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sports Diabierna 11 December 2020
Prosecutor urges case against FIFA president for private jet
(AP) — A special prosecu- it had yet to receive Keller’s 2016 and 2017 between In-
tor in Switzerland recom- documents, and confirmed it fantino and then-attorney
mends a criminal investi- was “currently not conduct- general Michael Lauber.
gation is opened against ing any criminal proceedings Infantino has said their meet-
FIFA President Gianni In- against FIFA President Gi- ings were conducted to dis-
fantino for using a private anni Infantino.” cuss the Swiss investigation
jet in 2017. The special prosecutor wants into FIFA business that was
Infantino investigated for opened before he was elected
Prosecutor Stefan Keller said disloyal management over in February 2016.
in a statement on his web- using a FIFA-booked private Lauber was ousted in fallout
site on Thursday he sent “the jet to fly to Geneva from Su- from the allegations and mis-
results of his investigations to riname. He had been visiting conduct in his dealings with
the federal prosecution office member federations in the the oversight office monitor-
which will deal with the mat- Caribbean. ing federal prosecutors.
ter with its own resources.” FIFA’s ethics commit- Keller said on Thursday he
Keller has no mandate to tee closed its own examina- cannot open a criminal case
open his own criminal case. tion in August after a formal about the flight because his
The Swiss federal prosecu- complaint was filed about the Keller was appointed by examine complaints about brief does not cover a matter
tion office said in a statement flight. Swiss lawmakers this year to contacts and meetings in that does not involve Lauber.
Adam Eaton and White Sox finalize $8 million, 1-year deal
(AP) —Outfielder Adam helped vault Chicago to the
Eaton and the Chicago playoffs last season.
White Sox have reunited,
finalizing a one-year con- Eaton helped the Nationals
tract on Thursday that win the World Series in 2019.
guarantees $8 million. They declined their option
on him after he hit .226 in 41
Eaton gets $7 million next games last season.
season, and the White Sox Eaton replaces Nomar Maz-
have an $8.5 million option ara, who struggled last season
for 2022 with a $1 million after being acquired from
buyout. Texas. Eaton figures to play
Eaton played for Chicago alongside Gold Glove cen-
from 2014-16 and was dealt ter fielder Luis Robert, with
to the Washington Nationals slugger Eloy Jiménez in left
at the December 2016 win- and Adam Engel likely the
ter meetings for current ace fourth outfielder.
Lucas Giolito, right-hander
Dane Dunning and pitcher Eaton would get $100,000
Reynaldo López. That trade for winning the MVP award,
was made one a day after the $90,000 for second, $80,000
White Sox dealt former ace third, $70,000 for fourth and
Chris Sale to Boston for in- $60,000 for fifth. He would
fielder Yoán Moncada and earn $100,000 for World Se-
pitcher Michael Kopech, ries MVP, $75,000 for League $25,000 for Gold Glove, $25.000 for All-Star election, and $50,000 for making The
launching a rebuild that Championship Series MVP, $15,000 for Silver Slugger, $15,000 for All-Star selection Sports News all-star team.
Jets WR Mims out vs. Seahawks while tending to family matter
(AP) — New York Jets miss the game Sunday at day to travel home to Texas to Mims out against the Se- Jamison Crowder, Breshad
rookie wide receiver Den- Seattle. handle the situation and was ahawks because the re- Perriman, Braxton Berrios,
zel Mims is dealing with not yet back Thursday. ceiver would not be able to Jeff Smith and Vyncint Smith
a family matter and will Mims left the team Wednes- Coach Adam Gase ruled go through the NFL’s CO- on the active roster at the re-
VID-19 protocols in time ceiver position.
when he returned to play
Sunday. The second-round Perriman was expected to be
draft pick missed the first six limited at practice Thurs-
games while recovering from day with a shoulder injury.
hamstring issues, but has 19 Gase said offensive lineman
catches for 324 yards in the Pat Elflein (shoulder/ankle)
six games since. would also be limited.
“Obviously, he’s been trend- In other injuries, linebacker
ing in the right direction and Jordan Jenkins (shoulder),
he’s been a big reason why right guard Greg Van Roten
we’ve had some better games (toe) and safeties Ashtyn Da-
since he’s been playing,” Gase vis (foot) and Bennett Jack-
said. “Protocols are what they son (hamstring) were all ex-
are, and he had to handle pected to miss practice for the
family business — which we second straight day. Running
support because we felt that back Frank Gore remains in
was the right thing for him to the concussion protocol, but
do.” was also getting his normal
The winless Jets have rest day.