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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 11 December 2020

                        Kenya to compensate rape victims from violence 13 years ago

            (AP)  —  A  Kenyan  high                                                                                            the  gruesome  ordeal  of  the
            court  on  Thursday  or-                                                                                            2007-2008     post-election
            dered  the  government  to                                                                                          sexual  violence,”  the  eight
            compensate  four  victims                                                                                           victims  in  the  case  said  in  a
            of sexual attacks by secu-                                                                                          statement.
            rity  agents  during  post-                                                                                         “We have endured long-term
            election violence 13 years                                                                                          physical,  psychological,  and
            ago.                                                                                                                social scars – which will only
                                                                                                                                continue  until  the  Govern-
            Rights  activist  say  the  judg-                                                                                   ment  of  Kenya  fulfills  its
            ment  sets  a  precedent  and                                                                                       basic legal and human rights
            clears the way for hundreds,                                                                                        duties  to  acknowledge  the
            possibly  thousands,  of  other                                                                                     harm  we  have  suffered,  en-
            victims to seek redress.                                                                                            sure  accountability,  and  give
            Eight  victims  of  sexual  vio-                                                                                    us reparation,” the statement
            lence  —  six  women  and                                                                                           said.
            two  men  —  had  sued  the                                                                                         Kenya’s  government  claims
            government  for  neglect  on                                                                                        that  there  actions  have  been
            behalf  of  thousands  of  sex                                                                                      taken  and  that  it  prosecuted
            abuse  victims  during  the                                                                                         hundreds of cases, but has re-
            post-election violence after a                                                                                      fused to give evidence of the
            flawed  presidential  election                                                                                      prosecutions
            in Dec 27, 2007. Their cases  More than 1,000 people were  tors.                       It sends a message that other  Most  of  the  survivors  were
            were backed by several rights  killed  and  600,000  displaced  Korir, however, did not find  survivors can use this avenue,  raped  —  several  gang-raped
            groups.                      from their homes during the  enough  evidence  that  the  said Naitore Nyamu, head of  — and some were forcefully
            Justice Weldon Korir award-  violence.  Some  900  people  government failed to address  Physicians for Human Rights  circumcised in front of their
            ed  four  of  the  eight  vic-  reported  being  sexually  as-  crimes  against  other  victims  in  Kenya,  which  helped  the  relatives, Nyamu said.
            tims  $36,000  compensation  saulted,  but  human  rights  of  sexual  and  gender  based  eight  victims  seek  justice.  She  added  that  they  have
            Thursday  after  he  found  groups say the number runs  violence  during  the  post-   She said it also sends a mes-  been  living  with  the  conse-
            their rights to life and secu-  into  thousands  and  many  election  violence,  and  de-  sage to police that they have  quences of their ordeals, such
            rity — as well as prohibitions  could  not  report  the  attacks  clined to issue orders direct-  a  responsibility  to  conduct  as  being  infected  with  HIV,
            against torture, inhuman and  to  police  because  the  police  ing them to do so.     genuine  investigations  that  losing their livelihoods, being
            degrading treatment — were  themselves  were  perpetra-   Human  rights  groups  in-   will lead to prosecutions    abandoned  by  their  spouses
            violated as a result of govern-  tors, or because they were too  volved in the case hailed it as  “We  have  had  no  other  av-  or stigmatized by their com-
            ment failure to act.         afraid to report the perpetra-  a landmark ruling.        enues to obtain justice since  munities.

                          Argentine congress debates abortion rights; activists gather

                                                                      guay, are among the few plac-
                                                                      es in the region where wom-
                                                                      en  can  undergo  abortions
                                                                      during  the  first  12  weeks  of
                                                                      pregnancy  regardless  of  the
                                                                      Currently, many women who
                                                                      have an abortion in Argenti-
                                                                      na, as well as people who as-
                                                                      sist them with the procedure,
                                                                      can face prosecution. Exemp-
                                                                      tions  are  only  considered  in
                                                                      cases of rape or if pregnancy
                                                                      poses  a  risk  to  the  mother’s
            (AP)  —  Argentine  law-     “I’m so excited. It is a historic  health. The bill being debat-
            makers  on  Thursday  de-    demand and it has to do with  ed would allow abortions to  congress  and  followed  the  ing days.
            bated  a  bill  that  would  solving a public health prob-  be carried out up to the 14th  lawmakers’  debate  on  large  In  hopes  of  winning  more
            legalize  abortion  in  most  lem,” Laura Salomé, an abor-  week of pregnancy.         video  screens  set  up  outside  votes,  legislators  who  sup-
            cases  as  demonstrators  tion rights activist, said out-  One of Fernández’s promises  the  building.  They  wore  port  the  bill  made  last-min-
            for and against the initia-  side  congress.  She  said  she  during his election campaign  green, in contrast with anti-  ute  changes  to  the  text  that
            tive  gathered  in  separate  was  hopeful  the  bill  would  last year was to push for the  abortion  activists  who  often  would  allow  private  clinics
            areas outside the congress  become law this time because  legalization  of  abortion.  He  wear blue.               in  which  all  medical  work-
            building.                    of the support of Fernández.  took  office  in  December  Abortion  rights  and  anti-  ers  oppose  abortion  rights
                                         The Roman Catholic Church  2019.                          abortion demonstrators gath-  to  refrain  from  providing
            The bill, backed by President  in  Argentina  appealed  to  Several  thousand  women  ered  in  separate,  designated  the  procedure.  Such  clinics,
            Alberto Fernández, appeared  legislators  for  “a  second  of  seeking  abortions  have  died  areas  under  tight  security.  though, would be required to
            headed  for  approval  by  rul-  reflection  on  what  respect  during  unsafe,  clandestine  They  wore  masks  as  part  of  refer women to another facil-
            ing  party  lawmakers  in  the  for  life  means,”  echoing  the  procedures   in   Argentina  efforts to curb the spread of  ity that does abortion proce-
            lower  house,  but  the  out-  position  of  Pope  Francis,  an  since 1983, and about 38,000  COVID-19.            dures.
            look  in  the  Senate  was  less  Argentine,  that  abortion  is  women are hospitalized every  The  bill  would  pass  in  the  Minors  under  16  years  old
            clear.  Two  years  ago,  during  part  of  today’s  “throwaway  year because of botched pro-  lower house if just over half  who seek an abortion can ex-
            the  administration  of  more  culture”  that  doesn’t  respect  cedures conducted in secrecy,  of  the  257  lawmakers  ap-  ercise  “their  rights  through
            conservative President Mau-  the dignity of the unborn, the  according to the government.  prove  it  in  a  vote  expected  their  legal  representatives,”
            ricio Macri, the Senate voted  weak or elderly.           On  Thursday,  dozens  of  early  Friday.  More  than  half  according  to  the  bill.  They
            against a similar bill to legal-  Latin  America  has  some  of  members  of  a  group  called  of  the  72  lawmakers  in  the  can seek “legal assistance” in
            ize abortion after it was nar-  the  world’s  most  restrictive  the  National  Campaign  for  Senate must then approve the  cases of “conflict of interest”
            rowly approved by the lower  abortion  laws.  Mexico  City,  the  Right  to  Free  and  Safe  bill for it to become law; they  with those representatives, it
            house.                       along  with  Cuba  and  Uru-  Legal Abortion gathered near  are expected to vote in com-  says.
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