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A30     world news
               Diabierna 11 December 2020

                                   Inferno in large squat for migrants kills 3 in Spain

            (AP)  —  Mamadou  Dieye                                                                Badalona mayor, adding that  Ndiaye,  who  has  been  in
            was  talking  to  his  family                                                          the city hall had started work  Spain  for  14  years,  said  he
            back  in  Senegal  when  he                                                            to  empty  the  building  after  and  fellow  Senegalese  Mati-
            heard  shouts  of  distress                                                            drug  sales  and  petty  thefts  ga  Thiam  had  been  surviv-
            downstairs. Smoke quick-                                                               increased  in  the  area  dur-  ing on the little money they
            ly  followed  the  screams,                                                            ing  the  past  two  years,  pro-  made  from  trading  in  scrap
            and  in  the  ensuing  panic                                                           voking  problems  with  other  metal they scavenge in Bad-
            Dieye  watched  in  horror                                                             neighbors. García Albiol was  alona,  a  working-class  town
            as several fellow squatters                                                            absolved of charges of using  of 200,000 inhabitants on the
            plummeted  from  three                                                                 racist language against Roma-  Mediterranean coast border-
            stories high to escape the                                                             nian  immigrants  to  his  city  ing with Barcelona.
            fire billowing below.                                                                  several years ago.
                                                                                                                                Ndiaye    calculated   that
            “I saw that a man who hit the                                                          Dieye,  43,  said  that  unlike  around 150 people from Sen-
            ground  wasn’t  moving,  and                                                           most  of  his  housemates,  he  egal,  Ghana,  Gambia,  and
            I  said,  ‘He’s  dead,’”  Dieye                                                        has his Spanish residency and  other countries were living in
            told The Associated Press on                                                           work  permits  after  spend-  the  complex  because  access
            Thursday  hours  after  a  fire  Most of the injured were be-  extinguish the flames and sta-  ing 20 years in the European  to housing is difficult, espe-
            had engulfed the abandoned  ing  treated  for  trauma  after  bilize  the  structure  to  safely  country. He had been forced  cially for migrants still seek-
            industrial complex where he  they jumped from the build-  access it, Aragonés told TVE.  to give up a room he was rent-  ing to regularize their stay in
            and  over  100  other  African  ing,  emergency  coordinator  Several  drones  and  sniffer  ing in Barcelona and come to  Europe.
            migrants  lived  in  precarious  Francisco  Tebar  told  Span-  dogs were being used to look  the squat in the neighboring  “There are many people who
            conditions.                  ish  state  broadcaster  TVE.  for anyone else who might be  town  of  Badalona  after  los-  do  not  want  to  rent  a  place
            Authorities  for  northeast  Around  30  people  were  trapped  in  unstable  parts  of  ing his job as a cook, he said.  for you. There are people (in
            Spain  said  that  firefighters  pulled from windows before  the complex.              Many  restaurant  profession-  the building) who have work
            had  confirmed  three  deaths  the  roof  collapsed  at  vari-  The  regional  chief  said  that  als  have  been  thrust  out  of  but  cannot  rent  an  apart-
            while continuing their search  ous points. Televised images  many  occupants  were  be-  work due to the COVID-19  ment. And if you don’t have
            in a building whose roof par-  showed  a  group  of  people  lieved to be in Spain without  confinement  measures  and  a  place  to  sleep,  you  come
            tially  collapsed  when  a  fire  huddling  together  on  the  a  legal  residence  permit  and  the   resulting   economic  here,” Ndiaye said.
            raged  through  it  Wednesday  roof  as  flames  illuminated  had left the scene without be-  downturn.             The pair of friends said they
            night. Around 20 people had  the thick smoke surrounding  ing attending to my medical  While  he  said  he  just  got  couldn’t  forget  the  image
            to  be  treated  by  medics,  in-  them in the night.     or support staff.            out  past  the  flames  by  tak-  they saw as they ran out past
            cluding three people in criti-  Catalonia’s  acting  regional  “This  has  been  a  tragedy  ing the stairs instead of leap-  the  building  in  flames,  with
            cal  condition  at  local  hospi-  president, Pere Aragonès, said  above  the  economic  misery  ing through the windows, he  other  occupants  jumping
            tals.                        that  around  60  people  have  in which many of the people  said that a woman he was try-  from windows.
            Catalonia’s  regional  interior  been accounted for so far, but  already  found  themselves,”  ing to help succumbed to the  “They couldn’t breathe,” said
            minister,  Miquel  Sàmper,  that  the  group  of  buildings  Aragonès said.            smoke. He feared for her life.  Thiam. “If there is a fire, you
            said  that  authorities  would  could had been occupied by  The  building  had  been  oc-  “I was seconds from dying,”  know that if you don’t jump
            investigate  if  the  fire  was  more than 100 squatters.  cupied for at least eight years,  Dieye said.            you will die. You just take a
            “fortuitous or intentional.”  Work was underway to fully  said Xavier García Albiol, the  Another  survivor,  Ousmane  gamble.”

                                       China restricts US official travel to Hong Kong

            (AP) — China is imposing  on  free  speech  and  opposi-  the country and its officials.  could  be  difficult  however,  to follow suit, often success-
            restrictions  on  travel  to  tion political activity in Hong  Steps such as restricting visas  while  giving  Republicans  fully.
            Hong Kong by some U.S.  Kong.                             for  the  92  million  members  the chance to renew accusa-  On  Wednesday,  Pompeo  ac-
            officials and others in re-                               of  the  ruling  Communist  tions that Biden is softening  cused  U.S.  universities  of
            taliation  for  similar  mea-  Hua said the move was taken  Party and their families have  Washington’s  stance  toward  caving  to  Chinese  pressure
            sures imposed on Chinese  “given  that  the  U.S.  side  is  “again  exposed  the  sinister  Beijing.               to  blunt  or  bar  criticism  of
            individuals  by  Washing-    using the Hong Kong issue to  intentions  of  extreme  anti-                           the  the  Chinese  communist
            ton,  the  Foreign  Ministry  seriously interfere in China’s  China  forces  in  Washington  “By  relentlessly  challenging  party, which he said was “poi-
            said Thursday.               internal  affairs  and  under-  to  hijack  China-U.S.  rela-  the  bottom  line  of  China-  soning the well of our higher
                                         mine China’s core interests.”  tions  for  their  own  political  U.S. relations on issues con-  education for its own ends.”
            U.S.  diplomatic  passport  Those sanctioned “have per-   gain,” Xinhua said in an edi-  cerning  China’s  core  inter-  Chinese  responded  by  vow-
            holders  visiting  Hong  Kong  formed  egregiously  and  are  torial.                  ests,  anti-China  politicians  ing to impose countervailing
            and nearby Macao will tem-   primarily responsible on the  The  U.S.  State  Department  are  not  only  digging  a  hole  measures  against  American
            porarily  no  longer  receive  Hong Kong issue,“ she said at  last week cut the duration of  for the next administration’s  officials, saying U.S. accusa-
            visa-free  entry  privileges,  a daily briefing.          such  visas  from  10  years  to  relationship with China, but  tions  and  punitive  measures
            spokesperson Hua Chunying  “China once again urges the  one month, another example  also eying their own personal  only  solidified  the  Chinese
            said.                        U.S. side to immediately stop  of the increasingly hard-line  political gains,” Xinhua said.  people behind their leaders.
            U.S. administration officials,  meddling in Hong Kong af-  stance adopted by the admin-  U.S. Secretary of State Mike  Perhaps  with  an  eye  toward
            congressional  staffers,  em-  fairs, stop interfering in Chi-  istration  in  its  waning  days.  Pompeo has castigated China  Biden,  who  takes  office  Jan.
            ployees of non-governmental  na’s  internal  affairs,  and  not  That came in addition to the  on  almost  a  daily  basis  over  20,  Xinhua  held  open  the
            organizations  and  their  im-  go  further  down  the  wrong  sanctions  targeting  specific  its  policies  toward  Taiwan,  possibility of better relations
            mediate family members will  and  dangerous  path,”  Hua  Chinese and Hong Kong of-    Tibet,  Hong  Kong,  Xinjiang  if Washington changed its ap-
            face  “reciprocal  sanctions,”  said.                     ficials  over  their  actions  in  and the South China Sea.  proach.
            Hua said.                    China  had  long  threatened  Hong  Kong,  the  northwest-  Dozens  of  officials  from  “Today, China and the Unit-
            She was apparently referring  to  retaliate  against  the  U.S.  ern  region  of  Xinjiang  and  mainland  China  and  Hong  ed States should also uphold
            to U.S. sanctions that bar cer-  sanctions  and  other  actions  elsewhere.            Kong have been hit with visa  the  spirit  of  non-conflict,
            tain Chinese and Hong Kong  seen as hostile.              While  President-elect  Joe  bans and other sanctions and  non-confrontation,  mutual
            officials from traveling to the  Earlier,  China’s  official  Xi-  Biden has signaled he intends  new  restrictions  have  been  respect  and  win-win  coop-
            U.S. or having dealings with  nhua  News  Agency  said  to  keep  pressure  on  China,  imposed  on  Chinese  dip-  eration,”  Xinhua  said.  “The
            the  U.S.  financial  system  Trump  administration  offi-  he’s  also  expected  to  seek  lomats,  journalists  and  aca-  two  must  focus  on  manag-
            over  their  roles  in  imposing  cials are “digging a hole” for  a  return  to  more  conven-  demics.  Chinese  tech  giant  ing their differences, with the
            a  sweeping  National  Secu-  the  next  U.S.  administra-  tional,  less  confrontational  Huawei has been shut out of  top  priority  being  a  smooth
            rity Law passed this summer  tion’s relationship with Chi-  style  of  diplomacy.  Rolling  the U.S. market and the U.S.  transition  toward  stronger
            that ushered in a crackdown  na  through  actions  targeting  back  Trump-era  measures  has  lobbied  other  countries  China-U.S. relations.”
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