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A32    sports
                  Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                         Rookie WR Claypool scores 4 TDs, Steelers top Eagles 38-29

            (AP)  —  Rookie  wide  re-   the Steelers showed little rust                                                        work to do in what looks to
            ceiver  Chase  Claypool  despite having an unexpected                                                               be a stacked AFC, but they've
            scored  four  touchdowns,  bye  week  last  Sunday  after                                                           avoided  the  early  pratfalls
            including  the  clincher  the NFL scheduled their trip                                                              that have plagued them in re-
            with  2:59  remaining,  and  to Tennessee while the Titans                                                          cent years.
            the Pittsburgh Steelers re-  dealt with a COVID-19 out-
            mained  unbeaten  with  a  break.                                                                                   Inuries
            38-29 win over the                                                                                                  Eagles: OL Lane Johnson was
                                         Carson Wentz threw for 258                                                             carted to the locker room in
            Philadelphia  Eagles  on  yards  and  two  touchdowns                                                               the third quarter with an an-
            Sunday.                      but was also picked off twice,                                                         kle injury. Johnson has been
            Claypool,  a  second-round  both  times  by  Steelers  cor-                                                         dealing with a balky ankle all
            pick from Notre Dame, raced  nerback   Steven   Nelson.                                                             season and underwent a pro-
            down  the  slot,  hauled  in  a  Miles  Sanders  ran  for  80                                                       cedure  last  week  to  remove
            dart from Ben Roethlisberger  yards and two scores in his re-                                                       a cyst that had been bother-
            and  went  the  rest  of  the  35  turn to his hometown. Travis                                                     ing him. LB Duke Reily left
            yards to the end zone as the  Fulgham caught 10 passes for                                                          in the fourth quarter with an
            Steelers improved to 4-0 for  152  yards  and  a  touchdown                                                         undisclosed injury.
            the first time since 1979.   to give Philadelphia's injury-                                                         Steelers:  Lost  Pro  Bowl  left
                                         ravaged  receiving  group  a                                                           guard  David  DeCastro  in
            A  native  of  Abbottsford,  needed boost, but the Eagles                                                           the first quarter with an ab-
            British  Columbia,  Canada,  (1-3-1)  couldn't  pull  off  a                                                        dominal injury. Rookie Kevin
            Claypool  finished  with  sev-  second straight road win.                                                           Dotson filled in. WR Diontae
            en  receptions  for  110  yards                                                                                     Johnson left with a back in-
            and three scores and added a  The  Steelers  scored  on  five                                                       jury and did not return after a
            2-yard  touchdown  run  on  a  straight possessions to take a  Eric Ebron but Jake Elliott's  Singleton  and  sprinted  into  first-quarter punt return.
            jet  sweep.  Claypool  became  31-14 lead in the third quar-  57-yard  field-goal  attempt  the end zone while the 4,708
            the first Canadian-born NFL  ter,  but  the  Eagles  stormed  sailed wide right with 3:18 to  fans allowed into Heinz Field  Up next
            player  with  three  receiv-  back  behind  Wentz,  who  go.                           erupted.Nelson  picked  off  a  Eagles:  Start  a  three-game
            ing TDs in a game since Joe  connected  with  Greg  Ward                               desperation heave from Wen-  homestand    next   Sunday
            Rooney did it for the Duluth  for  an  8-yard  touchdown  Pittsburgh  took  over  and  a  tz to end Philadelphia's next  against Baltimore.
            Eskimos on Oct. 23, 1927.    pass and found Fulgham for  personal  foul  facemask  by  possession  and  the  Steelers  Steelers:  Finish  a  stretch  of
                                         a 4-yard score with 11:27 left.  the Eagles pushed the Steel-  were  unbeaten  a  quarter  of  four straight games at Heinz
            Roethlisberger   completed  Philadelphia,  which  at  one  ers  into  Philadelphia  terri-  the  way  through  the  season  Field when they host Cleve-
            27 of 34 passes for 239 yards  point  converted  10  straight  tory. Facing third-and-8 from  for the first time in 41 years.  land next Sunday. The AFC
            and the three scores to Clay-  third  downs,  had  a  chance  the Philadelphia 35, Claypool  The 1979 team won the fran-  North  rivals  split  in  2019,
            pool.  James  Conner  ran  for  to  take  the  lead  following  a  lined  up  in  the  slot,  zipped  chise's  fourth  Super  Bowl  each  team  winning  on  its
            44 yards and a touchdown as  fumble by Steelers tight end  past  Eagles  linebacker  Alex  in  six  years.  This  group  has  home field.

                       Liverpool, Man United plan power grab with leagues’ overhaul

              (AP)  —  Liverpool  and                                 Football  Association  and  lower league clubs there ap-  been in the Premier League
              Manchester  United  have                                good  causes.  A  quarter  of  pear  to  be  backroom  deals  the  longest  get  a  greater
              angered    the    Premier                               broadcast revenue would go  being cooked up that would  share  of  the  voting  rights.”
              League  and  the  govern-                               to  EFL  clubs.  The  Premier  create  a  closed  shop  at  the  The  plans  would  see  only
              ment    by    formulating                               League  currently  gener-   very  top  of  the  game,"  the  two  teams  automatically
              plans  to  reshape  English                             ates about 3 billion pounds  government  said  in  a  state-  relegated  from  the  Premier
              football  with  a  power                                per  season  from  selling  the  ment.                  League and replaced by pro-
              grab  that  would  also  re-                            rights to broadcast its games.                          moted Championship sides.
              duce  the  size  of  the  top                                                       "Sustainability, integrity and  Instead  of  four  second-tier
              competition to 18 teams.                                But  agreeing  to  this  pack-  fair  competition  are  abso-  teams  contesting  playoffs
                                                                      age  of  changes  would  also  lutely  paramount  and  any-  for a third promotion place,
              The  plans  have  been  engi-  work together” through the   lead  to  changes  in  the  Pre-  thing  that  may  undermine  three would be joined by the
              neered  by  the  American-  “proper channels."          mier  League  only  needing  them  is  deeply  troubling.  Premier League's 16th-place
              owned clubs in conjunction   “A number of the individual   approval  from  six  of  the  Fans must be front of all our  team.
              with  Rick  Parry,  the  chair-  proposals  in  the  plan  pub-  nine-longest  serving  clubs  minds, and this shows why
              man of the English Football   lished  today  could  have  a   —  rather  than  the  current-  our  fan  led  review  of  foot-  To  reduce  domestic  fixture
              League,  which  features  the   damaging  impact  on  the   ly required 14 of 20 teams.  ball  governance  will  be  so  commitments,  there  could
              72 professional teams below   whole  game,”  the  Premier   British Prime Minister Boris  critical.”            also  be  the  abolition  of  the
              the Premier League.         League  said  in  a  statement,   Johnson's  government  saw  Liverpool  and  United  are  League Cup and Communi-
              Parry  is  championing  the   “and  we  are  disappointed   that as a power play by the  both  owned  by  American  ty Shield, which is contested
              biggest  shakeup  of  English   to  see  that  Rick  Parry  ...   wealthiest  clubs.  It  chimes  sports  tycoons  and  have  by  the  Premier  League  and
              football  since  he  helped  to   has given his on-the-record   with moves by the European  remained  publicly  silent,  FA Cup winners.
              create the Premier League in   support.”                Club  Association  to  have  while  Parry's  remarks  pro-  Another  idea  allows  clubs
              1992 with a breakaway from                              a maximum of 18 teams in  vided  apparent  cover  for  to generate more cash from
              the Football League by say-  Parry is backing what is be-  leagues,  creating  space  for  them in public. He was Pre-  live  games,  which  would
              ing it would provide greater   ing called “Project Big Pic-  the  elite  to  play  each  other  mier League CEO at the in-  benefit teams with the larg-
              revenue  for  EFL  clubs  as   ture”  with  the  promise  of   more  often  in  continental  ception in 1992 before mov-  est fan bases the most.
              they struggle financially due   250  million  pounds  ($270   games.                ing  into  the  same  position  Premier League clubs could
              to fans being shut out of sta-  million)  being  advanced                           at Liverpool in 1998 for 11  exclusively sell the rights to
              diums during the pandemic.  from  the  Premier  League   “We  are  surprised  and  dis-  years.                 broadcast eight live matches
                                          to  help  EFL  clubs.  From   appointed  that  at  a  time  of  “This  isn’t  about  giving  each  season  internation-
              But  the  lack  of  wide  col-  the 2022-23 season, 8.5% of   crisis  when  we  have  urged  power to a limited number  ally on digital platforms that
              laboration  has  opened  up   broadcast revenue would be   the top tiers of professional  of named clubs,” Parry said.  would  be  allowed  to  show
              fractures,  with  the  Premier   used to operate the Premier   football  to  come  together  “This  is  about  recogniz-  in-game  highlights  for  the
              League  stressing  “we  all   League and help to fund the   and  finalize  a  deal  to  help  ing that those clubs who’ve  whole year.
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