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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Monday 6 april 2020
            Amid coronavirus pandemic, black mistrust of medicine looms

            By AARON MORRISON and                                                                  most  concerned  with  in-   pressure  and  are  less  likely
            JAY REEVES                                                                             equities  in  who's  provided  to  have  those  conditions
            Associated Press                                                                       tests, who's provided treat-  under control. Additionally,
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Just  as                                                           ment  and  how  those  tests  in 2015, black women were
            the  new  coronavirus  was                                                             and the treatments are ad-   20%  more  likely  to  have
            declared  a  global  pan-                                                              ministered, in a way that is  asthma  than  non-Hispanic
            demic,  gym  members  in                                                               open, transparent, and eq-   whites.
            New  York  City  frantically                                                           uitable," Johnson said.      Those  disparities  make  the
            called  the  fitness  center                                                           For  most  people,  the  virus  availability  of  a  treatment
            where  Rahmell  Peebles                                                                causes  mild  or  moderate  or  vaccine  urgent,  even
            worked,  asking  him  to                                                               symptoms,  such  as  fever  as the virus is currently pro-
            freeze their memberships.                                                              and  cough.  But  for  some,  jected  to  claim  tens  of
            Peebles,   a    30-year-old                                                            especially older adults and  thousands  of  lives.  But  giv-
            black  man  who's  skeptical                                                           people with existing health  en history, Peebles said he
            of what he hears from the                                                              problems,  it  can  cause  wouldn't  rush  to  accept  a
            news  media  and  govern-                                                              more severe  illness,  includ-  remedy.
            ment, initially didn't see the   In  this  March  26,  2020,  photo,  Rahmell  Peeples  walks  in  his   ing pneumonia and death.  "If we got to a place where
            need for alarm over the vi-  neighborhood during an interview in the Brooklyn borough of   Cities  with  large  black  the   government   says,
            rus.                         New York.                                                 populations  like  New  York,  'Okay, now it's time to take
            "I  felt  it  was  a  complete                                       Associated Press.  Chicago,  Detroit,  Milwau-  a  vaccine,'  then  I'm  defi-
            hoax,"  Peebles  said.  "This  from  others  when  he  goes  Ayanna  Pressley  of  Massa-  kee and New Orleans have  nitely going to be skeptical
            thing  happens  every  two  out.                          chusetts  who  joined  other  emerged  as  hot  spots  for  of their intentions," he said.
            or  four  years.  We  have  an  Some  call  such  skepti-  congressional  leaders  in  the coronavirus. Figures re-  Launched  in  1932  by  the
            outbreak of a disease that  cism  the  "Tuskegee  effect"  asking  the  government  to  leased  by  Michigan's  De-  U.S.  Public  Health  Service,
            seems to put everybody in  —  distrust  linked  to  the  collect  and  release  infor-  partment of Health and Hu-  the  Tuskegee  study  in-
            a panic."                    U.S.  government's  once-    mation about the race and  man  Services  show  40%  of  volved  roughly  600  poor
            Peebles  is  among  roughly  secret  study  of  black  men  ethnicity of people who are  those who have died from  black men in Alabama who
            40 million black Americans  in  Alabama  who  were  tested or treated for the vi-      COVID-19  are  black  in  a  weren't treated for the sex-
            deciding minute by minute  left  untreated  for  syphilis.  rus that causes COVID-19.  state where African-Ameri-   ually  transmitted  disease
            whether to put their faith in  Black  people  already  suf-  "History has shown us, when  cans are just 14 percent of  so  researchers  could  track
            government and the medi-     fer  disproportionately  from  we  do  not"  ask  questions,  the population.          its  progress.  The  program
            cal  community  during  the  chronic conditions like dia-  said Pressley, who is black,  And  many  Southern  states  was  exposed  and  ended
            coronavirus     pandemic.  betes  and  heart  disease  "the  consequences  are  with  large  black  popula-         in 1972, and then-President
            Historic  failures  in  govern-  and  are  far  more  likely  to  grave, and in fact life and  tions  have  been  slow  to  Bill  Clinton  formally  apolo-
            ment responses to disasters  be uninsured.                death."                      mandate statewide restric-   gized in 1997.
            and emergencies, medical  How  the  government  and  NAACP  President  Derrick  tions  shown  to  slow  virus  The  Tuskegee  legacy  has
            abuse, neglect and exploi-   medical  community  re-      Johnson,  who  hosted  a  spread.                         helped  pollute  the  black
            tation have jaded genera-    sponds  to  the  crisis  will  be  coronavirus  tele-town  hall  According  to  the  U.S.  De-  community's   relationship
            tions of black people into a  especially  crucial  for  out-  with  U.S.  Surgeon  General  partment  of  Health  and  with American medical sci-
            distrust of public institutions.  comes among black Amer-  Jerome Adams last month,  Human       Services,   black  ence. A 2016 paper found
            "I've just been conditioned  icans, civil rights advocates  said black and brown com-  adults  are  60%  more  likely  the fallout included mistrust
            not  to  trust,"  said  Peebles,  and medical experts say.  munities need reliable infor-  than  non-Hispanic  white  of  medicine  among  black
            who  is  now  obeying  the  "We  are  right  to  be  para-  mation about the crisis.   adults  to  be  diagnosed  men,  along  with  fewer  in-
            state's  stay  home  order  noid  and  to  ask  tough  "Now  that  this  has  been  with  diabetes,  40%  more  teractions with doctors and
            and  keeping  his  distance  questions,"  said  U.S.  Rep.  deemed a pandemic, I am  likely  to  have  high  blood  higher mortality rates.q

              Biden raises idea of Democrats holding an online convention

              By WILL WEISSERT                                                                     nee  who  could  defeat  dorsed  delaying  the  con-
              Associated Press                                                                     President  Donald  Trump  vention  before  the  move
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Joe                                                             in  November.  But  officials  to do so was announced,
              Biden said Sunday that the                                                           announced  on  Thursday  and  said  Sunday  that  the
              Democratic National Con-                                                             they  were  taking  the  un-  extraordinary  measure  of
              vention,  already  delayed                                                           precedented step of post-   holding one all online is still
              until  August  because  of                                                           poning  the  convention  not a certainty.
              the coronavirus, may need                                                            until August, just before the  "What  we  do  between
              to take place online as the                                                          Republican National Con-    now  and  then  is  going
              pandemic  continues  to                                                              vention is scheduled.       to dictate a lot of that as
              reshape  the  race  for  the                                                         The once-crowded Demo-      well," he said. "But my point
              White House.                In this image from video provided by the Biden for President   cratic  primary  has  dwin-  is that I think you just got to
              The party "may have to do   campaign,  Democratic  presidential  candidate  former  Vice   dled  to  Biden  and  Ver-  follow  the  science.  Listen
              a  virtual  convention,"  the   President  Joe  Biden  speaks  during  a  virtual  press  briefing   mont Sen. Bernie Sanders.  to the experts."
              former vice president said.   Wednesday, March 25, 2020.                             But both have switched to  Biden also said he planned
              "The  idea  of  holding  the                                       Associated Press.  addressing  supporters  on-  to  wear  a  mask  in  pub-
              convention is going to be  "very possible.''            tion  in  Milwaukee,  origi-  line from home, with travel  lic,  heeding  new  federal
              necessary. We may not be  Biden  has  a  command-       nally  scheduled  for  mid-  and  campaign  rallies  —  guidelines  that  Americans
              able  to  put  10,  20,  30,000  ing lead in the number of  July.  Democrats  hoped  like many facets of Ameri-  use  face  coverings  when
              people  in  one  place,"  he  delegates  needed  to  se-  an  early  gathering  would  can  life  —  suspended  for  venturing out. That contra-
              told ABC's "This Week," call-  cure his party's presidential  give  the  party  more  time  weeks because of the out-  dicts Trump, who says he's
              ing  an  online  convention  nomination  at  a  conven-  to  unify  around  a  nomi-  break.  Biden  publicly  en-  choosing not do that. q
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