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LOCAL           Monday 6 april 2020

            Share your message from home

            ORANJESTAD  —  In  these  difficult  times  other  materials,  you  give  permission  to
            we would like to reach out to our friends  The Aruba Today newspaper, Caribbean
            abroad who were supposed to spend their  Speed  Printers  and  any  of  its  affiliated
            tropical vacation on Aruba or who had to  companies to use said materials, as well as
            break up their vacation due to the COV-    names, likeness, etc. for promotional pur-
            ID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites you to  poses without compensation.
            send us your picture and words expressing
            your memory of our island or your dream  Last but not least: check out our website
            vacation for the future.                   and Facebook page!
                                                       Thank you for supporting our free newspa-
            Send us your picture(s) together with com-  per, we strive to make you a happy reader
            pleting the sentence: Aruba to me is ……..  every day again and look forward to have
            (Email:  Please  you here with us soon again! Stay healthy
            do note: By submitting photos, text or any  and keep safe! q

                                                                                                   “Our story continues another nine years later coming to-
                                                                                                   gether from NY, as well as 10 years prior. We all share a
                                                                                                   common bond of the Lawn Sprinklers although when the
                                                                                                   winter hits.... Aruba is our place. Between grilling, fresh fish,
                                                                                                   to enjoying all the great options of restaurants. We gather
                                                                                                   to watch the sunset with appreciation for that day. Our
                                                                                                   love and, memories we share from the low rise to the high
                                                                                                   rise reminds of there is no place like our place here.” q
              To look inward, upward and forward in times of challenge

              TAMPA, US —The Brahma Kumaris                                         a menu of ancient and effective  people in times of crisis. This medi-
              are  a  Spiritual  movement  that                                     soul  “food  groups”  that  not  only  tation  course  gives  you  a  clear
              originated  in  Hyderabad,  Sindh,                                    sustain  but  empower  you  during  understanding  of  the  self,  God,
              during  the  1930s.  They  believe                                    this time. Connect with us virtually  karma, and the time we are living
              God's  purpose  is  to  be  the  spiri-                               and learn a joyful way to absorb  in. This course will help you re-dis-
              tual  re-awakening  of  humanity                                      spiritual nutrients.                cover your inner resilience, power,
              and the removal of all sorrow, evil                                                                       and  strength  of  character.  Join
              and  negativity.  They  do  not  re-                                  Landscapes of the Spirit            us online and learn new attitudes
              gard  God  as  the  creator  of  mat-                                 Fridays, April 3, 10, 17, and 24    and a new of being in a dramati-
              ter, as they consider matter to be  7:00 - 8:30pm                     7:00pm to 8:00pm                    cally altered world.
              eternal.  Join  their  free  online  live  You are what you, the spirit, eat.  Unwind from the stress of the cur-  Saturdays and Sundays for 3 week-
              lectures  "How  to  deal  with  these  Join us and nourish the soul with a  rent crisis. Join us and learn to cre-  ends (six sessions)
              times of challenges, to overcome  balanced  spiritual  diet.  This  four-  ate  an  inner  sanctuary  for  your  April 4, 5, 11, 12, 18 and 19
              fear"  and also Raja Yoga Medita-  part series will explore: What is the  spirit. These sessions will be a blend  10:00am to 11:30am
              tion course live online. All given by  most valuable thing you can feed  of  guided  meditations  and  relax-  OR
              Brahma Kumaris Center in Tampa.    the  soul  during  the  current  crisis?  ing music.                   Mondays  and  Wednesdays  for  3
                                                 How to practice stillness in adver-                                    weeks (six sessions)
              Online events for April            sity? What makes you resilient dur-  Foundation  Course  in  Raja  Yoga  April 6, 8, 13, 15, 20 and 22
              Feed the Soul – Now More so Than  ing challenges? And how to over-    Meditation                          7:00pm to 8:30pm
              Ever                               come fear?                         Anecdotal  evidence  suggests  For  more  information  you  can
              Tuesdays, April 7, 14, 21, and 28  In  this  series,  we  will  provide  you  that spirituality is highly valuable to  check: q
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