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A30    world news
                  Dialuna 12 OctOber 2020

                          Italian teenage computer whiz beatified by Catholic Church

            (AP) — A 15-year-old Ital-                                                                                          ian boy from a rare pancreatic
            ian  computer  whiz  who                                                                                            disorder  after  coming  into
            died  of  leukemia  in  2006                                                                                        contact with an Acutis relic, a
            moved  a  step  closer  to                                                                                          piece of one of his T-shirts."I
            possible  sainthood  Sat-                                                                                           was  sure  he  was  already  a
            urday  with  his  beatifica-                                                                                        saint while alive. He healed a
            tion in the town of Assisi,                                                                                         woman from cancer, praying
            where he is buried.                                                                                                 to the Madonna of Pompeii,"
                                                                                                                                his mother told Corriere.
            Carlo Acutis is the youngest                                                                                        Another  verified  miracle  is
            contemporary  person  to  be                                                                                        necessary  for  sainthood,  al-
            beatified, a path taken by two                                                                                      though  Pope  Francis  has
            Portuguese  shepherd  chil-                                                                                         waived that on rare occasions.
            dren living in the early 1900s                                                                                      Acutis was buried in Assisi at
            who were proclaimed Catho-                                                                                          his own requests, having be-
            lic saints in 2017.                                                                                                 come an admirer of St. Fran-
            At the beatification ceremony                                                                                       cis of Assisi for his dedication
            in the Basilica of Saint Fran-                                                                                      to  the  poor.  The  Umbrian
            cis  of  Assisi,  a  portrait  of                                                                                   town was one of his favorite
            Acutis  was  slowly  unveiled,                                                                                      travel destinations. His body,
            revealing a smiling teen in a                                                                                       clad in a tracksuit and sneak-
            red polo shirt, his curly dark                                                                                      ers,  has  been  on  display  for
            hair illuminated by a halo of                                                                                       veneration  in  a  sanctuary  in
            light. Cardinal Agostino Val-                                                                                       the  town,  and  his  heart  will
            lini,  the  papal  legate  for  the  and then learned how to edit  prised  his  non-practicing  newing her own faith. "Carlo  be displayed in a reliquary in
            Assisi  basilicas,  kissed  each  videos and create animation.   parents. His mother told the  saved me. I was an illiterate of  the St. Francis Basilica.
            of  the  boy's  mask-wearing  "Carlo  used  the  internet  in  Corriere  della  Sera  newspa-  faith.  I  came  back  thanks  to  Acutis  told  his  mother  that
            parents,  Andrea  Acutis  and  service of the Gospel, to reach  per that from age 3 he would  Father Ilio Carrai, the Padre  he would give her many signs
            Antonia  Salzano,  after  read-  as many people as possible,''  ask  to  visit  churches  they  Pio  of  Bologna,  otherwise  I  of his presence after death.
            ing the proclamation decreed  the  cardinal  said  during  his  passed  in  Milan,  and  by  age  would have felt discredited in  "Before he left us, I told him:
            by  Pope  Francis.    Already  homily, adding that the teen  7  had  asked  to  receive  the  my parental authority. It is a  If  in  heaven  you  find  our
            touted as the "patron saint of  saw the web "as a place to use  sacrament of Holy Commu-  path that continues. I hope to  four-legged friends, look for
            the  internet,"  Acutis  created  with  responsibility,  without  nion,  winning  an  exception  at least wind up in purgatory,"  Billy, my childhood dog that
            a website to catalog miracles  becoming enslaved."        to the customary age require-  she told the Milan daily.   he  never  knew,"  the  mother
            and took care of websites for  Acutis  was  born  in  London  ment.  ''There was in him a  Acutis died of acute leukemia  said.  One  day  she  got  a  call
            some local Catholic organiza-  on  May  3,  1991,  to  Italian  natural predisposition for the  on Oct. 12, 2006. He was put  from  an  aunt  who  was  un-
            tions. While still in elementa-  parents and moved to Milan  sacred," his mother said.   on the road to sainthood after  aware  of  the  mother-son
            ry school, Acutis taught him-  as a child. Already as a small  His  curiosity  prompted  her  Pope Francis approved a mir-  pact, saying "I saw Carlo in a
            self to code using a university  child,  he  showed  a  strong  to  study  theology  in  order  acle attributed to Acutis: The  dream tonight. He was hold-
            computer  science  textbook,  religious  devotion  that  sur-  to  answer  his  questions,  re-  healing of a 7-year-old Brazil-  ing Billy in his arms."

                           UK at ‘tipping point:’ England braces for more restrictions

            (AP) — Millions of people  versities. Infection levels, —  have  been  supplemented  support  scheme  that  it  an-  cause there is clear evidence
            in  northern  England  are  and deaths — in the U.K. are  by  local  actions,  including  nounced  Friday  and  for  not  that local councils are good at
            anxiously  waiting  to  hear  rising at their fastest rates in  in  some  cases  banning  con-  properly  telling  them  about  that, as you'd expect," he told
            how  much  further  virus  months.                        tacts  between  households.  the  upcoming  restrictions.  the BBC.
            restrictions  will  be  tight-  Without  quick  action,  there  In Scotland's two biggest cit-  The wage plan aims to help  As  well  as  facing  questions
            ened  as  one  of  the  Brit-  are  fears  that  U.K.  hospitals  ies, Glasgow and Edinburgh,  employees in companies that  over its coronavirus strategy,
            ish  government's  leading  will  be  overwhelmed  in  the  pubs have already closed for  are forced to close because of  government  members  were
            medical  advisers  warned  coming  weeks  at  a  time  of  16 days to suppress the out-  virus restrictions, but mayors  having to respond to accusa-
            Sunday that the country is  year  when  they  are  already  break.                     say it's not generous enough  tions  of  potential  wrongdo-
            at a crucial juncture in the  at  their  busiest  with  winter-  In response to the virus' re-  in paying only two-thirds of  ing.
            second  wave  of  the  coro-  related afflictions like the flu.  surgence,  Prime  Minister  employees' wages and doesn't  Jenrick, himself, denied there
            navirus.                     The  U.K.  has  experienced  Boris Johnson is expected to  compensate  those  indirectly  was  anything  wrong  in  the
                                         Europe's  deadliest  outbreak,  announce  a  new  three-tier  hit by any business closures,  fact that he and a junior min-
            England's deputy chief medi-  with  an  official  death  toll  local  lockdown  system  for  such  as  drink  suppliers  to  ister  in  his  department  ap-
            cal  officer,  Professor  Jona-  of 42,825, up another 65 on  England  on  Monday,  which  pubs.                    proved  payments  to  towns
            than Van-Tam, said the U.K.  Sunday.                      could temporarily close pubs  Communities Secretary Rob-  in each other's constituencies
            is  at  a  "tipping  point  similar  Although  coronavirus  infec-  and  restaurants  in  the  virus  ert Jenrick on Sunday sought  from a government fund ear-
            to where we were in March"  tions  are  rising  throughout  hot spots. The speculation is  to  assuage concerns  that  the  marked  for  deprived  areas.
            following a sharp increase in  England, northern cities like  household  mixing,  indoors  government was being overly  He insisted there was a "ro-
            new coronavirus cases.       Liverpool,  Manchester  and  or  outside,  will  be  banned  hierarchical  in  its  approach.  bust  and  fair"  methodology
            "But  we  can  prevent  his-  Newcastle  have  seen  a  dis-  in those areas put under the  He  also  indicated  that  local  behind the allocations.
            tory repeating itself if we all  proportionate increase. While  tightest  restrictions.  Liver-  authorities will be given more  Separately,  Health  Secretary
            act  now,"  he  said.  "Now  we  some  rural  areas  in  eastern  pool's  local  leader  has  said  control over the national test  Matt Hancock denied claims
            know where it is and how to  England  have  less  than  20  he expects his city to face the  and trace program, which has  that  he  broke  the  govern-
            tackle it — let's grasp this op-  cases per 100,000 people, ma-  most  onerous  restrictions  struggled to live up to John-  ment's drinking curfew after
            portunity and prevent history  jor metropolitan areas such as  from Wednesday.         son's prediction that it would  the  Mail  on  Sunday  news-
            from repeating itself."      Liverpool,  Manchester  and  He  is  briefing  members  of  be "world-beating."        paper  claimed  he  was  seen
            All  across  Europe  including  Nottingham  have  recently  the  Cabinet  by  conference  "In  addition  to  the  national  having a drink in a House of
            the  U.K.,  there  have  been  recorded levels above 500 per  call Sunday.             infrastructure  which  is  de-  Commons bar after 10 p.m.
            huge increases in coronavirus  100,000, nearly as bad as Ma-  Local  leaders  in  northern  veloping and increasing with  "The  proposed  timeline  of
            cases over the past few weeks  drid or Brussels.          England  have  vented  their  every  passing  week,  we're  events  is  false  and  no  rules
            following  the  reopening  of  As  a  result,  national  restric-  fury  at  the  Conservative  also going to be making use  have been broken," a spokes-
            large sectors of the economy,  tions such as a 10 p.m. cur-  government  over  what  they  of  local  councils  to  do  con-  man for the health secretary
            as  well  as  schools  and  uni-  few on pubs and restaurants  see  as  an  "inadequate"  wage  tact tracing in particular, be-  said.
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