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u.s. news Diabierna 11 December 2020
Federal judge casts doubt on Trump’s Wisconsin lawsuit
(AP) — A federal judge Powell, have been dismissed to soon have the case before
Thursday cast doubt on in Arizona, Georgia and it again.
President Donald Trump’s Michigan. The Wisconsin Supreme
lawsuit that seeks to over- Court is controlled 4-3 by
turn Joe Biden’s win in Powell appealed the Wiscon- conservative justices. One of
Wisconsin, saying siding sin ruling on Thursday to the them, Justice Brian Hage-
with Trump would be “the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of dorn, has three times joined
most remarkable ruling in Appeals. liberals in deciding against
the history of this court or Trump’s state lawsuit made taking the Trump lawsuit and
the federal judiciary.” Wisconsin the only state that two others filed by Trump al-
missed Tuesday’s safe har- lies seeking to overturn the
Trump is pursuing extraor- bor deadline, which means election.
dinary attempts to over- Congress has to accept the “The relief being sought by
turn Biden’s win with a pair electoral votes that will be the petitioners is the most
of lawsuits in Wisconsin, cast Monday and sent to the dramatic invocation of judi-
in federal and state courts. Capitol for counting on Jan. cial power I have ever seen,”
Hearings on both cases were 6. Missing the deadline won’t Hagedorn wrote in denying
scheduled for Thursday. In Ludwig, a Trump appoin- Trump’s attorneys are urg- deprive Wisconsin of its 10 a Wisconsin Voters Alliance
the state case, Trump wants to tee, had previously called the ing the courts to act quickly electoral votes. case.
disqualify more than 221,000 Trump request “bizarre” and so he can appeal any adverse Biden won Wisconsin by
ballots and in the federal case “very odd.” ruling before members of the about 20,600 votes. Those Chief Justice Patience Rog-
he wants to give the GOP- Trump’s attorney Bill Bock Electoral College meet on certified results, which came gensack, a conservative, said
controlled Legislature the argued that the election Monday and cast Wisconsin’s after a Trump-ordered re- invalidating 221,000 votes,
power to name Trump the wasn’t run properly and that 10 votes for Biden. Attor- count in the state’s two larg- as the Trump lawsuit seeks,
winner. the risks of voter fraud were neys for Gov. Tony Evers and est Democratic counties, “may be out of reach for a
At the beginning of argu- increased because ballot drop the bipartisan state elections were then challenged by number of reasons.”
ments in the federal case, boxes were not staffed, voting commission say the cases are Trump in the two lawsuits he In the state case, Trump wants
U.S. District Judge Brett by mail was widely used and without merit and should be filed in Wisconsin. to disqualify absentee bal-
Ludwig marveled at Trump’s voters who said they were dismissed. Out of the roughly 50 law- lots cast early and in-person,
request. indefinitely confined were On Wednesday, a federal suits filed around the coun- saying there wasn’t a proper
“It’s not lost on me that this allowed to cast absentee bal- judge in Wisconsin dismissed try contesting the Nov. 3 written request made for the
is a political case, obviously, lots without showing a valid another lawsuit filed by the vote, Trump has lost more ballots; absentee ballots cast
and that the relief that’s been photo ID. chairman of the La Crosse than 35 and the others are by people who claimed “in-
requested, if that relief were “In what what area of Ameri- County Republican party pending, according to an As- definitely confined” status;
granted, this would be a most can life is it more important that argued there was mas- sociated Press tally. absentee ballots collected
remarkable proceeding and that the rules be followed and sive fraud that warranted The Wisconsin Supreme by poll workers at Madison
probably the most remark- the playing field be level than the court declaring Trump Court already refused to hear parks; and absentee ballots
able ruling in the history of in an election for president the winner. Similar lawsuits, Trump’s lawsuit once, saying where clerks filled in missing
this court or the federal judi- of the United States?” Bock all filed by Trump’s former it must first go through lower information on ballot enve-
ciary,” Ludwig said. said. campaign attorney Sidney courts. But the court is likely lopes.
One-day US deaths top 3,000, more than D-Day or 9/11
(AP) — Just when the U.S. patient by using a BiPAP ma-
appears on the verge of chine, similar to the devices
rolling out a COVID-19 used to treat sleep apnea.
vaccine, the numbers have Twice during each of his
become gloomier than graveyard shifts he checks all
ever: Over 3,000 Ameri- the supply closets to make
can deaths in a single day, sure he knows how many
more than on D-Day or ventilators are available.
9/11. One million new cas- When he goes home to sleep
es in the span of five days. during the day at the end of
More than 106,000 people his grueling shifts, he some-
in the hospital. times has nightmares.
“I would be sleeping and I
The crisis across the country would be working in a unit
is pushing medical centers to and things would go com-
the breaking point and leav- pletely wrong and I would
ing staff members and pub- shock myself awake. They
lic health officials burned would be very visceral and
out and plagued by tears and very vivid,” he said. “It would
nightmares. just really spook me.”
All told, the crisis has left The grim figures from
more than 290,000 people American deaths on the A U.S. government advisory Depending on how fast the Wednesday led the usually
dead in the U.S, with more opening day of the Norman- panel convened on Thurs- FDA signs off on the pan- stoic health director of the na-
than 15 million confirmed dy invasion during World day to decide whether to el’s recommendation, shots tion’s most populated county
infections. War II: 2,500, out of some endorse mass use of Pfizer’s could begin within days. to become emotional. Bar-
The U.S. recorded 3,124 4,400 allied deaths. And it COVID-19 vaccine to help In St. Louis, respiratory bara Ferrer described “a dev-
deaths Wednesday, the high- topped the toll on Sept. 11, conquer the outbreak that therapist Joe Kowalczyk said astating increase in deaths”
est one-day total yet, accord- 2001, as well: 2,977. has killed close to 300,000 he has seen entire floors of in Los Angeles County, with
ing to Johns Hopkins Uni- New cases per day are run- Americans. The meeting of his hospital fill up with CO- the total hitting 8,075 on
versity. Up until last week, ning at all-time highs of over outside advisers to the Food VID-19 patients, some of Wednesday.
the peak was 2,603 deaths 209,000, by Johns Hopkins’ and Drug Administration them two to a room. He said “Over 8,000 people who
on April 15, when New York count. And the number of was the next-to-last hurdle the supply of ventilators is were beloved members of
City was the epicenter of the people in the hospital with before the expected start of dwindling, and the inventory their families are not coming
nation’s outbreak. COVID-19 is setting records the biggest vaccination cam- is so thin that colleagues on back,” Ferrer said, fighting
Wednesday’s toll eclipsed nearly every day. paign in U.S. history. one shift had to ventilate one back tears.