Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200715
P. 31

locAl           Wednesday 15 July 2020

            “It was like revisiting Aruba when I wrote the book”

            CROMER, CANADA — Bon-        usually use a few real busi-  that has intrigued him more
            nie Lawrence is the author  nesses (always in a fictional  than any other. Megan has
            of  the  book  ‘Aruba  Heat’  way);  places  that  I  have  reluctantly agreed to a trip
            that has been released re-   visited and loved.  I'm trying  to  Aruba.    She  suspects
            cently. “We visited Aruba in  to inspire my readers to visit  that her casual boyfriend is
            February (our third trip). We  the locations I write about.”  about to propose marriage
            are truly in love with the tiny                           and  she  knows  that  she'll
            island.    It  was  like  revisit-  Aruba Heat synopsis   have  to  turn  him  down.
            ing Aruba when I wrote the  Ryan Jensen loves being a  Despite her misgivings, she
            book and it took my mind  cop in Aruba, with the job  finds herself packing for the
            off  everything  else  going  reflecting the laidback atti-  trip.
            on in the world.”            tude of the island.  The slow  Roxy,  a  tattoo  artist  from
                                         pace  that  he  is  used  to  is  New  York  and  her  friends
            Although  it  usually  takes  shaken  when  one  woman  are off to Aruba for a girl's
            her  about  five  months  to  is  attacked,  and  another  getaway.    Roxy  is  con-
            write a book, this one only  ends  up  dead.    His  anxi-  cerned  that  being  in  such
            took  a  month  since  she  ety on high alert, he races  close  quarters  with  the
            was in lockdown with very  to  protect  the  island  that  other  two  might  lead  to
            little else to do. “My books  he  loves  and  the  woman  her  biggest  secret  being

                                                                                                   revealed  and  she's  wor-
                                                                                                   ried about how her friends    About the author
                                                                                                   might  react.    All  that  is   Lawrence  resides  in  the
                                                                                                   forgotten  when  tragedy      prairies  in  Canada,  with
                                                                                                   strikes. Anthony Bellamo, a   her  husband.    Although
                                                                                                   suspected  crime  boss  has   she  has  always  enjoyed
                                                                                                   bowed to pressure from his    writing,   her   creative
                                                                                                   wife  to  take  her  and  their   juices  were  ramped  up
                                                                                                   daughters  to  Aruba  for  a   after  a  trip  to  the  Big  Is-
                                                                                                   vacation.  Unfortunately for   land  of  Hawaii.    “I  pub-
                                                                                                   him,  his  mistress  has  found   lished  my  first  book,  'Big
                                                                                                   out about the trip and is in-  Island', in 2012 and have
                                                                                                   sisting that he takes her as   since  written  13  more.
                                                                                                   well.  He reluctantly agrees   All my books have been
                                                                                                   and  he  is  left  wonder-    inspired  from  my  travels.
                                                                                                   ing  how  he  will  juggle  the   I  have  a  series  based
                                                                                                   two  women.    The  trip  gets   in  Maui,  a  series  based
                                                                                                   even  more  complicated       in  Florida,  a  couple  of
                                                                                                   for  Anthony  when  one  of   books based in Canada
                                                                                                   his  employees  becomes  a    and  my  newest  series,
                                                                                                   suspect  in  a  murder  case,   'The  Caribbean  series
                                                                                                   dragging  the  whole  family   (first  book  in  this  series  is
                                                                                                   into the limelight when they   based  in  Dominican  Re-
                                                                                                   prefer  to  stay  in  the  shad-  public and the second in
                                                                                                   ows. The race is on to find a   Aruba...third,  which  I'm
                                                                                                   killer  before  someone  else   currently writing, is in Cu-
                                                                                                   dies.                         racao)”. q
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