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a30    feature/people & arts
                       Monday 6 april 2020
            'I cried on the truck': Fatigued NY workers forge ahead

            By WILL GRAVES                                                                         A lot of us are only making  lert said. "A lot of hospitals
             Associated Press                                                                      a couple dollars more than  are  overpacked.  You  got
            Josh Allert's days are a blur                                                          minimum wage but I'm do-     people  in  the  hallways,
            and a battle.                                                                          ing this for my family, trying  standing,  sitting  on  chairs.
            NEW  YORK  —  His  mental                                                              to help them out."           You can see the staff inter-
            and  physical  stamina  are                                                            The  sight  of  Allert  coming  acting  with  other  patients.
            constantly  put  to  the  test                                                         into  a  COVID-19  patient's  Tensions  are  high,  people
            as  the  22-year-old  emer-                                                            room  is  typically  good  are frustrated."
            gency medical technician                                                               news. Many of his runs dur-  The job is not easy. He'd like
            transports  coronavirus  pa-                                                           ing  the  epidemic  have  to receive hazard pay. He's
            tients around New York. He                                                             centered  around  trans-     not. He'd like his company
            is  burdened  by  the  push-                                                           porting recovering patients  to  have  a  bigger  stash  of
            and-pull  between  the  de-                                                            back  home  to  open  up  personal protection equip-
            sire to help at the epicenter                                                          beds for the next in a seem-  ment.  It  doesn't.  He'd  like
            of  the  pandemic  and  the                                                            ingly unending wave.         for things to return to some
            knowledge doing so sepa-                                                               Yet the process is anything  semblance  of  normal.  It
            rates him from the people                                                              but  smooth.  Whenever  Al-  won't.
            he loves. He worries about                                                             lert  enters  a  hospital,  he  is  Maybe not for a long time.
            getting sick or infecting his                                                          required  to  have  his  tem-  So for now, he'll keep doing
                                                                                                   perature  taken  before  fill-  what he can when he can.
                                                                                                   ing  out  paperwork  con-    That  means  answering  the
                                                                                                   cerning  his  recent  where-  phone when it rings.
                                         In  this  Saturday,  April  4,  2020  photo,  emergency  medical   abouts.             That  means  giving  himself
                                         technician Josh Allert poses for a photo in New York.     As  he  navigates  hospital  a self-administered breath-
                                                                                 Associated Press.
                                                                                                   hallways  in  his  protective  ing test shortly after waking
                                         family.                      "Technically  I'm  only  part-  gear,  he  walks  into  a  sea  up.
                                         Sitting in an ambulance as   time,  but  I  know  what  the  of  patients  on  ventilators  That means taking care of
                                         it dashed across New York    deal is," Allert said.       fighting an opponent blind  the  people  in  front  of  him
                                         City  near  the  end  of  an-  "There's a lot of patients go-  to  race,  gender  and  cir-  now in hopes he can take
                                         other  draining  shift  earlier   ing in. They need us to take  cumstance.             care of the people closest
                                         this  week,  the  stress  over-  people out. ... It's hard work.  "It's  looking  very  grim,"  Al-  to him the next day. q
                                         whelmed him.
                                         "I cried on the truck," Allert
                                         told  The  Associated  Press.   Singer Pink says she had COVID-19,
                                         "I've been working this hard
                                         and just wanted to go see      gives $1M to relief funds
                                         my family and spend time
                                         with  them  and  kiss  them
                                         and hug them, and I can't      LOS ANGELES (AP) — The singer Pink had
                                         right now."                    tested positive for COVID-19, she said Fri-
                                         Allert is part of an army of   day, also announcing that she is donat-
                                         workers  who  have  sud-       ing  $500,000  each  to  two  emergency
                                         denly been thrust onto the     funds.
                                         front  lines  of  the  outbreak   In  a  pair  of  tweets,  she  said  she  and
                                         in  New  York,  where  the     her  three-year-old  son  were  displaying
                                         staggering  death  toll  from   symptoms two weeks ago, and she test-
                                         coronavirus  has  surpassed    ed positive after accessing tests through
                                         4,000.                         a primary care physician. Her family had
                                         A  month  ago,  Allert's  EMT   already  been  sheltering  at  home  and
                                         job served as his side hustle.   continued to do so, she said. They were
                                         Then  COVID-19  crashed        tested again "just a few days ago," and
                                         into  the  city.  Everything   were negative.
                                         shut  down,  including  the    The  Grammy  Award-winning  artist  be-  In this Jan. 28, 2018, file photo, Pink performs
                                         computer work he was try-      hind  eight  studio  albums  and  hits  like   "Wild  Hearts  Can't  Be  Broken"  at  the  60th
                                         ing  to  turn  into  a  full-time   "Get  the  Party  Started,"  "What  About   annual Grammy Awards at Madison Square
                                         gig.                           Us," "Raise Your Glass" and "Just Give Me   Garden in New York.   Associated Press.
                                         The  private  ambulance        a Reason" called for for free and wide-
                                         company      where   Allert    spread testing.                          delphia  and  the  COVID-19  response
                                         moonlights  began  offer-      "It is an absolute travesty and failure of  fund run by the Mayor's Fund for Los An-
                                         ing  more  opportunities.  A   our  government  to  not  make  testing  geles.
                                         lot  more.  During  a  recent   more widely accessible," she wrote. "This  The  Temple  University  donation  honors
                                         weekend,  he  put  in  a  12-  illness is serious and real. People need to  the  singer  born  Alecia  Moore's  mother,
                                         hour  shift  on  Friday  fol-  know  that  the  illness  affects  the  young  Judy  Moore,  who  worked  at  the  hospi-
                                         lowed  by  a  21-hour  stint   and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and  tal's  cardiomyopathy  and  heart  trans-
                                         the  following  day.  The      poor,  and  we  must  make  testing  free  plant center for nearly two decades, she
                                         phone can ring at all hours.   and  more  widely  accessible  to  protect  said.
                                         He  was  on  his  Xbox  at  2   our children, our families, our friends and  She called health care workers "heroes"
                                         a.m. recently trying to de-    our communities."                        and ended her post with an appeal to
                                         compress when they asked       She  announced  she's  donating  $1  mil-  the public.
                                         him to come in. So he did.     lion across two coronavirus-related relief  "These  next  two  weeks  are  crucial:
                                         Another  wearying  18-hour     funds,  with  $500,000  each  going  to  the  please  stay  home,"  she  wrote.  "Please.
                                         stint followed.                Temple University Hospital Fund in Phila-  Stay. Home." q
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