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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 15 July 2020
            Armenia-Azerbaijan border fighting escalates; 16 killed

            By AVET DEMOURIAN                                                                                                   day accused Azerbaijan of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    provoking the clashes and
            YEREVAN,  Armenia  (AP)  —                                                                                          warned that it would "bear
            Armenia  and  Azerbaijan                                                                                            responsibility for the unpre-
            forces fought Tuesday with                                                                                          dictable   consequences."
            heavy artillery and drones,                                                                                         Azerbaijani  President  Ilhan
            leaving  at  least  16  people                                                                                      Aliyev  denounced  what
            killed on both sides, includ-                                                                                       he  described  as  "another
            ing an Azerbaijani general,                                                                                         provocation  of  Armenia"
            in  the  worst  outbreak  of                                                                                        and  vowed  to  protect
            hostilities in years.                                                                                               Azerbaijan's  national  terri-
            Skirmishes  on  the  volatile                                                                                       tory.
            border  between  the  two                                                                                           Turkey,  which  has  close
            South  Caucasus  nations                                                                                            ethnic  and  cultural  ties
            began  Sunday.  Azerbai-                                                                                            with Azerbaijan, has voiced
            jan  said  it  has  lost  11  ser-                                                                                  strong  support  to  Baku  in
            vicemen  and  one  civilian                                                                                         the conflict.
            in  three  days  of  fighting,                                                                                      The United States and Rus-
            and Armenia said four of its                                                                                        sia,  which  co-chair  the
            troops were killed Tuesday.                                                                                         Minsk  group  of  the  Orga-
            The  two  neighbors  in  the                                                                                        nization  for  Security  and
            South    Caucasus     have                                                                                          Cooperation in Europe that
            been  locked  in  conflict                                                                                          has  tried  to  negotiate  a
            over   Nagorno-Karabakh,     Armenian soldiers take their position on the front line in Tavush region, Armenia, Tuesday, July 14,   settlement of the Nagorno-
            a region of Azerbaijan that   2020.                                                                                 Karabakh  conflict,  have
            has been under the control                                                                         Associated Press  condemned  the  violence
            of  ethnic  Armenian  forces                                                                                        and called for restraint.
            backed  by  Armenia  since  blamed  each  other  for  Stepanyan  said  that  one  on  Facebook  where  she  Russian Foreign Minister Ser-
            a war there ended in 1994.  starting  the  fighting  and  of  Azerbaijani  drones  was  posted images of the Azer-  gey  Lavrov  had  separate
            International  efforts  to  set-  said  that  sporadic  shelling  downed.              baijani  artillery  around  the  calls  with  his  counterparts
            tle the conflict have stalled.  has continued.            Stepanyan  also  charged  village.                        in Armenia and Azerbaijan
            Armenian  and  Azerbai-      Azerbaijan's Defense Minis-  that the Azerbaijani military  The Azerbaijani military de-  on  Monday  to  call  for  an
            jani forces have frequently  try said  two senior officers,  used  civilians  as  shields,  nied losing a drone and in  immediate ceasefire.
            engaged  in  clashes.  The  Maj. Gen. Polad Hashimov  placing artillery close to the  turn claimed that its forces  U.N.    Secretary-General
            current  skirmishes  appear  and  Col.  Ilgar  Mirzayev,  village of Dondar Gushchu  shot  down  an  Armenian  Antonio  Guterres  also  ex-
            to  mark  the  most  serious  were killed in fighting Tues-  in  the  Tovuz  district  about  drone  and  destroyed  an  pressed  worry.  His  spokes-
            spike in hostilities since 2016  day  along  with  five  other  10 kilometers (six miles) from  Armenian  artillery  system  man,  Stéphane  Dujarric,
            when  scores  were  killed  in  servicemen.               the border.                  along with its crew.         said in a statement that the
            four days of fighting.       Armenian  officials  claimed  "The  Azerbaijani  side  has  As hostilities continued, Ar-  U.N. chief "urges an imme-
            The  latest  incident  began  that   Azerbaijani   drones  surrounded  its  own  popu-  menia  also  accused  Azer-  diate  end  to  the  fighting
            Sunday  when  Armenian  launched an attack on the  lation  with  artillery  batter-    baijan of launching cyber-   and  calls  on  all  involved
            and  Azerbaijani  troops  ex-  Tuvush  province  town  of  ies, making them a target,  attacks  on  Armenian  gov-  to  take  immediate  steps
            changed  fire  in  the  north-  Berd,  targeting  civilian  in-  and then complained that  ernment websites.        to deescalate the situation
            ern section of their border.  frastructure. Defense Minis-  the  Armenian  forces  fired  Armenian  Prime  Minister  and  refrain  from  provoca-
            Officials  in  both  countries  try  spokeswoman  Shushan  in  that  direction,"  she  said  Nikol  Pashinyan  on  Mon-  tive rhetoric."q

            Canada, U.S.  poised to extend border restrictions to Aug. 21

            By ROB GILLIES               Canadian  Prime  Minister  reopening.  The  U.S.  has
            Associated Press             Justin  Trudeau  said  this  more confirmed cases and
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  The  U.S.  week  that  a  decision  on  deaths from COVID-19 than
            and  Canada  are  poised  the  border  would  be  an-     any  country  in  the  world
            to extend their agreement  nounced later this week.       while  Canada  has  flat-
            to  keep  their  shared  bor-  "We're going to continue to  tened the epidemic curve.
            der closed to non-essential  work  hard  to  keep  Cana-  "We've  done  a  good  job
            travel to Aug. 21, but a final  dians safe and to keep our  of  flattening  the  curve.
            confirmation has not been  economies  flowing,  and  We  have  an  average  of
            given,  a  person  familiar  we  will  have  more  to  say  about  300  cases  per  day.
            with  the  matter  said  Tues-  later," Trudeau said.     In the U.S. they have about
            day.                         Mexican  Foreign  Affairs  60,000 cases per day," said
            The agreement would like-    Secretary   Marcelo     Eb-  Dr. Howard Njoo, Canada's
            ly  extend  the  closure  by  rard said on Friday that an  Deputy Chief Public Health
            another  30  days.  The  offi-  opening  between  the  U.S.  Officer.
            cial  was  not  authorized  to  and  Mexico  "wouldn't  be  Njoo suggested the border
            speak publicly ahead of an  prudent  right  now,"  given  could  reopen  if  Canada
            announcement  this  week,  that  coronavirus  cases  in  and  the  U.S.  had  a  simi-  A Canada-U.S. border marker stands in Surrey, British Columbia,
                                                                                                   as people gather at Peace Arch Historical State Park in Blaine,
            and spoke on condition of  "the  states  of  the  southern  lar  situation  in  the  number   Wash., Sunday, July 5, 2020.
            anonymity.  The  restrictions  United  States,  California,  of cases and the ability to                                       Associated Press
            were announced on March  New  Mexico,  Arizona  and  contact  trace.  "They  don't
            18  and  were  extended  in  Texas, are on the rise."     have  a  good  handle  or  take some time ... It's more  and months, or a month or
            April, May and June.         Most  Canadians  fear  a  control,"  he  said.  "It  will  a  matter  of  several  weeks  so as opposed to days."q
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