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                     Saturday 11 July 2020
            China vows retaliation against U.S. sanctions over Xinjiang

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China                                                                                             ist tendencies. It says those
            said  Friday  it  will  retaliate                                                                                   facilities  have  since  been
            against  U.S.  officials  and                                                                                       closed,  a  claim  impossible
            institutions  following  Wash-                                                                                      to  deny  given  the  restric-
            ington's imposition of sanc-                                                                                        tions on visits and reporting
            tions on three local officials                                                                                      about the region.
            of  the  ruling  Communist                                                                                          Camp  veterans  and  fam-
            Party  over  human  rights                                                                                          ily members say those held
            abuses in the northwestern                                                                                          are  forced,  often  with  the
            region of Xinjiang.                                                                                                 threat  of  violence,  to  de-
            China  will  "definitely  fight                                                                                     nounce  their  religion,  cul-
            back"  against  actions  it                                                                                         ture  and  language  and
            considers  interference  in                                                                                         swear  loyalty  to  party
            its  internal  affairs  and  that                                                                                   leader  and  head  of  state
            which  threaten  its  sover-                                                                                        Xi Jinping.  China says vast,
            eignty, security and devel-                                                                                         resource-rich  Xinjiang  has
            opment  interests,  foreign                                                                                         long  been  its  territory  and
            ministry spokesperson Zhao                                                                                          claims  it  is  bringing  stabil-
            Lijian  told  reporters  at  a                                                                                      ity  and  prosperity  to  the
            daily briefing.                                                                                                     region.  Many  Uighurs  and
            Zhao  said  China  "strongly                                                                                        others  among  the  region's
            opposes  and  condemns"                                                                                             native population say they
            the  Trump  administration's                                                                                        are  being  denied  eco-
            decision  to  bar  the  three   In this June 10, 2020, file photo, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a news confer-  nomic  options  in  favor  of
            officials  from  entering  the   ence at the State Department in Washington.                                        migrants from elsewhere in
            U.S.,  the  latest  in  a  series                                                                  Associated Press  China  and  that  the  party
            moves  taken  against  Chi-                                                                                         wishes  to  eliminate  their
            na  as  relations  deteriorate  responsible  for  barring  for-  last year.            Xinjiang,  to  include  forced  separate cultures. In Octo-
            over  the  coronavirus  pan-  eigners'  access  to  Tibet.  The  sanctions  were  an-  labor, arbitrary mass deten-  ber 2019, the United States
            demic, human rights, Hong  Thursday's  step,  however,  nounced  a  week  after  an  tion,  and  forced  popula-    imposed visa restrictions on
            Kong and trade.              hits  a  more  senior  level  of  AP  investigation    showed  tion  control,  and  attempts  Chinese  officials  "believed
            "In  response  to  the  wrong  leadership, targeting Chen  forced  population  control  to  erase  their  culture  and  to  be  responsible  for,  or
            practice of the U.S., China  Quanguo,  Xinjiang's  rank-  of  the  Uighurs  and  other  Muslim  faith,"  Secretary  of  complicit in" the detention
            decided to take reciprocal  ing  leader  and  a  member  largely  Muslim  minorities,  State Mike Pompeo said in  of Muslims in Xinjiang. It also
            measures  against  the  rel-  of  the  party's  Politburo,  one of the reasons cited by  a statement.               blacklisted  more  than  two
            evant  U.S.  institutions  and  along  with  regional  secu-  the  State  Department  for  China has detained an es-  dozen  Chinese  compa-
            individuals  who  performed  rity officials Zhu Hailun and  the sanctions              timated  1  million  or  more  nies  and  agencies  linked
            badly on the Xinjiang-relat-  Wang Mingshan.              "The  United  States  will  not  members of its Muslim eth-  to  abuses  in  the  region
            ed issues," Zhao said.       They  and  their  immedi-    stand  idly  by  as  the  Chi-  nic minority groups in intern-  —  including  surveillance
            The  U.S.  administration's  ate  family  members  are  nese Communist Party car-      ment  camps,  described  technology  manufacturers
            Thursday        announce-    banned  from  entering  the  ries out human rights abus-  by  the  government  as  vo-  and Xinjiang's public secu-
            ment  comes  a  day  after  United  States.  The  Associ-  es targeting Uighurs, ethnic  cational  training  facilities  rity  bureau  —  effectively
            it  slapped  visa  bans  on  ated  Press  profiled  Zhu  as  Kazakhs  and  members  of  aimed  at  countering  Mus-  blocking them from buying
            Chinese  officials  deemed  part of a package of stories  other  minority  groups  in  lim radicalism and separat-  U.S. products.q

            Lawmakers vote to shut down Philippines' largest TV network

            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                             be viewed by millions of Fili-  other  and  wept.  "We  lost
            Philippine lawmakers voted                                                             pinos on free TV, has been  our  voice,"  Irish  Vidal,  a
            Friday to reject the license                                                           able  to  continue  broad-   news  staffer,  said  in  tears.
            renewal  of  the  country's                                                            casting some of its TV and  Outside  its  headquarters,
            largest  TV  network,  shut-                                                           radio  news  programs  over  journalists and TV and mov-
            ting  down  a  major  news                                                             paid  cable  channels,  but  ie celebrities lit candles and
            provider  that  had  been                                                              with  a  small  fraction  of  its  held protest placards.
            repeatedly  threatened  by                                                             former viewership.           Duterte  and  his  allies  had
            the  president  over  its  criti-                                                      "We are deeply hurt," ABS-   questioned  the  network's
            cal coverage.                                                                          CBN  President  and  CEO  compliance  with  the  law
            The  House  of  Representa-                                                            Carlo Katigbak said, but he  and  the  terms  of  its  fran-
            tives'  Committee  on  Fran-                                                           suggested  the  company  chise,  including  its  alleged
            chises voted 70-11 to reject                                                           will try to find other ways to  use  of  a  dummy  corpora-
            a  new  25-year  license  for                                                          return to business.          tion  and  large  numbers  of
            ABS-CBN  Corp.  The  Na-                                                               "Together with our employ-   non-regular  workers  with-
            tional  Telecommunications                                                             ees  and  our  audiences  all  out  employment  security.
            Commission  had  ordered     A supporter holds a slogan that reads: "ABS-CBN workers, Fight   over the world, we share in  The  company  denied  any
                                         continues" during a rally outside the ABS-CBN headquarters in
            the  broadcaster  to  shut   Quezon City, Philippines, Friday July 10, 2020.           your  sadness  over  this  set-  wrongdoing  in  a  dozen
            down  in  May  after  its  old                                        Associated Press  back,"  Katigbak  said.  "We  televised House hearings.
            franchise expired. It halted                                                           look  forward  to  the  day  International media watch-
            broadcasting then, but the  sentatives,  which  is  domi-  chance  of  any  reversal  of  when  we  can  again  re-  dogs condemned the clo-
            vote takes it off the air per-  nated by President Rodrigo  Friday's  vote  is  extremely  unite."                  sure of ABS-CBN, which was
            manently.                    Duterte's  allies,  can  grant  low, lawmakers said.      In the network's newsroom,  founded in 1953, as a major
            Only  the  House  of  Repre-  such  franchises  and  the  The network, which used to  journalists  hugged  each  blow to press freedom.q
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