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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 11 July 2020
            Continued from Front         the family.
            The   change     made    in  The  family  waded  across
            March  is  evident  in  figures  the  Rio  Grande  to  Eagle
            released    Thursday:   The  Pass,  Texas,  trapped  in  a
            Border  Patrol  in  June  put  strong  current  for  hours.
            27,535  people  on  a  track  After  surrendering  to  the
            to expulsion under the pub-  Border Patrol, they were re-
            lic  health  emergency  and  turned to Mexico to wait for
            made only 2,859 arrests un-  a hearing in Laredo, Texas.
            der immigration law.         More  than  60,000  people
            Chad  Wolf,  the  acting  have  been  forced  to  wait
            Homeland  Security  sec-     in  Mexico  for  hearings  un-
            retary,  boasted  that  most  der a policy introduced last
            expulsions  are  carried  out  year  called  "Migrant  Pro-
            within two hours.            tection Protocols."
            The special powers will ex-  Alexy  said  the  family  was
            pire  when  the  pandemic  held at gunpoint on a taxi
            ends, but Trump administra-  ride  to  the  Laredo  border
            tion officials have proposed  crossing  by  unidentified
            a string of regulations over  men  in  bulletproof  vests
            the  last  month  to  put  asy-  who  released  them  un-
            lum  further  out  of  reach.  harmed  but  forced  them
            The proposals instruct judg-  to miss their March 25 hear-
            es to be more selective and  ing.  A  judge  rescheduled   In this Nov. 10, 2019, file photo, migrants gather at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, to
            deny  some  claims  without  for Sept. 30.                hear names called from a waiting list to claim asylum in the U.S.
            a  hearing.  On  Wednes-     After  Alexy  lost  a  job  as  a                                                                  Associated Press
            day,   the   administration  security  guard,  still  rattled
            proposed  denying  asylum  by the holdup and spooked  cure  legal  status.  He  said  er  in  the  U.S.  to  fight  their  Ebadolahi is slower to opine
            to  people  from  countries  by talk of child abductions,  they should have settled in  case.                       on the legality of expelling
            with  widespread  commu-     the family left Monterrey for  Mexico.                    She  believes  the  authori-  the newborn, a U.S. citizen.
            nicable disease.Most of the  Tijuana.                     "Asylum has been so widely  ties broke the law by twice  She  said  it  was  done  to
            people crossing the border  Alexy  said  drug  dealers  used as a gambit for illegal  refusing to have an asylum  keep him with his mother.
            illegally  are  now  Mexican  and  users  made  going  immigration  that  honestly  I  officer  interview  the  family  "To  me  that's  less  a  pure
            adults  —  a  change  from  outside  unsafe  in  Tijuana,  don't  believe  it  anymore,"  about  their  fears  of  being  question  of  law  and  more
            the recent past, when they  prompting  them  to  try  the  said   Krikorian,   echoing  returned  to  Mexico  —  first  a question of what country
            were  predominantly  Cen-    United  States  again  to  ask  views of the president and  in Texas and again in Cali-  we  want  to  be,"  she  said.
            tral  American  families  and  for asylum.                other  hard-liners.  "I  as-  fornia.                     "The cruelty is staggering."q
            children.  The  Associated  Alexy  believes  hiking  in  sume that anyone crossing
            Press  agreed  to  identify  the  San  Diego  mountains  through Mexico and apply-
            the  Honduran  family  using  precipitated  Karina's  la-  ing  for  asylum  (in  the  U.S.)   Comet streaking
            only  their  middle  names  bor.  He  felt  helpless  when  is  lying  until  proven  other-
            because  of  fears  for  their  agents separated them as  wise."                        past Earth, providing
            safety.                      her  pain  intensified,  shut-  Last  week,  a  federal  ap-
            A year ago, the family fled  tling him and his son back  peals  court  and  a  district   spectacular show
            the  steamy,  tropical  low-  to  the  border.  "They  didn't  judge blocked a Trump pol-
            lands  of  northwest  Hon-   tell me anything. They said  icy to deny asylum to any-
            duras,  where  the  father  they  might  return  my  wife  one  who  passes  through    By MARCIA DUNN              ters)  across.  Its  nucleus  is
            worked  in  a  shoe  factory  later,"  he  said  in  a  phone  another  country  on  the   AP Aerospace Writer      covered with sooty mate-
            and  gang  violence  was  interview from Tijuana.         way to the U.S. border with   CAPE  CANAVERAL,  Fla.  rial dating back to the ori-
            rampant.  The  father  was  Karina was crying when she  Mexico without first seeking    (AP)  —  A  newly  discov-  gin of our solar system 4.6
            held with a gun to his head  called  two  days  later  with  protection there.          ered  comet  is  streaking  billion years ago.
            while his son cried, leading  their newborn in Tijuana.   Jewish Family Service wants   past  Earth,  providing  a  The  comet  will  be  visible
            to a beating that required  In  response  to  questions  the  family  released  in  the   stunning  nighttime  show  across the Northern Hemi-
            stitches to the boy's head,  about  the  case,  CBP  said  United  States,  where  they   after buzzing the sun and  sphere  until  mid-August,
            the father said.             Friday that it does not com-  have  relatives,  to  argue   expanding its tail.        when  it  heads  back  to-
            They  applied  for  refugee  ment on pending litigation  their  asylum  case  in  court.   Comet  Neowise  —  the  ward  the  outer  solar  sys-
            status in Mexico and were  —  the  expulsion  author-     Together  with  the  Ameri-   brightest  comet  visible  tem. While it's visible with
            cleared  for  humanitarian  ity is under legal challenge  can  Civil  Liberties  Union   from  the  Northern  Hemi-  the  naked  eye  in  dark
            visas  in  February  but  did  —  but  underscored  that  of  San  Diego  &  Imperial   sphere  in  a  quarter-cen-  skies  with  little  or  no  light
            not  complete  the  process  agents  can  make  excep-    Counties, the group on Fri-   tury  —  swept  within  Mer-  pollution,  binoculars  are
            in the southern state of Chi-  tions  for  humanitarian  or  day  asked  the  Homeland   cury's  orbit  a  week  ago.  needed  to  see  the  long
            apas, said Carlos Gonzalez  other reasons.                Security  Department's  in-   Its  close  proximity  to  the  tail, according to NASA.
            Gutierrez,  Mexico's  consul  The   agency    has   only  ternal watchdog to investi-   sun caused dust and gas  It will be about 7,000 years
            general in San Diego.        about  100  people  in  cus-  gate what happened.          to burn off its surface and  before the comet returns,
            They  had  moved  to  the  tody,  down  from  more  ACLU  attorney  Mitra  Eba-         create  an  even  bigger  "so  I  wouldn't  suggest
            northern  city  of  Monterrey  than 19,000 at the peak of  dolahi  calls  it  "a  perfect   debris tail. Now the com-  waiting for the next pass,"
            because  they  were  being  last year's surge of asylum-  storm  of  inhumanity."  The   et  is  headed  our  way,  said the telescope's dep-
            followed  by  a  man  who  seeking  families  from  Cen-  family  waited  in  Mexico    with  closest  approach  in  uty  principal  investigator
            said  he  wanted  to  take  tral America.                 for  months  as  instructed,   two weeks.                 Joe Masiero of NASA's Jet
            the  9-year-old  under  his  Mark  Krikorian,  executive  leaving for San Diego only    NASA's  Neowise  infrared  Propulsion  Laboratory  in
            wing  and  a  Mexican  of-   director  of  the  Center  for  when  they  felt  physically   space  telescope  discov-  Pasadena, California.
            ficial told them they could  Immigration  Studies,  said  threatened, she said.         ered the comet in March.    He  said  it  is  the  bright-
            travel  freely,  according  to  U.S.  authorities  handled  Ebadolahi said U.S. authori-  Scientists  involved  in  the  est comet since the mid-
            Luis  Gonzalez,  an  attorney  the case properly and ac-  ties  should  have  exercised   mission  said  the  comet  is  1990s for stargazers in the
            for Jewish Family Service of  cused  the  family  of  trying  their  significant  discretion   about  3  miles  (5  kilome-  Northern Hemisphere.
            San  Diego  who  represents  to  use  the  newborn  to  se-  to keep the family togeth-
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