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A26    U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 15 July 2020
            Trump administration rescinds rule on foreign students

            By COLLIN BINKLEY                                                                                                   but  at  least  seven  other
            AP Education Writer                                                                                                 federal suits had been filed
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Facing                                                                                             by  universities  and  states
            eight  federal  lawsuits  and                                                                                       opposing the rule.
            opposition  from  hundreds                                                                                          Harvard  and  MIT  argued
            of  universities,  the  Trump                                                                                       that immigration officials vi-
            administration  on  Tuesday                                                                                         olated procedural rules by
            rescinded a rule that would                                                                                         issuing  the  guidance  with-
            have required international                                                                                         out  justification  and  with-
            students to transfer or leave                                                                                       out  allowing  the  public  to
            the  country  if  their  schools                                                                                    respond. They also argued
            held  classes  entirely  online                                                                                     that  the  policy  contradict-
            because of the pandemic.                                                                                            ed ICE's March 13 directive
            The   decision   was    an-                                                                                         telling  schools  that  existing
            nounced  at  the  start  of  a                                                                                      limits  on  online  education
            hearing  in  a  federal  law-                                                                                       would  be  suspended  "for
            suit  in  Boston  brought  by                                                                                       the  duration  of  the  emer-
            Harvard  University  and  the                                                                                       gency."
            Massachusetts  Institute  of                                                                                        The suit noted that Trump's
            Technology.  U.S.  District                                                                                         national  emergency  dec-
            Judge  Allison  Burroughs    In this Aug. 13, 2019, file photo, pedestrians walk through the gates of Harvard Yard at Harvard   laration  has  not  been  re-
                                         University in Cambridge, Mass.
            said  federal  immigration                                                                         Associated Press  scinded  and  that  virus
            authorities  agreed  to  pull                                                                                       cases  are  spiking  in  some
            the July 6 directive and "re-  bling to reassess their plans  or leave the country volun-  The policy drew sharp back-  regions.
            turn to the status quo."     for  the  fall  in  light  of  the  tarily.               lash from higher education  Immigration  officials,  how-
            A  lawyer  representing  the  policy.                     Immigration  officials  issued  institutions,  with  more  than  ever, argued that they told
            Department  of  Homeland  Under  the  policy,  interna-   the policy last week, revers-  200 signing court briefs sup-  colleges all along that any
            Security  and  U.S.  Immigra-  tional  students  in  the  U.S.  ing  earlier  guidance  from  porting  the  challenge  by  guidance prompted by the
            tion and Customs Enforce-    would  have  been  forbid-   March  13  telling  colleges  Harvard and MIT. Colleges  pandemic  was  subject  to
            ment  said  only  that  the  den  from  taking  all  their  that  limits  around  online  said  the  policy  would  put  change. They said the rule
            judge's    characterization  courses  online  this  fall.  education  would  be  sus-  students' safety  at  risk  and  was consistent with existing
            was correct.                 New visas would not have  pended  during  the  pan-       hurt   schools   financially.  law  barring  international
            The  announcement  brings  been issued to students at  demic.  University  leaders  Many schools rely on tuition  students  from  taking  class-
            relief  to  thousands  of  for-  schools planning to provide  believed the rule was part  from international students,  es  entirely  online.  Federal
            eign  students  who  had  all classes online, which in-   of President Donald Trump's  and some stood to lose mil-  officials said they were pro-
            been  at  risk  of  being  de-  cludes  Harvard.  Students  effort  to  pressure  the  na-  lions of dollars in revenue if  viding leniency by allowing
            ported  from  the  country,  already  in  the  U.S.  would  tion's schools and colleges  the rule had taken hold.   students to keep their visas
            along with hundreds of uni-  have  faced  deportation  if  to  reopen  this  fall  even  as  Harvard  and  MIT  were  the  even  if  they  study  online
            versities  that  were  scram-  they didn't transfer schools  new virus cases rise.     first  to  contest  the  policy,  from abroad.q

              Campaign brewing to get Hindu god Brahma off popular beer

                                                                      zilian brewery now owned  of a scantily clad woman  phone  interview.  Hindus
                                                                      by  Anheuser-Busch  InBev,  to promote the beers.        are a tiny minority in Brazil,
                                                                      whose  massive  lineup  of  "Anheuser-Busch      InBev  where  the  Brahma  brand
                                                                      500  brands  includes  Bud-  should  not  be  in  the  busi-  is  "very  important  to  the
                                                                      weiser,  Bud  Light,  Corona  ness  of  religious  appro-  culture of the country," he
                                                                      and Stella Artois. Beers sold  priation,  sacrilege  and  added. The name offends
                                                                      under  the  Brahma  name  ridiculing entire communi-     regardless of its origins, Zed
                                                                      include a lager, a double  ties," the coalition said in a  said.  "The  stated  history
                                                                      malt, a wheat beer and a  statement,  calling  on  the  behind  the  name  does
                                                                      chocolate stout.            company  to  "prove  that  not  reduce  the  pain  of
                                                                      "It is the right time to fix an  it  cares  about  communi-  the Hindu devotees when
                                                                      old  wrong  —  the  trivializ-  ties  by  renaming  its  Brah-  they see their creator god
                                                                      ing of the faith of our Hin-  ma  beer."But  Lucas  Rossi,  on alcohol cans," he said.
                                                                      du  brothers  and  sisters  for  head  of  communications  Zed,  who  is  based  in  Ne-
              Brahma beer is displayed at a bar that's open for deliveries   about 132 years," coalition  for Anheuser-Busch InBev's  vada and is the president
              only amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Brasilia, Brazil, Tuesday,
              July 14, 2020.                                          spokesperson  Rajan  Zed  Latin  America  subsidiary,  of  the  Universal  Society
                                                     Associated Press  told  The  Associated  Press  said  Tuesday  the  beers  of  Hinduism,  has  cam-
                                                                      on Tuesday.                 were  named  in  tribute  to  paigned  against  what  he
              By WILLIAM J. KOLE          includes   representatives  Lord  Brahma,  the  god  of  Joseph Bramah — an Eng-     considers  the  misuse  of
              Associated Press            of  the  Christian,  Jewish,  creation  in  Hinduism,  is  a  lishman who invented the  Eastern  religious  imagery
              An  interfaith  coalition  is  Buddhist,  Hindu  and  Jain  highly  revered  figure  who  draft  pump  valve  —  and  for  commercial  purposes
              pressing  the  world's  larg-  religions,  is  calling  on  Bel-  should  be  worshiped  in  not for the Hindu deity. The  for  several  years.  In  2019,
              est  brewer  to  remove  the  gium-based brewing giant  temples  or  home  shrines,  spelling was changed, he  he  extracted  an  apol-
              name of a Hindu god from  Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/      "not misused as a 'toasting  said,  to  make  the  name  ogy  from  a  Virginia  brew-
              a popular beer that dates  NV  to  rename  its  Brahma  tool,'" Zed said.           work  better  in  the  Portu-  ery  that  brewed  a  beer
              to the late 1800s — a dis-  line, a favorite in Brazil.  He  said  the  coalition  also  guese language.         named  for  another  Hindu
              pute  the  beermaker  in-   Brahma was first produced  objects  to  what  it  calls  "We deeply respect all re-  deity, saying that associat-
              sists  is  a  case  of  mistaken  in  1888  by  Companhia  "raunchy" marketing of the  ligions, faiths and their his-  ing Lord Hanuman with al-
              identity. The group, which  Cervejaria Brahma, a Bra-   brand by using the image  tories," Rossi said in a tele-  cohol was disrespectful.q
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