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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 11 July 2020
            Reports: Amazon bars video app TikTok on workers' phones

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       ban. India is one of TikTok's
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                largest  markets  and  had
            Amazon  has  told  employ-                                                                                          previously  briefly  banned
            ees  to  delete  the  popu-                                                                                         the app in 2019 because of
            lar  video  app  TikTok  from                                                                                       worries about children and
            phones on which they use                                                                                            sexual content.
            Amazon  email,  citing  se-                                                                                         Amazon's  move  on  TikTok
            curity  risks  from  the  China-                                                                                    may  foretell  actions  by
            owned  app,  according  to                                                                                          other companies. "If we are
            reports  and posts by Twitter                                                                                       concerned  about  TikTok,
            users  who  said  they  were                                                                                        we  should  be  concerned
            Amazon employees.                                                                                                   about  thousands  of  other
            The notice said employees                                                                                           apps that collect, sell, and
            must delete the app by Fri-                                                                                         give access to our location
            day to keep mobile access                                                                                           data,  contacts,  and  pho-
            to  Amazon  email.  Workers                                                                                         tos  on  our  phones,"  said
            would  still  be  allowed  to                                                                                       Kirsten  Martin,  a  professor
            use TikTok from an Amazon                                                                                           of technology ethics at the
            laptop browser.                                                                                                     University of Notre Dame.q
            Amazon is the second-larg-
            est  U.S.  private  employer
            after  Walmart,  with  with
            more than 840,000 employ-
            ees  worldwide.  Amazon       This Feb. 25, 2020, file photo, shows the icon for TikTok in New York.
            did  not  immediately  reply                                                                       Associated Press
            to requests for comment.
            In  an  emailed  statement,  host  Laura  Ingraham  sug-  privacy,  even  after  the  which  Trump  has  referred
            TikTok said that Amazon did  gested  that  the  U.S.  ban  Federal  Trade  Commis-     to  as  "fake  news"  when-
            not notify it before sending  Chinese social media apps,  sion  fined the company in  ever  it  publishes  unfavor-
            the  email.  "We  still  do  not  "especially  TikTok,"  Secre-  2019 for collecting personal  able stories about him. Last
            understand their concerns,"  tary of State Mike Pompeo  information  from  children  year, Amazon sued the U.S.
            it  continued,  adding  that  said  that  "We're  certainly  without  their  parents'  con-  government,  saying  that
            the  company  would  wel-    looking at it."              sent.                        Trump's  "personal  vendet-
            come  a  dialogue  to  ad-   Pompeo  said  the  Trump  TikTok,  like  YouTube,  relies  ta"  against  Amazon,  Bezos
            dress Amazon's issues.       administration has "worked  on  its  users  for  the  videos  and the Post, led it to lose
            Chinese    internet   giant  on this very issue for a long  that populate its app. They  a $10 billion cloud comput-
            ByteDance  owns  TikTok,  time,"  including  its  stance  are  under  a  minute  long,  ing  contract  with  the  Pen-
            which is designed for users  against  Chinese  telecom  and many feature dancing  tagon  to  rival  Microsoft.
            outside of China, as well as  firms  Huawei  and  ZTE.  The  and  lip-syncing.  TikTok  has  Meanwhile, federal regula-
            a  Chinese  version  called  government  has  tried  to  a reputation as a fun, goofy  tors as well as Congress are
            Douyin. The app is popular  convince allies to root Hua-  video  destination,  but  it  pursuing antitrust investiga-
            with young people, includ-   wei  out  of  telecom  net-  has  racked  up  concerns  tions at Amazon as well as
            ing millions of American us-  works, saying the company  ranging  from  censorship  other tech giants.
            ers, but is the subject of na-  is a national-security threat,  of  videos,  including  those  TikTok  has  content-mod-
            tional security concerns.    with  mixed  success;  Trump  critical of the Chinese gov-  eration  policies,  like  any
            TikTok  has  been  trying  to  has  also  said  he  was  will-  ernment, the threat of shar-  social  network,  but  says  its
            appease  critics  in  the  U.S.  ing to use Huawei as a bar-  ing user data with Chinese  moderation  team  for  the
            and  distance  itself  from  its  gaining chip in trade talks.  officials  and  violating  kids'  U.S.  is  led  out  of  California
            Chinese  roots,  but  finds  it-  Huawei  has  denied  that  it  privacy.              and  it  doesn't  censor  vid-
            self  caught  in  an  increas-  enables spying for the Chi-  Amazon is likely concerned  eos based on topics sensi-
            ingly   sticky   geopolitical  nese government.           about  a  Chinese-owned  tive  to  China  and  would
            web.                         "With  respect  to  Chinese  app's  access  to  employ-   not,  even  if  the  Chinese
            TikTok  recently  named  a  apps  on  people's  cell  ee  data,  said  Susan  Ariel  government asked it to. As
            new  CEO,  t  op  Disney  ex-  phones,  I  can  assure  you  Aaronson,  a  professor  at  for  sharing  U.S.  user  data
            ecutive Kevin Mayer, which  the  United  States  will  get  George  Washington  Uni-   with  the  Chinese  govern-
            experts  said  could  help  it  this one right too," Pompeo  versity  and  a  data  gover-  ment, the company says it
            navigate  U.S.  regulators.  said, and added that if us-  nance  and  national-secu-   stores U.S. user data in the
            And  it  is  stopping  opera-  ers  downloaded  the  app  rity  expert.  China,  accord-  U.S.  and  Singapore,  not
            tions  in  of  Hong  Kong  be-  their  private  information  ing to the U.S. government,  China; that its data centers
            cause  of  a  new  Chinese  would  be  "in  the  hands  of  regularly steals U.S. intellec-  are  outside  of  China;  and
            national  security  law  that  the  Chinese  Communist  tual property.                 it  would  not  give  the  gov-
            led Facebook, Google and  Party."                         Part  of  Amazon's  motiva-  ernment access to U.S. user
            Twitter  to  also  stop  provid-  A   U.S.   national-security  tion with the ban may also  data even if asked.
            ing user data to Hong Kong  agency  has  been  review-    be political, Aaronson said,  Concerns about China are
            authorities.                 ing  ByteDance's purchase  since     Amazon     "doesn't  not limited to the U.S. India
            But a top Trump administra-  of  TikTok's  precursor,  Mu-  want to alienate the Trump  this month banned dozens
            tion  official  said  this  week,  while  U.S.  military  administration."   of Chinese apps, including
            that  the  government  re-   branches banned the app  Amazon  and  its  founder,  TikTok, because of tensions
            mains  concerned  about  from        government-issued  Jeff  Bezos,  are  frequent  between  the  countries.  In-
            the national-security threat  phones.  Meanwhile,  pri-   targets  of  President  Don-  dia cited privacy concerns
            to the app's millions of U.S.  vacy groups say TikTok has  ald Trump. Bezos personally  that threatened India's sov-
            users.  When  Fox  News  TV  been  violating    children's  owns The Washington Post,  ereignty and security for the
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