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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 6 april 2020
            Virus raises specter of gravest attacks in modern US times

            Continued from Front                                                                   much better than it was."    federal  officials  who  have
                                                                                                   Trump  has  backed  away  urged them are "just looking
            The  number  of  people  in-                                                           from   comments     weeks  at the nation as a whole."q
            fected  in  the  U.S.  has  ex-                                                        earlier  that  large  swaths  "But whenever you look at
            ceeded  300,000,  with  the                                                            of  American  life  would  re-  our  state,  I  think  Dr.  Fauci
            death  toll  climbing  past                                                            sume by Easter.              would be very pleased with
            9,000. Nearly 4,200 of those                                                           The president had no pub-    the fact that we are beat-
            deaths  are  in  the  state  of                                                        lic  events  on  his  sched-  ing some of our other states
            New  York,  but  a  glimmer                                                            ule  Sunday  after  a  series  in  reducing  the  spread
            of  hope  there  came  on                                                              of  two-hour  daily  brief-  and  the  commitment  that
            Sunday  when  Democratic                                                               ings on the outbreak. Vice  we  have  to  working  every
            Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  said                                                              President  Mike  Pence  was  day  to  accomplish  that,"
            his state registered a small                                                           scheduled  to  participate  Hutchison said.
            dip    in  new  fatalities  over   U.S.  Surgeon  General  Jerome  Adams  speaks  about  the   in a task force conference  Gov. J.B. Pritzker, D-Ill., who
            a 24-hour period. Still, Gov.   coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White   call  from  his  residence  in  was  among  the  first  in  the
            John  Bel  Edwards,  D-La.,   House,  Friday,  April  3,  2020,  in  Washington,  as  Vice  President   the afternoon.   nation  to  issue  orders  that
            said his state may run out of   Mike Pence listens.                                    Much of the country is un-   his  state's  residents  stay
            ventilators by week's end.                                           Associated Press.  der  orders  to  stay  home,  home,  suggested  the  fed-
            Former  Vice  President  Joe  Sunday.                     of  the  National  Institute  of  and  federal  officials  said  eral  government  should
            Biden  suggested  his  par-  "This is going to be the hard-  Allergy  and  Infectious  Dis-  they  have  seen  signs  that  step  in  and  make  the  re-
            ty's  presidential  nominat-  est  and  the  saddest  week  eases,  said  the  toll  in  the  people  are  listening  to  maining states follow suit.
            ing  convention,  already  of  most  Americans'  lives,  coming  week  is  "going  to  the  message  about  social  "This virus knows no borders.
            pushed  from  July  into  Au-  quite  frankly,"  Adams  said.  be  shocking  to  some,  but  distancing.  A  few  states,  And so it was up to the fed-
            gust  because  of  the  out-  "This is going to be our Pearl  that's what is going to hap-  however,  have  declined  eral  government,  to  begin
            break, may have to move   Harbor  moment,  our  9/11  pen before it turns around,  to  issue  such  orders  and  with,  to  advise  and  to  ask
            fully  online  to  avoid  pack-  moment, only it's not going  so just buckle down."    Adams was asked whether  all  the  governors  to  put  in
            ing  thousands  of  people  to be localized. It's going to  He also said the virus prob-  they should join the rest of  stay-at-home  orders,"  Pritz-
            into an arena in Milwaukee.  be happening all over the  ably  won't  be  wiped  out  the country.                   ker  said.  "Those  governors,
            Also,  the  Defense  Depart-  country. And I want Ameri-  entirely  this  year,  and  that  "Ninety  percent  of  Ameri-  Republican   governors,
            ment released new require-   ca to understand that."      unless the world gets it un-  cans  are  doing  their  part,  would  have  done  it  much
            ments that all individuals on  For  most  people,  the  virus  der control, it will "assume a  even  in  the  states  where  earlier if the president had
            its property "will wear cloth  causes  mild  or  moderate  seasonal nature."           they haven't had a shelter  suggested it much earlier."
            face  coverings  when  they  symptoms,  such  as  fever  "We  need  to  be  prepared  in place," Adams said. "But  Adams  appeared  on  "Fox
            cannot maintain six feet of  and  cough  that  clear  up  that,  since  it  unlikely  will  if you can't give us 30 days,  News  Sunday"  and  NBC's
            social distance in public ar-  in  two  to  three  weeks.  For  be  completely  eradicated  governors,  give  us,  give  us  ``Meet the Press." Fauci was
            eas or work centers."        some,    especially   older  from the planet, that as we  a  week,  give  us  what  you  on CBS' "Face the Nation."
            The  most  dire  warning,  adults  and  people  with  get  into  next  season,  we  can, so that we don't over-     Biden  was  interviewed  on
            though,  came  from  Ad-     existing health problems, it  may  see  the  beginning  of  whelm our health care sys-  ABC's  "This  Week"  while
            ams,  who  noted  it  was  can cause more severe ill-     a  resurgence,"  Fauci  said.  tems over this next week."  Hutchinson  was  on  NBC.
            Palm  Sunday,  which  starts  ness, including pneumonia,  "That's  the  reason  why  Gov.  Asa  Hutchinson,  R-     Pritzker  and  Edwards  were
            the  Christian  holy  week  and death.                    we're  pushing  so  hard  in  Ark., who has  not issued  a  on  CNN's  "State  of  the
            that concludes with Easter  Dr. Anthony Fauci, director  getting  our  preparedness  stay-at-home  order,  said  Union."q

            Ex-NFL kicker, Saints hero Tom Dempsey dies at 73

            By BRETT MARTEL              cial cause of death. Demp-   in a statement. “He exem-    what is widely known as the
            AP Sports Writer             sey’s  game-winning  field  plified  the  same  fight  and  “The Dempsey Rule,” man-
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  For-  goal  against  Detroit  on  fortitude in recent years as  dating  that  shoes  worn  by
            mer NFL kicker Tom Demp-     Nov.  8,  1970,  stood  as  an  he battled valiantly against  players  with  “an  artificial
            sey, who played in the NFL  NFL record for 43 years un-   illnesses  but  never  wave-  limb on his kicking leg must
            despite being born without  til the Broncos’ Matt Prater  red and kept his trademark  have a kicking surface that
            toes  on  his  kicking  foot  broke it with a 64-yarder in  sense of humor.”           conforms  to  that  of  a  nor-
            and  made  a  record  63-    Denver in 2013.              Dempsey  was  born  in  Mil-  mal kicking shoe.”
            yard  field  goal,  died  late  Dempsey spent 11 seasons  waukee without four fingers  Dempsey returned to New
            Saturday  while  struggling  in the NFL: His first two sea-  on  his  right  hand  and  wit-  Orleans  after  retiring  from
            with  complications  from  sons  were  with  New  Orle-   hout  toes  on  his  right  foot.  the  league.  About  seven
            the  new  coronavirus,  his  ans (1969-70), the next four  He  kicked  straight  on  with  years  ago,  he  was  diag-
            daughter said. He was 73.    with Philadelphia, then two  a flat-front shoe that drew  nosed  with  dementia  and
            The     Times-Picayune/The  with the Los Angeles Rams,  protests  from  some  who  later moved to an assisted       Former  New  Orleans  Saints
            New Orleans Advocate first  one with the Houston Oilers  saw  the  specially  made  living  home,  where  he        kicker  Tom  Dempsey  speaks
            reported Dempsey’s death.  and the final two with Buf-    kicking  shoe  as  an  unfair  contracted  the  corona-   with  the  media  Thursday,
            Ashley  Dempsey  said  Sun-  falo.  He  retired  after  the  advantage.                virus  in  March  during  the   November 4, 2010 at the Saints'
                                                                                                                                practice facility in Metairie, La.
            day  that  her  father,  who  1979 season.                But Dempsey would coun-      pandemic  that  has  hit  the           Associated Press.
            has resided in an assisted li-  “Tom’s  life  spoke  directly  ter by saying he was merely  city  —  and  nursing  home
            ving home for several years  to the power of the human  doing  the  best  he  could  —  particularly  hard.  He  is
            after being diagnosed with  spirit  and  exemplified  his  to  use  the foot  with  which  survived  by  wife  Carlene,  greatest moments in the his-
            dementia,  tested  positive  resolute  determination  to  he  was  born,  and  for  the  three children, a sister and  tory of a franchise that did-
            for  the  coronavirus  a  little  not  allow  setbacks  to  im-  most  part,  NFL  officials,  in-  grandchildren.  n’t  make  the  playoffs  until
            more than a week ago.        pede  following  his  dreams  cluding then-Commissioner  His kick has remained part  its 21st season in 1987, and
            The Orleans Parish coroner  and     aspirations,”   Saints  Pete  Rozelle,  agreed.  Still,  of Saints lore and for a long  didn’t win a playoff game
            has  yet  to  release  an  offi-  owner  Gayle  Benson  said  in  1977,  the  NFL  passed  time  stood  as  one  of  the  until the 2000 season.q
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