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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                          Iran has highest day death toll from virus, currency plunges

              (AP)  —  Iran  announced  tion, the latest senior official  Money  exchange  shops  in
            on Sunday its highest sin-   to test positive for the virus.  Tehran  sold  the  U.S.  dollar
            gle-day  death  toll  from  The semiofficial Tasnim news  at  315,000  rials  on  Sunday,
            the  coronavirus  with  251  agency said Ali Akbar Salehi,  compared to what was 32,000
            confirmed dead, the same  who is also a vice president of  rials to the dollar at the time
            day  local  media  reported  Iran, had confirmed positive  of  Iran’s  2015  nuclear  deal
            two  senior  officials  had  for  the  virus  last  week  and  with world powers.
            been infected and the na-    has been in home quarantine  Salehi is known internation-
            tion's currency plunged to  since.  The  news  agency  re-  ally as one of the key Iranian   tional financial system.  ernment was trying to shore
            its lowest level ever.       ported that his health condi-  negotiators who took part in                            up  support  for  the  coun-
                                         tion is currently good.      those nuclear talks. The deal   Meanwhile,  Iran  has  seen  try’s parliamentary elections,
            Health  Ministry  spokesper-  A separate report by the news  curbed  Iran’s  nuclear  activi-  several  top  officials  contract  which  saw  the  lowest  voter
            son Sima Sadat Lari said the  agency said the country’s vice  ties in exchange for sanctions   the  virus  over  past  months,  turnout since the 1979 Islam-
            total  confirmed  death  toll  president in charge of budget  relief,  but  President  Donald   including  senior  Vice  Presi-  ic Revolution that brought its
            now stands at 28,544, making  and  planning,  Mohammad  Trump unilaterally withdrew    dent  Eshaq  Jahangiri  and  clerical leadership to power.
            Iran  the  hardest-hit  country  Bagher  Nobakht,  had  also  the  United  States  from  the   Vice  President  Massoumeh
            in  the  region.  Iran  had  just  tested  positive  for  the  coro-  agreement  in  2018  and  re-  Ebtekar. A number of Cabi-  Also on Sunday, state TV re-
            recently recorded its highest  navirus.                   imposed  crushing  economic   net ministers have also tested  ported  that  a  gas  explosion
            daily death toll four days ear-  Iran has struggled to contain  sanctions.             positive,  including  Tourism  killed five people and injured
            lier with 239 new fatalities.  the spread of the virus across  The  currency  plummeted   Minister Ali Asghar Moune-  nine in the southwestern city
                                         this nation of 80 million peo-  further  on  Sunday  after  the   san and the former Industry  of Ahvaz, which is the capi-
            A  further  3,822  new  cases  ple,  initially  beating  it  back  Trump  administration’s  de-  Minister Reza Rahmani. The  tal of the oil-rich Khuzestan
            were  confirmed  over  the  only  to  see  a  spike  in  cases  cision on Thursday to black-  head  of  an  Iranian  govern-  province.
            past  24  hour-period,  raising  again,  beginning  in  June.  list 18 Iranian banks that had   ment task force on the coro-  The explosion ruined a two-
            recorded  nationwide  cases  The  government  has  largely  so  far  escaped  the  bulk  of   navirus  who  had  urged  the  story residential building and
            to 500,075. Nearly 4,500 pa-  resisted imposing wide-scale  re-imposed  sanctions.  The   public not to overreact about  damaged nearby buildings in
            tients  are  in  critical  condi-  lockdowns  as  the  economy  move  subjects  non-Iranian   its spread was among the first  a local market. Rescue teams
            tion.                        teeters  from  continued  U.S.  financial institutions to pen-  senior officials to contract the  are  searching  for  other  pos-
            Among those recently infect-  economic  sanctions  that  ef-  alties for doing business with   virus in late February.  sible  victims  as  authorities
            ed  is  the  head  of  the  coun-  fectively bar Iran from selling  them,  effectively  cutting  the   The  virus  first  appeared  in  probe the cause of the gas ex-
            try’s atomic energy organiza-  its oil internationally.   banks  off  from  the  interna-  Iran at the same time the gov-  plosion.

                                 North Korea unveils new weapons at military parade

            (AP)  —  North  Kore-        ping  troops,  tanks,  armored  The  probable  ICBM  parad-  while  moving  in  formation,  rolled out in the square. He
            an  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  vehicles,  rocket  launchers  ed  Saturday  was  clearly  the  shaping “10.10,” “1945,” and  saluted as fighter jets flew in
            warned  that  his  country  and a broad range of ballistic  new  strategic  weapon  Kim  “2020” in honor of the party  formation,  using  fireworks
            would “fully mobilize” its  missiles rolled out in Pyong-  had  promised  to  show,  said  anniversary.             to form the Workers’ Party’s
            nuclear force if threatened  yang’s Kim Il Sung Square.   Melissa Hanham, deputy di-   The  performers  and  tens  symbol — a hammer, brush
            as he took center stage at                                rector  of  the  Austria-based  of  thousands  of  spectators  and sickle — and the number
            a military parade that un-   The weapons included what  Open  Nuclear  Network.  roared  as  Kim,  dressed  in  a  75 in the sky.
            veiled  what  appeared  to  was  possibly  the  North’s  North  Korea  had  already  gray  suit  and  tie,  appeared  Earlier Saturday, masked citi-
            be a new intercontinental  biggest-yet  ICBM,  which  demonstrated  a  potential  from a building as the clock  zens  lined  up  to  lay  flowers
            ballistic missile and other  was  mounted  on  an  11-axel  ability to reach deep into the  struck   midnight.   Kim,  at the statues of Kim Il Sung
            weapons.                     launch  vehicle  that  was  also  U.S.  mainland  with  a  flight  flanked  with  senior  officials  and Kim Jong Il, the father of
                                         seen  for  the  first  time.  The  test of its Hwasong-15 ICBM  and  smiling  widely,  waved  the  current  ruler,  at  Pyong-
            Kim, however, avoided direct  North  also  displayed  a  vari-  in  2017,  and  developing  a  to the crowd and kissed chil-  yang’s  Mansu  Hill.  A  huge
            criticism of Washington dur-  ety of solid-fuel weapon sys-  larger missile possibly means  dren who presented him with  street poster read “Best glory
            ing  Saturday's  event,  which  tems,  including  what  could  the country is trying to arm  flowers before taking his spot  to our great party.”
            celebrated  the  75th  anniver-  be  an  advanced  version  of  its long-range weapons with  on a balcony.
            sary  of  the  ruling  party  and  its  Pukguksong  family  of  more warheads, she said.                            The  North’s  official  Ko-
            took  place  less  than  four  missiles designed to be fired                           During  his  speech,  Kim  rean  Central  News  Agency
            weeks before the U.S. presi-  from submarines or land mo-  “North  Korea  is  pushing  seemed to tear up at one point  said  residents  in  Kaesong
            dential  election.  Instead,  he  bile launchers.         ahead with its nuclear strategy  as he repeatedly thanked his  and  other  regions  who  had
            focused on a domestic mes-   The  missiles  highlighted  regardless  of  the  tough  year  “great  people”  and  military  lost  their  homes  to  recent
            sage urging his people to re-  how  the  North  has  contin-  that  it  has  had  with  regard  for  overcoming  “unexpect-  natural  disasters  marked  the
            main firm in the face of “tre-  ued to expand its military ca-  to  diplomatic  talks,  flood-  ed” burdens and carrying out  party anniversary by moving
            mendous  challenges”  posed  pabilities  during  a  stalemate  ing from typhoons and CO-  anti-virus measures imposed  into  newly  built  houses  and
            by the coronavirus pandemic  in  nuclear  negotiations  with  VID-19,”  Hanham  said  in  a  by the ruling party and gov-  that  they  praised  Kim  Jong
            and crippling U.S.-led sanc-  the Trump administration.   telephone  interview.  “I  also  ernment to keep the country  Un for looking after them as
            tions  over  his  nuclear  pro-                           think that this is a message to  free  of  COVID-19,  a  claim  “their father.”
            gram.                        Kim had previously expressed  the  United  States  —  he  has  that  has  been  widely  ques-  This   year’s   anniversary
                                         frustration over the slow di-  already declared he no longer  tioned by outside observers.  comes  amid  deadlocked  ne-
            Kim  described  the  North’s  plomacy, pledging in Decem-  holds himself to the morato-                             gotiations  with  the  Trump
            continuing efforts to develop  ber that he would continue to  rium  and  he  has  something  He  also  extended  an  olive  administration  and  deepen-
            its nuclear deterrent as neces-  bolster his nuclear arsenal in  new as well he may wish to  branch  to  rival  South  Ko-  ing economic woes that ana-
            sary for its defense and said it  the face of U.S. pressure and  test.”The  celebratory  event,  rea, expressing hope that the  lysts say are shaping up as one
            wasn’t  targeting  any  specific  soon unveil a “new strategic  which began late Friday, was  countries can repair ties once  of the biggest tests of Kim’s
            country.                     weapon  to  the  world.”  He  not broadcast by North Ko-  the  threat  of  the  pandemic  leadership  since  he  took
            But  “if  any  force  harms  the  then  said  the  North  was  no  rean state television until Sat-  is over. The North had sus-  power in 2011.
            safety of our nation, we will  longer obligated to maintain  urday evening, when it aired  pended virtually all coopera-  But  many  analysts  believe
            fully  mobilize  the  strongest  a self-imposed suspension on  a taped broadcast.      tion with the South during a  North Korea will avoid seri-
            offensive might in a preemp-  nuclear  weapon  and  ICBM  Goose-stepping  troops  were  freeze in larger talks with the  ous negotiations or provoca-
            tive manner to punish them,”  tests,  which  President  Don-  seen marching in the streets  United States.          tions  before  the  U.S.  presi-
            he said.                     ald Trump touted as a major  in front of a brightly illumi-  After the speech, Kim waved  dential  election  because  of
            Kim's speech was punctuated  foreign policy achievement.  nated  Kim  Il  Sung  Square,  and watched with binoculars  the chance that the U.S. gov-
            by  thousands  of  goose-step-                            as a military band performed  as the military hardware was  ernment could change.
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