Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200406
P. 27
WORLD NEWS Monday 6 april 2020
Europe sees more signs of hope as Italy's virus curve falls
By FRANCES D'EMILIO on Sunday, Britain has 4,934
Associated Press virus deaths overall among
ROME (AP) — Europe is see- 47,806 cases. Those coming
ing further signs of hope in down with the virus in the
the coronavirus outbreak U.K. include Prime Minister
as Italy's daily death toll Boris Johnson, the health
was at its lowest in more secretary, England's chief
than two weeks and health medical official and Prince
officials noted with caution Charles, heir to the British
Sunday that the infection throne.
curve was finally descend- There are wide fears that
ing. In Spain, new deaths Johnson's Conservative
dropped for the third government didn't take
straight day, the virus seriously enough
But the optimism was tem- at first and that beautiful
pered by Britain's jump in spring weather will tempt
coronavirus deaths that Britons and others to break
outpaced the daily toll in social distancing rules.
Italy. Restrictions on movement
Angelo Borrelli, the head of vary from country to coun-
Italy's Civil Protection agen- try. In Germany and Britain,
cy on Sunday, said there residents can exercise and
were 525 deaths in the 24- walk their dogs, as well as
hour period since Saturday Soldiers patrol in front of the Duomo gothic cathedral in Milan, Italy, Sunday, April 5, 2020. go to the supermarket and
evening. That's the lowest Associated Press. do other essential tasks.
such figure in the country in the last few days, includ- Brusaferro told reporters, re- most people, but for some, Swedish authorities have
since 427 deaths were reg- ing in northern Lombardy, ferring to graphs indicating especially older adults and advised the public to prac-
istered on March 19. Italy's most stricken region. daily numbers of confirmed the infirm, it can cause se- tice social distancing, but
Italy now has a total of Borrelli also noted with a cases. vere pneumonia and lead schools, bars and restau-
15,887 deaths and nearly measure of satisfaction But Borrelli warned: "This to death. rants are still open.
129,000 confirmed COV- that the number of those good news shouldn't make As warm, sunny weather Spain announced 6,023
ID-19 cases. hospitalized but not in ICU us drop our guard." beckoned across Europe, confirmed new infections
A day shy of one month beds also has decreased. For days, anticipating a Queen Elizabeth II ap- Sunday, taking its national
under a national lockdown Italy recorded 4,316 new possible downward slope pealed to Britons to exer- tally to 130,759 but down
that the Italian government cases Sunday. Earlier in the in the curve, government cise self-discipline in "an from an increase of 7,026
ordered, the lower count of outbreak, daily increases and health authorities in increasingly challenging infections in the previous
day-to-day deaths brought in caseloads topped the Italy have cautioned that time." day. Spain's confirmed
some encouragement. 6,000 mark. restrictions on movement Britain recorded 708 new new virus deaths dropped
The number of intensive "The curve, which had would likely last in some coronavirus deaths Satur- for the third straight day,
care unit beds occupied been plateauing for days, form for weeks. day while Italy reported to 674 — the first time daily
by COVID-19 patients has is starting to descend," na- The virus causes mild to 631 deaths that day. With deaths have fallen below
also showed a decrease tional health official Silvio moderate symptoms in 621 more deaths reported 800 in the past week.q
Knifeman in France kills 2 in attack, terror inquiry opened
By THOMAS ADAMSON uments but claimed to be butcher's shop, according
Associated Press Sudanese and to have to French news reports..
PARIS (AP) — A man wield- been born in 1987. He grabbed another knife
ing a knife attacked resi- During a subsequent and attacked a customer
dents of a French town search of his home, au- with the blunt end before
while they ventured out to thorities found handwritten entering a supermarket,
shop amid a nationwide documents that included the media said..
coronavirus lockdown Sat- arguments about religion French Interior Minister
urday, killing two people and a complaint about liv- Christophe Castaner ar-
and wounding five others ing in a "country of unbe- rived at the scene in the
in an act that led authori- lievers," officials said. town south of Lyon within
ties to open a terrorism The prosecutor's office did hours and thanked shop-
inquiry. France's counter- not confirm reports that keepers for their help.
terrorism prosecutor's of- the man shouted "Allahu Some 100 police and 45
fice said the assailant was akbar" (God is great) as firefighters were involved
arrested near the scene of he stabbed and slashed Police officers investigate after a man wielding a knife attacked in the operation and se-
the attack in the town of people. Like the entire residents venturing out to shop in the town under lockdown, curing the area, authori-
Saturday April 4, 2020 in Romans-sur-Isere, southern France.
Romans-sur-Isere, south of population of France, Ro- Associated Press. ties said.
Lyon, as he was kneeling mans-sur-Isere's residents There have been a num-
on the sidewalk praying have been ordered to stay cery stores, the prosecu- in front of the victim's girl- ber of knife attacks in
in Arabic. It said one of his home except for a few ex- tor's office said. friend and son. France in recent months.
acquaintances also was ceptions. The victims were French media reported Next, the assailant went In January, French police
detained. doing their food shopping, that the knifeman first at- into a tobacco shop, shot and injured a man in
Prosecutors did not iden- one of the permitted out- tacked a man who had stabbed the tobacconist Metz who was waving a
tify the suspect. They said side activities, on the street just left home for a daily and two customers, and knife and shouting "Allahu
he had no identifying doc- that has bakeries and gro- walk — slitting his throat then went into the local akbar." q