setting.
            president’s health.                 vent  the  transmission  of  the  virus  fully return to the campaign trail, in-
            “I’m  immune,”  Trump  said  in  an  among  those  traveling  on  Air  Force  sisting  he  can  no  longer  spread  the  “I’m  feeling  great,”  Trump  told  the
            interview  on  Fox  News  Channel's  One,  at  the  event  site  or  at  rallies  disease to others and was impervious  crowd, before declaring that the pan-
            “Sunday  Morning  Futures.”  “The  scheduled for Pennsylvania and Iowa  to getting sick again.              demic,  which  has  killed  more  than
            president  is  in  very  good  shape  to  later in the week.            That’s  far  from  certain,  and  Twitter  210,000  Americans,  was  “disappear-
            fight the battles.”                 Campaign  officials  have  signaled  later  flagged  his  tweet  with  a  fact-  ing" despite signs of surging cases in
                                                that  Trump  will  be  traveling  nearly  check warning.                several states.
            In  a  memo  released  Saturday  night  every  day  the  rest  of  the  campaign,  While  there’s  evidence  that  rein-
            by  the  White  House,  Navy  Cmdr.  and  sometimes  making  more  than  fection  in  unlikely  for  at  least  three  In either an act of defiance or simply
            Dr. Sean Conley said Trump met the  one stop, an aggressive schedule for  months  even  for  those  with  a  mild  tempting fate, officials organized the
            Centers for Disease Control and Pre-  a  74-year-old  who  was  hospitalized  case of COVID-19, very few diseases  event just steps from the Rose Gar-
            vention criteria for safely discontinu-  just days ago.And with the virus again  leave people completely immune for  den, where exactly two weeks ago the
            ing  isolation  and  that  by  “currently  dominating  the  national  discourse,  life. Antibodies are only one piece of  president  held  another  large  gather-
            recognized standards” he was no lon-  the Trump campaign has released an  the  body’s  defenses,  and  they  natu-  ing to formally announce his nomi-
            ger  considered  a  transmission  risk.  ad featuring Dr. Anthony Fauci prais-  rally wane over time.       nation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett
            The  memo  did  not  declare  Trump  ing the president’s leadership — but  “Certainly  it’s  presumptuous  to  say  to the Supreme Court. That gather-
            had tested negative for the virus.  the nation’s leading infectious disease  it’s a lifetime,” said Dr. Albert Ko, an  ing  is  now  being  eyed  as  a  possible
            But sensitive lab tests — like the PCR  expert  on  Sunday  objected  to  being  infectious  disease  specialist  and  de-  COVID-19  superspreader  as  more
            test  cited  in  the  doctor’s  statements  included.                   partment chairman at the Yale School  than two dozen people in attendance
            — detect virus in swab samples tak-                                     of Public Health.                   have contracted the virus.
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