Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200406
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A32    LOCAL
                       Monday 6 april 2020

            Stories R US: Write about COVID-19 on the islands

            OHIO,  US  —  The  future  will                                                        ing for personal turned into
            find  us  looking  back  on                                                            writing  for  public.  Through
            the pandemic of 2020. Ar-                                                              phases,  stages,  and  ages,
            ticles  in  newspapers  will                                                           a writer writes. Because sto-
            be  archived.  Children  will                                                          ries R US.
            grow  up  with  school  can-
            celation  tales.  Each  indi-                                                          “Like  many  others  who
            vidual  will  have  a  similar,                                                        turned  into  writers,  I  disap-
            yet a distinctive story about                                                          peared  into  books  when
            the  coronavirus.  The  days                                                           I  was  very  young,  disap-
            of  COVID-19  will  be  tran-                                                          peared  into  them  like
            scribed in history books.                                                              someone  running  into  the
                                                                                                   woods. What surprised and
            I  grew  up  inside  of  books.                                                        still surprises me is that there
            Escaping    between     the                                                            was another side to the for-
            front and the back covers                                                              est  of  stories  and  the  soli-
            brought  solace  from  ex-                                                             tude, that I came out that   Melissa  Martin,  Ph.D.  is  an
            ternal  and  internal  chaos.  religion.  Themes  of  love  made into movies. Fantasy,  other side and met people   author,  columnist,  educator,
            Traveling  faraway,  but  still  and lust, faithfulness and in-  reality, or both?     there.  Writers  are  solitaries   and therapist. She lives in U.S.
            staying home was possible  fidelity,  fulfilled  hearts  and                           by vocation and necessity.
            within  the  pages.  Each  broken  hearts.  Themes  of  I  grew  up  inside  of  an  ink  I sometimes think the test is   becca  Solnit,  in  her  essay
            person is a story and each  what was lost and themes  pen. With millions of words  not so much talent, which is     Flight,  from  The  Faraway
            person has a story. Whether  of  what  was  found.  Good  dancing  inside  my  head,  not as rare as people think,   Nearby
            fiction or nonfiction, stories  vs. evil. Right vs wrong. Rich  I  tried  to  empty  them  out  but  purpose  or  vocation,
            R US.                        vs  poor.  Tales  of  accep-  onto  paper.  Swirling-twirl-  which  manifests  in  part  as   A  recent  article  in  Forbes
                                         tance and tales of betray-   ing  words  full  of  adoles-  the  ability  to  endure  a  lot   is telling how to author our
            From  the  beginning  of  al.  Anecdotes  about  sex,  cent  angst.  Using  poetry  of solitude and keep work-      story. “COVID-19 has many
            the   beginning,   humans  kids,  money;  three  salient  to  alleviate  the  confusion  ing. Before writers are writ-  of  us  hunkering  down  in
            lived  and  then  told  narra-  aspects  of  daily  living—full  and  problems  brought  on  ers  they  are  readers,  living   place  and  social  distanc-
            tives  about  tragedy  and  of  drama.  And  chronicles  by  puberty.  Journaling  the  in books, through books, in   ing.  If  you  are  a  writer,
            triumph.  Themes  of  birth-  of plagues, epidemics, and  day’s events into a pastel-  the lives of others that are   and  have  all  your  survival
            ing  and  themes  of  dying  pandemics.  Science  fic-    colored  diary  with  a  key.  also the heads of others, in   needs  met  (food,  shelter,
            -  foundation  of  humanity.  tion thrillers about diseases  Hiding it away from prying  that act that is so intimate   support),  then  it  might  be
            Themes of relationship and  that devour humankind get  eyes of others. Years of writ-  and  yet  so  alone.”  –  Re-  the  opportunity  you  need
                                                                                                                                to  get  your  story  written.”
              Warm message from New York                                                                              

                                                                                                                                One does not need to be
              NEW YORK, US — Aruba Today is al-    Aruba for over 30 years, with my wife                                        a  professional  writer  to
              ways connected to our beloved fol-   and  I  having  had  our  honeymoon                                          compose  her/his  own  ac-
              lowers  and  readers,  many  of  them  there in 1989. In more recent years                                        count of the pandemic of
              from  the  U.S.  We  welcome  you  to  we have been fortunate enough to                                           2020. Just follow the basics.
              send  us  your  thoughts  and  share  visit three or four times a year, often                                     A  story  needs  to  have  a
              with us your experiences during this  with  our  adult  children.  We  have                                       narrative arc (a beginning,
              hard times where we wish you were  many  wonderful  friends  on  the  is-                                         middle, and end). The best
              here and you love to enjoy our tropi-  land, some who have visited us here                                        character  arc  reveals  an
              cal  paradise  right  at  this  moment.  in New York.                                                             inner  transformation,  not
              Today  we  would  like  to  share  with                                                                           just  a  change  in  circum-
              you  a  beautiful  message  from  the  I  know  Aruba  to  be  a  very  special                                   stances.
              New York family Fair.                place, and my life and my family’s
                                                   lives have been forever enriched by                                          You  are  part  of  the  pan-
              “Here in New York we have been hit  having discovered it.                                                         demic  story  and  so  am  I.
              especially hard by the present crisis.                                     My  family  and  I  would  like  to  wish   Living  on  an  island  makes
              Everyone  now  knows  of  someone  These  are  and  will  be  tough  times  the  citizens  of  Aruba  all  the  best.   your  experience  unique
              we have lost. But as I sit, unable to  for all of us, and I wanted to make  Stay strong, be well and stay safe.   along with culture, weath-
              leave my home, one comfort that I  sure that I took a moment to express                                           er, and survival.
              take is in my thoughts and memories  my  appreciation  to  the  people  of  We will see you very soon!
              of Aruba and the beauty of its land-  Aruba for allowing us to be guests in                                       Write  your  own  story  and
              scape and its people.                your great country building lifelong  Sincerely,                             send  it  to  your  newspa-
                                                   memories  and  friendships  that  we                                         per’s  Letter  to  the  Editor.
              My family and I have been going to  will always cherish.                   David Fair, Linda Fair and family” q   Stories R US.q
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