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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                        Sei Young Kim wins 1st major at Women’s PGA Championship

            (AP)  —  Sei  Young  Kim                                                                                            walking over to compliment
            lined  up  for  the  putt  on                                                                                       a reporter for a story (“really
            the  18th  hole  that  would                                                                                        cool”) before Kim teed off on
            seal her first LPGA major                                                                                           No. 8.
            championship  and  some-                                                                                            “Before I came to the U.S., I
            how  missed  by  inches.                                                                                            actually saw Paul, and I saw
            One  member  of  the  gal-                                                                                          how  he  prepared  for  each
            lery  —  in  this  instance,                                                                                        tournament,  and  I  told  my-
            roughly  75  officials,  pho-                                                                                       self I want to have him on my
            tographers  and  course                                                                                             bag,” Kim said.
            stragglers  —  even  said
            “she made it.”                                                                                                      Kim  hit  the  putt  of  her  life
            Not quite.                                                                                                          last  November  at  Tiburon
                                                                                                                                Golf  Club,  a  25-foot  birdie
            The  27-year-old  South  Ko-                                                                                        on the final hole of the CME
            rean  laughed  off  the  rare                                                                                       Group  Tour  Championship
            misstep,  tapped  in  the  win-                                                                                     to win $1.5 million, the rich-
            ner and shed the unwelcome                                                                                          est  prize  in  the  history  of
            label  of  winningest  golfer                                                                                       women’s golf. The money is
            on the tour without a major.                                                                                        far less at Aronimink — but
            Kim raised her arms “Rocky”                                                                                         the prestige of winning a ma-
            style, hugged her caddie and,                                                                                       jor means so much more. “I
            at last, was a major champion.                                                                                      won’t lie, I did feel the pres-
            Kim  chewed  up  Aronimink                                                                                          sure starting last night,” Kim
            Golf  Club  in  record  style,                                                                                      said. “I actually arrived about
            shooting  a  7-under  63  on  ence.  “See  you  soon,”  Kim                            hard-charging Park. Park had  30 minutes later than I nor-
            Sunday  to  win  the  KPMG  said with a smile and a wave.  She earned $645,000 for the  three  birdies  on  the  front  mally do at the golf course. I
            Women’s  PGA  Champion-      She  was,  Park  said,  “really  victory. Kim has at least one  nine  as  she  tried  to  match  really tried to stay composed
            ship.  She  was  five  strokes  untouchable.”             win in every LPGA Tour sea-  Mickey Wright with a record  during the tournament, dur-
            better than runner-up  Inbee  Park,  a  three-time  winner  son since 2015. “It was just so  fourth  win  at  the  Women’s  ing the round, and I’m happy
            Park,  never  seriously  chal-  of  this  championship,  shot  hard to believe that she never  PGA   Championship.   “I  that I got it done.”
            lenged on the arduous course  a  5-under  65.  Park  won  the  won a major before because it  thought 65 will definitely do
            in suburban Philadelphia.    Women’s  PGA  Champion-      felt like she won a few,” Park  it,” Park said. “I was thinking  The tournament was delayed
                                         ship in 2015 and Kim was in  said. Nasa Hataoka and Car-  maybe like 5 to 6 under is a  three months because of the
            “I’m  actually  really  hiding  the  first  group  of  people  on  lota Ciganda tied for third at  good number to kind of post  coronavirus pandemic, land-
            my tears at the moment,” she  the  course  to  celebrate  with  7  under.  Anna  Nordqvist  (4  and  just  see  what  happens.  ing its final round smack on
            said, standing next to the tro-  her.                     under) and Brooke Hender-    But obviously Sei Young was  a packed sports Sunday. The
            phy.                                                      son  (3  under)  both  played  just much better than anyone  PGA  of  America  had  to  get
            Her dominance was in plain  Five years later, it was Kim’s  in Kim’s group and finished  else out there today.”     creative  with  the  tee  times
            sight. She finished at 14-un-  time to hoist the trophy.  fifth  and  sixth.  Kim  is  the                          with NBC having other pro-
            der 266. Her final-round 63  Kim,  a  2016  Olympian,  was  latest  addition  to  a  growing  As  she  approached  18,  the  gramming  commitments  on
            tied  a  tournament  record,  runner-up at the 2015 Wom-  list  of  first-time  major  win-  trophy  sitting  out  near  the  the weekend and the leaders
            and her 266 set the champi-  en’s PGA Championship and  ners in recent years, a sign of  hole  for  her  to  see,  pretty  — including Kim — teed off
            onship scoring record.       tied  for  second  at  the  Evian  growing  parity.  Her  victory  much everyone out at Aron-  at 8:49 a.m.
                                         Championship in 2018. Kim  means nine of the last 10 ma-  imink  lined  the  ropes.  She
            Kim,  who  earned  her  11th  held the 54-hole lead at a ma-  jor champions had never won  got  a  big  ovation  after  her  Founded  in  1896,  Aronim-
            LPGA victory, got the cham-  jor once, at the 2015 ANA In-  one before. She joins Sophia  tap-in sealed the win.    ink  has  hosted  a  number  of
            pionship  push  rolling  when  spiration, where she finished  Popov  (Women’s  British  Kim waved to the crowd and  significant golf events during
            she  matched  a  tournament  in a tie for fourth.         Open) and Mirim Lee (ANA  was doused in champagne as  its  storied  history,  including
            record with a 29 on the front  She clinched the champion-  Inspiration) as this year’s ma-  she walked off the course.  the  1962  PGA  Champion-
            nine on Friday. She never re-  ship with a round to remem-  jor champions.             With Paul Fusco on the bag,  ship  won  by  Gary  Player.
            ally slowed down.            ber at Aronimink. Kim’s fifth  Kim dazzled at another event  Kim  matched  a  tournament  Aronimink’s golf course was
            About the only surprise Sun-  birdie of the day at the par-3  without the roar of the galler-  record with a 29 on the front  designed  by  Donald  Ross
            day came when her father ap-  14th gave her a four-shot lead  ies  --  though  Toronto  Rap-  nine on Friday and shot a 32  in  1926  and  is  off  the  ma-
            peared on a video chat toward  over  Park  and  put  her  at  12  tors  star  Kyle  Lowry  walked  for  the  front  nine  on  Sun-  jor  schedule  until  the  PGA
            the end of her press confer-  under for the championship.  the course -- and held off a  day. Fusco kept it loose, even  Championship in 2026.

                         Rashford scores in England win v Belgium: Haaland hat trick

             (AP) — England came from be-       in Group 2 of League A. Also in that  Perfect FIGHT
            hind  to  beat  Belgium  2-1  and  group, Denmark was hosting Iceland  Substitute  Andrej  Kramarić  scored
            move  top  of  its  UEFA  Nations  later Sunday. Denmark has one point  the winner nine minutes after com-
            League group on Sunday, and Er-     and the visitors zero.              ing off the bench to help Croatia beat
            ling Haaland netted a hat trick to                                      Sweden 2-1.
            help Norway assuage its Europe-     Haaland hat trick                   Croatia  moved  three  points  below
            an  Championship  playoff  disap-   Haaland helped Norway thrash Ro-    France  and  Portugal  in  Group  3  of
            pointment.                          mania 4-0 and move top in Group 1  League A. Defending champion Por-
                                                of League B.                        tugal and France play each other later,
            Marcus  Rashford’s  penalty  canceled  Alexander  Sørloth  scored  Norway’s  knowing  that  one  or  both  of  them
            out  Romelu  Lukaku’s  spot  kick  in  other  goal.  Haaland  already  has  six  will lose their perfect record in this
            the first half before Mason Mount’s  goals in the competition.          season’s competition.               Finland  beat  Bulgaria  2-0  in  Group
            looping, deflected shot clinched Eng-  Norway lost a Euro 2020 playoff to  Italy and Poland have the chance to   4  of  League  B  and  10-man  Ireland
            land’s first victory over a top-ranked  Serbia on Thursday.             top  Group  1  of  League  A  after  the   drew 0-0 against Wales.
            team  in  nine  years.  The  result  also  Austria can move level on points with  Netherlands  drew  0-0  against  Bos-  There  were  four  draws  in  League
            ended Belgium’s 13-match unbeaten  Norway  with  a  win  over  Northern  nia-Herzegovina.                   C: Armenia 2, Georgia 2; Estonia 3,
            run.                                Ireland later.                                                          North  Macedonia  3;  Kazakhstan  0,
            England is a point ahead of Belgium                                     Other matches                       Albania 0; and Lithuania 2, Belarus 2.
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