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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Wednesday 15 July 2020
            Millennial Money: Is it OK to never have a credit card?

            By SARA RATHNER of Nerd-                                                                                            average increase of about
            Wallet                                                                                                              13 points," says Rod Griffin,
            Thanks  to  quick  online  ap-                                                                                      senior director of consumer
            plications  and,  in  some                                                                                          education  and  advocacy
            cases,  instant  approval,                                                                                          for  Experian.  "People  with
            credit cards make it as easy                                                                                        thin  credit  files,  with  fewer
            to  build  your  credit  history                                                                                    than  five  credit  accounts,
            as it is to make purchases.                                                                                         are  reporting  an  average
            But  they  can  also  make  it                                                                                      increase  of  19  points  on
            easy to fall into debt if you                                                                                       their FICO 8 scores." (There
            struggle to pay on time or                                                                                          are  many  FICO  score  ver-
            tend  to  spend  more  than                                                                                         sions; FICO 8 is among the
            you have.                                                                                                           most  widely  used  in  ap-
            As  a  result,  some  people                                                                                        proval decisions.)
            regard  credit  cards  with                                                                                         The catch? Not all lenders
            skepticism:  17%  of  U.S.                                                                                          use  Experian  or  the  scor-
            adults don't have one, ac-                                                                                          ing models affected by Ex-
            cording  to  a  2019  Federal                                                                                       perian Boost when making
            Reserve report.                                                                                                     lending decisions. q
            No  financial  product  is
            one-size-fits-all, and it's OK if
            credit cards aren't for you.
            There are other ways to es-
            tablish  credit  —  and  keep   This Aug. 11, 2019 file photo shows Visa credit cards in New Orleans.
            your  credit  scores  high  —                                                                      Associated Press
            that  don't  involve  a  credit   tion focused on helping for-  water, power, etc. — don't  nitely can harm your credit.
            card.                        mer offenders find financial  generally have a direct ef-  PUT OTHER GOOD PAYMENT
            BE  DILIGENT  ABOUT  LOAN    and  professional  success  fect on your credit reports,  HISTORIES  AND  HABITS  TO
            PAYMENTS                     after  prison.  He  adds  that  but  that  doesn't  mean  WORK
            If  you're  already  making   "student  loans  are  often  they're  not  important  to  Speaking of utility and cell
            on-time  payments  on  an    the  way  that  many  adults  your   overall   financial  phone bills: While these on-
            installment  loan,  like  a  stu-  begin building their credit."  health.              time payments traditionally
            dent  loan,  your  efforts  are   No  student  loan  in  your  "You  must  maintain  im-  aren't  factored  into  credit
            making a difference. Loan    name?  A  credit-builder  peccable        nontraditional  reports,  tradition  is  chang-
            payments  are  reported      loan from a bank or credit  credit," says Roslyn Lash, an  ing.  Experian  Boost  offers
            to  credit  bureaus,  so  over   union  may  be  an  option.  accredited financial coun-  a free way to add positive
            time,  this  can  build  your   With  this  loan,  the  lender  selor, author of "The 7 Fruits  bill payment information for
            credit history.              deposits  a  preset  amount  of Budgeting" and founder  those  kinds  of  expenses  to
            "Student  loans  are  often   into  a  savings  account,  of  FinCoach  Consulting  in  your Experian credit report.
            the  easiest  loans  to  qual-  and  you  make  monthly  Winston-Salem,  North  Car-   To  participate  in  Experian
            ify  for,  especially  when   payments until the deposit  olina.                       Boost, you must create an
            you  are  very  young,"  says   is repaid.                Skipping  out  on  things  like  account through Experian.
            Adam  Sanders,  director  of   PAY OTHER BILLS ON TIME    utility  and  cell  phone  bills  "Two out of three consum-
            Successful  Release,  a  Phil-  Other bills that you pay on  could send those accounts  ers see an improvement in
            adelphia-based  organiza-    time each month — cable,  into collections, which defi-   their credit scores, with an

            Amazon unveils shopping

            cart that knows what

            you’re buying

            By JOSEPH PISANI             checkout  lines.  The  online
            AP Retail Writer             shopping  giant  opened  a
            NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon  cashier-less  supermarket  in
            has  a  new  cure  for  long  Seattle  that  uses  cameras
            supermarket  lines:  a  smart  and sensors in the ceiling to
            shopping  cart.    The  cart,  track  what  shoppers  grab
            which  Amazon  unveiled  and  charge  them  as  they
            on Tuesday, uses cameras,  leave.  Inc.
            sensors and a scale to au-   also has roughly 25 cashier-  In a photo provided by Amazon, the company's smart shopping
            tomatically  detect  what  less  convenience  stores      cart is seen in spring 2020 in Los Angeles.
            shoppers drop in. It keeps a  with similar technology.                                             Associated Press
            tally and then charges their  The  cart,  called  Amazon
            Amazon  account  when  Dash Cart, will first show up  any  lines.  In  the  future,  it  are  already  making  similar
            they  leave  the  store.  No  at a new Los Angeles super-  could be used at Amazon's  smart  shopping  carts  that
            cashier is needed.           market Amazon is opening  Whole Foods grocery chain  are  being  tested  in  stores,
            It's  the  latest  attempt  by  later this year. The store will  or  other  stores,  if  Amazon  but many require scanning
            Amazon  to  shake  up  the  have  cashiers,  but  Ama-    sells  the  technology,  but  groceries  before  dropping
            supermarket  industry  and  zon  said  it  wanted  to  give  there are no plans for either  them  in.  There's  no  scan-
            offer  a  solution  to  long  shoppers  a  way  to  bypass  right now.  Several startups  ning on the Amazon cart.q
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