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                   Wednesday 15 July 2020
            Subways sparkle, but does cleaning decrease COVID-19 risk?

            By DAVID PORTER                                                                                                     be  if  you  could  continu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ously  decontaminate  the
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Mass                                                                                            air  throughout  the  course
            transit  systems  around  the                                                                                       of the day."
            world  have  taken  unprec-                                                                                         That  possibility  may  be  on
            edented — and expensive                                                                                             the  horizon.  A  2018  study
            — steps to curb the spread                                                                                          and   another    published
            of  the  coronavirus,  includ-                                                                                      this  month,  both  of  which
            ing New York shutting down                                                                                          Brenner  contributed  to,
            its  subways  overnight  and                                                                                        concluded  that  low  levels
            testing  powerful  ultraviolet                                                                                      of  a  certain  type  of  ultra-
            lamps  to  disinfect  seats,                                                                                        violet  light,  called  far-UVC
            poles and floors.                                                                                                   light,  can  be  circulated
            The   cleaning   measures                                                                                           continuously  in  an  en-
            produced         something                                                                                          closed space and kill some
            commuters      have    not                                                                                          forms  of  human  coronavi-
            seen in a while, or possibly                                                                                        rus  as  effectively  as  con-
            ever:  thousands  of  freshly                                                                                       ventional  UV  light  —  with-
            scrubbed  cars  that  look,                                                                                         out  the  harmful  effects  to
            feel and even smell clean.                                                                                          human eyes and skin.
            But experts say those steps                                                                                         Far-UVC  light  could  of-
            solve only part of the prob-                                                                                        fer  a  whole  new  level  of
            lem, and transit officials are                                                                                      protection  for  passengers
            studying  more  advanced     A contractor uses an electrostatic sprayer to disinfect subway cars at the 96th Street station to   and transit employees, if it
            methods that might some-     control the spread of COVID-19, Thursday, July 2, 2020, in New York.  Associated Press  is  also  found  to  be  effec-
            day automatically disinfect                                                                                         tive  against  the  virus  that
            transit  systems  around  the                                                          the  pandemic.  Combined  causes COVID-19. The MTA
            clock.                                                                                 with  plummeting  revenues  is exploring using the tech-
            The  Moscow  Metro  and                                                                at  its  toll  bridges  and  tun-  nology on its subways.
            a  public  bus  company                                                                nels, the MTA has projected  The  MTA  is  already  testing
            in  Shanghai  have  experi-                                                            the pandemic will cost the  a different form of UV light
            mented  with  germ-killing                                                             agency more than $10 bil-    to  disinfect  subway  cars,
            ultraviolet  light.  Agencies                                                          lion through next year. The  but it can only be done at
            in Hungary and the Czech                                                               cleaning program will wind  station yards when the cars
            Republic  have  tried  using                                                           up costing hundreds of mil-  are out of service because
            ozone  gas  as  a  disinfec-                                                           lions  of  dollars  over  what  of the harmful effect on hu-
            tant. The public transit sys-                                                          the  MTA  would  normally  mans. The limited pilot pro-
            tem in Dallas tested a "dry                                                            spend, Chairman Pat Foye  gram costs about $1 million.
            fogging" system, and Hong                                                              said this past spring.       Officials have not said how
            Kong  used  a  robot  that                                                             Is it worth the price? A sur-  much  it  would  cost  to  ex-
            sprays  a  hydrogen  perox-                                                            vey  of  1,000  mass  transit  pand to the whole system.
            ide solution, according to a   In this March 11, 2020, file photo, members of the media attend   riders  conducted  by  New  Chicago  Transit  Authority
            survey by international en-  a news conference as a robot sprays hydrogen peroxide during   York-based   advocacy  officials are waiting for the
            gineering  and  professional   a demonstration in a train carriage in Hong Kong.       group  Tri-State  Transporta-  results  of  New  York's  pilot
            services firm WSP.                                                    Associated Press  tion Campaign found that  program to  see  if  the  light
            In  Chicago,  rail  cars  are  and  could  be  nowhere,"   protect  us  the  most,  hav-  cleaning  topped  a  list  of  is an option for their transit
            cleaned every day before  said Robyn Gershon, a clin-     ing  that  control  among  actions people wanted be-      system.
            starting  service  and  are  ical professor of epidemiol-  ourselves,"  Gershon  said.  "I  fore  they  would  feel  com-  Fred Maxik, whose compa-
            prowled at night by crews  ogy at New York University.    think  the  rest  of  it  is  really  fortable  riding  mass  transit  ny, Healthe, makes far-UVC
            wearing     backpack-style  Cleaning  a  train  car  at  a   more the illusion, and that's  again. "But to what extent  light systems that are being
            electrostatic  sprayers  that  maintenance  yard  over-   not a small thing because it  are we now overspending,  used in office buildings and
            cover  all  interior  surfaces  night  —  or  even  several   plays with our psyches."  or veering too far into secu-  schools, cautioned that far-
            with disinfectant.           times  during  the  day,  as   Patrick  Warren,  the  MTA's  rity  theater?"  Executive  Di-  UVC light is not necessarily
            All  that  cleaning  does  cut  New  York's  Metropolitan   chief  safety  officer,  said  rector Nick Sifuentes asked  a panacea for anxious sub-
            the threat of catching the  Transportation     Authority   the  authority's  aggressive  recently.                  way riders.
            virus,  experts  say,  but  the  does — might not help the   cleaning   and   disinfect-  Dr. David Brenner, director  "No  technology  we  have
            benefits are limited.        transit employee or passen-  ing began at a time when  of the Center for Radiologi-    today  is  going  to  be  per-
            The virus transmits predomi-  ger  stuck  in  close  quarters   health  officials  were  warn-  cal  Research  at  Columbia  fect.  It's  going  to  have  to
            nantly  through  droplets  in  with a coughing person.    ing that the virus could eas-  University  Irving  Medical  be used in conjunction with
            the  air  —  it's  "everywhere  Wearing  a  face  mask  "will   ily be transmitted from hard  Center,  has  assisted  the  other  good  behaviors,"  he
                                                                      surfaces  —  guidance  that  MTA  on  its  UV  light  pilot  said.  "But  I  think  this  is  the
                                                                      has since evolved to place  program.  He  called  the  best of what we've got."
                                                                      more emphasis on airborne  cleaning "not an ideal solu-   Warren  called  far-UVC  "a
                                                                      transmission.                tion, but it's a solution that is  great innovation" but add-
                                                                      "As  goes  the  science,  so  available."                 ed that the logistical chal-
                                                                      goes  what  we  are  doing,"  "I think it does increase the  lenges of installing it across
                                                                      Warren said.                 public  safety  because  in-  a  century-old  subway  sys-
                                                                      New  York's  subway  system  stead of having a continu-   tem  are  formidable.  He
                                                                      normally serves more than 5  ous buildup of the virus, you  would  not  speculate  on
                                                                      million riders a day, but rid-  are going back to zero ev-  what  the  agency's  clean-
                                                                      ership  plunged  more  than  ery  day,"  Brenner  said.  "A  ing efforts might look like a
                                                                      90 percent at the height of  much better solution would  year from now.q
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