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December 16, 2017
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With Rubio, Corker Onboard, GOP Finalizing Huge Tax Package
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, talks to reporters in the Capitol as House Republicans prepare to advance the GOP tax bill, in
Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017.
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER securing endorsements Republican Sens. Marco three decades. Their sup- bill, boosting its chances in
MARCY GORDON from wavering senators as Rubio of Florida and Bob port all but ensures the that chamber. “I’m confi-
Associated Press they pushed to muscle their Corker of Tennessee an- package will pass the Sen- dent we’ll have the votes,”
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- bill through Congress next nounced Friday that they ate. said Sen. Rob Portman of
publicans solidified support week and give President would back the bill, the A day earlier, a key fac- Ohio, one of the Republi-
for their major overhaul of Donald Trump his first major most sweeping rewrite of tion of House Republicans can negotiators on the bill.
the nation’s tax laws Friday, legislative victory. the tax code in more than came out in support of the Continued on Page 3
Trump Assails FBI Leadership, Touts Loyalty to Police
By JONATHAN LEMIRE tering attack on the bu- reau for its handling of the no president before. you look at those docu-
ZEKE MILLER reau’s leadership even as Hillary Clinton email investi- “It’s a shame what’s hap- ments, and how they’ve
Associated Press he praised state and local gation, calling it “really dis- pened with the FBI,” the done that is really, really
QUANTICO, Va. (AP) — Tak- police officers as a bulwark graceful” and continuing president said. “We’re go- disgraceful, and you have
ing aim at the credibility of against rising violence and his questioning of his coun- ing to rebuild the FBI, it’ll a lot of very angry people
the FBI, President Donald crime. try’s intelligence and law be bigger and better than that are seeing it.”
Trump unleashed a blis- Trump denounced the bu- enforcement institutions as ever, but it is very sad when Continued on Page 3