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A32     sports
               Diabierna 11 December 2020

                                 Ulsan Horangi to play Vissel Kobe in ACL semifinals

                                                                      “It  was  a  very  important  where the tournament is be-  teams  converted  their  first
                                                                      win and I am happy that we  ing staged because of corona-  six attempts before Jang Ho-
                                                                      got  the  result  and  showed  virus restrictions on travel.  ik sent his spot kick over the
                                                                      our  quality  throughout  the  Suwon  took  a  seventh-min-  bar, leaving Noriaki Fujimo-
                                                                      match,”  said  Ulsan  coach  ute lead through Park Sang-  to to send big-spending Kobe
                                                                      Kim  Do-hoon.  “Now  we  hyuk but then had Kim Tae-       into the semifinals.
                                                                      have to regroup and start pre-  hwan sent off seven minutes  The  winner  will  play  Perse-
                                                                      paring for the semi final.”  before the break. Kyogo Fu-  polis  of  Iran  in  the  final  on
                                                                      Beijing  had  a  number  of  ruhashi  equalized  two  min-  Dec. 19. Persepolis advanced
                                                                      chances to get back into the  utes later.                 from the West bracket in Oc-
                                                                      game but couldn’t beat goal-  In  the  penalty  shootout,  the  tober.
                                                                      keeper Jo Su-huk.
                                                                      “Today we created a number
                                                                      of  opportunities  during  the
                                                                      game  but  we  were  not  able
            (AP)  —  Junior  Negrao  Junior  Negrao  opened  the      to take them,” said Beijing’s
            scored  both  goals  as  Ul-  scoring  from  the  penalty   Renato  Augusto,  the  former
            san  Horangi  beat  Beijing  spot in the 21st minute after   Brazil  captain.  “That  is  why
            Guoan  2-0  Thursday  to  his  initial  shot  was  handled   we lost the game but this is
            reach the semifinals of the  by  Beijing’s  South  Korean   life.”
            Asian Champions League.      defender  Kim  Min-jae.  The   Ulsan,  which  set  a  tourna-
                                         Brazilian, who was the lead-  ment  record  by  scoring  at
            The South Korean team will  ing  scorer  in  the  K-League   least two goals for a seventh
            face  Vissel  Kobe  of  Japan,  this season, doubled Ulsan’s   successive game, is looking to
            which  beat  10-man  Suwon  lead three minutes before the   add to the Asian title it won
            Bluewings  7-6  in  a  penalty  break  with  a  powerful  shot   in  2012.  The  semifinal  will
            shootout after a 1-1 draw.   from outside the area.       be  played  Sunday  in  Qatar,

                             Griezmann ends partnership with Huawei, cites Uighurs

            (AP)  —  French  soccer  that  the  Huawei  company  thanks  to  facial  recognition  of  my  partnership  with  the  that the Chinese government
            player  Antoine  Griez-      has contributed to the devel-  software,  I  am  announcing  company,”  Griezmann  said  is taking draconian measures
            mann ended his affiliation  opment  of  a  ‘Uighur  alert’  the  immediate  termination  in an Instagram post.      to slash birth rates among Ui-
            with Huawei on Thursday,                                                               “I take this opportunity to in-  ghurs and other minorities as
            saying  there  are  “strong                                                            vite Huawei to not just deny  part of a sweeping campaign
            suspicions”  that  the  Chi-                                                           these  accusations,”  he  said,  to  curb  its  Muslim  popula-
            nese  tech  giant  has  con-                                                           “but to take concrete actions  tion,  even  as  it  encourages
            tributed to the repression                                                             as quickly as possible to con-  some  of  the  country’s  Han
            of the mostly Muslim mi-                                                               demn  this  mass  repression,  majority  to  have  more  chil-
            nority Uighurs.                                                                        and  to  use  its  influence  to  dren.
                                                                                                   contribute  to  the  respect  of
            The  29-year-old  Barcelona                                                            human  and  women’s  rights  Huawei,  China’s  first  global
            forward’s    announcement                                                              in society.”                 tech  brand  and  the  biggest
            followed  media  reports  that                                                         Griezmann  was  a  global  maker  of  switching  equip-
            Huawei has tested facial rec-                                                          brand  ambassador  for  Hua-  ment used by phone and in-
            ognition  software  intended                                                           wei and has appeared in ad-  ternet  companies,  is  at  the
            to  help  China’s  surveillance                                                        vertisements  promoting  the  center  of  U.S.-Chinese  ten-
            of the group.                                                                          company’s smartphones.       sion over technology, security
            “Following strong suspicions                                                           An  AP  investigation  found  and spying.

              Advertorial :

                                          Aruba Bank a contribui na e di 4 edicion di

                                         “Circular Economy Forum of the Americas”

              For di 2017, y e prome Academic  y  sincronisa  manehonan  guberna-   da pa bira un di e prome islanan cu  importante  ariba  e  tereno  aki  den
              Economic  Forum,  organisa  pa  mental den sector priva.              tin  un  “Sustainable  Circular  Island  diferente  industria  cu  lo  tin  como
              Aruba Bank, nos a ofrece studi-                                       Economies” den Caribe.             meta un cambio positivo y un accion
              antenan  y  e  comunidad  comer-   A rais di esaki, Aruba Bank ta sostene                                coordina.
              cial  e  oportunidad  pa  participa  e di cuatro (4) edicion di “Circular  E contribucion aki lo crea oportuni-
              den un sesion intelectual di ex-   Economy Forum of the Americas”.  dadnan  unico  pa  interaccionnan  di  Masha  pabien  cu  e  iniciativa  aki.
              pertonan  riba  tereno  economi-   CEFA, a tuma lugar na Aruba, y ta  nivel nan halto y lo inculca e prin-  Aruba Bank ta sumamente complaci
              co.                                caminda  diferente  personahe  im-  cipionan  di  kico  ta  un  “Circular  di por participa y aporta na e forum
                                                 portante den nos comunidad, com-   Economy” den e mente di esunnan  2020.
              For  di  e  tempo  ey  caba  a  focus  panianan  y  institucionnan  a  traha  cu lo mester bay tuma decisionnan
              riba  crecemento;  Economia  circu-  hunto  pa  haci  posibel  e  transicion
              lar,  Economia  comparti  y  su  futu-  na caminda pa un “Circulary Econ-
              ro;  Maneranan  alternativo  pa  midi  omy” den e continente Americano.
              prosperidad economico versus con-
              tabilidad nacional; Sistema Eco ver-  Tur esaki den cuadro di  promocion
              sus Industria; Cambionan den edu-  di  e  compromiso  cu  Gobierno  di
              cacion  y  inclusion  di  studiantenan  Aruba tin y e transicion na camin-
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