Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200406
P. 28
Monday 6 april 2020
A priest wears a mask to limit the risk of infection by the new
coronavirus, as he attends a Sunday morning mass at the Bole
Medhane Alem Ethiopian Orthodox Cathedral in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia Sunday, April 5, 2020.
Associated Press.
South Sudan 51st of 54
Women pray in front of the closed Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a place where Christians believe African nations to report
Jesus Christ was buried, as a palm hangs on the door, in Jerusalem's Old City, Sunday, April 5,
2020. virus case
Associated Press.
Jerusalem's Palm Sunday procession By MAURA AJACK erate symptoms, such as
scaled back due to virus Associated Press fever and cough, and the
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) vast majority survive. But
— South Sudan has an- for others, especially older
By MOSHE EDRI Palm Sunday celebrations tribute food and medicine. nounced its first case of adults and people with
Associated Press start the Holy Week leading The Israeli Defense Ministry COVID-19, making it the existing health problems,
JERUSALEM (AP) — A small up to Easter. Worshippers said it had helped arrange 51st of Africa's 54 countries it can be more severe,
group of Franciscan monks in Jerusalem traditionally two weeks of airlifts for med- to report the disease. even causing pneumonia
and Roman Catholic faith- carry palm fronds and olive ical equipment from China. A U.N. worker who arrived or death. Recovering from
ful took to the streets of Je- branches, and march from The first plane was sched- in the country from Neth- a five-year civil war, South
rusalem's Christian Quarter the top of the Mount of Ol- uled to arrive on Monday, erlands on Feb. 28 is ill with Sudan has several camps
in the Old City Sunday to ives into the Old City. carrying over 900,000 surgi- the disease, confirmed First of thousands of displaced
distribute olive branches, While thousands of pilgrims cal masks and half a million Vice President Riek Mach- people. Across the border
after the traditional Palm usually participate in the protective suits for medical ar and the U.N. mission in in Uganda is Bidibidi camp
Sunday procession was march, this year was lim- teams. Separately, Iran's South Sudan. The patient, with with more than 250,000
cancelled due to restric- ited to a handful of partici- state TV reported that an a 29-year-old woman, first refugees from South Su-
tions imposed to contain pants. Clerics and faithful additional 151 people had showed signs of the disease dan. Crowded and with
the spread of the coronavi- went door to door often died, pushing the death toll on April 2 and is recovering, rudimentary facilities, the
rus. As the number of COV- throwing the branches to to 3,603 with over 58,000 said officials. camps are viewed as high
ID-19 cases rose in Israel, the Christians looking on from confirmed cases. However, South Sudan, with 11 million risk areas for the spread
government announced their balconies. President Hassan Rouhani people, currently has four of the virus, according to
it had arranged a massive "This year, because of the announced that low-risk ventilators and wants to health experts.
airlift of masks, protective new situation, we are try- businesses will be allowed increase that number, said With the disease in South
suits and medical supplies ing to come to all the Chris- to resume their activities Machar, who emphasized Sudan, now just three
from China. Elsewhere in tians in our Christian Quar- in Tehran on April 18. Busi- that people should stay countries in Africa have
the region, Iran, which is ter to bring these branches nesses in other provinces three to six feet apart from not reported any cases of
dealing with the worst out- of olives, the sign of new will begin a week earlier, others. COVID-19: the tiny moun-
break in the Mideast, an- hope," said the Rev. Sandro on April 11, he said during a "The only vaccine is social tain kingdom of Lesotho in
nounced plans to allow Tomasevic, a Catholic cler- meeting Saturday. distancing," said Machar. southern Africa, and the
some businesses to reopen gyman at the Latin Parish In Lebanon, a jet brought The patient is under quar- island nations of Comoros
later this month even as of Jerusalem. The corona- more than 70 citizens who antine at U.N. premises and and Sao Tome and Prin-
the death toll continued to virus causes mild to moder- had been stuck for nearly health workers are tracing cipe.
climb. Lebanon reopened ate symptoms in most pa- three weeks in Saudi Ara- the people who had been Ethiopia on Sunday report-
its airport to allow citizens tients, who recover within bia after Beirut's interna- in contact with her, said ed its first death from the
stranded overseas to return a few weeks. But it is highly tional airport closed. It David Shearer, head of the virus and announced five
home, while churches that contagious and can be was the first flight returning U.N. operations in South Su- more cases bringing its to-
had remained open for spread by people showing thousands of Lebanese dan. tal to 43, most of them im-
Palm Sunday even during no symptoms. It can cause from around the world, with He said he hoped the ported by travelers.
the country's 1975-1990 civil serious illness and death in three more scheduled to measures would contain Ethiopia's Prime Minister
war were mostly empty. some patients, particularly arrive Sunday. Prime Minis- the case. To prevent the Abiy Ahmed held discus-
A top Pakistani official also the elderly and those with ter Hassan Diab said up to spread of the virus in South sions Sunday with oppo-
called on the United Na- underlying health issues. 21,000 people have regis- Sudan, President Salva Kiir sition party leaders on
tions and other wealthier In Israel, more than 8,000 tered to return home, and last week imposed a curfew measures to combat the
countries to send emergen- people have contracted the process will take sev- from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. virus. A number of Ethio-
cy food and medical assis- the coronavirus and 48 eral weeks. Lebanon has for six weeks and closed pia's regional states have
tance to hundreds of thou- have died. The Israeli mili- reported 520 cases of coro- borders, airports, schools, implemented bans on
sands of Afghan refugees tary began an operation navirus and 18 deaths since churches and mosques. movement of people and
locked down in camps in in the hard-hit central city the first case was reported For most people, the coro- vehicles, but not yet in the
the border region. of Bnei Brak, helping to dis- in late February. q navirus causes mild or mod- capital Addis Ababa.q